We’ve got many news and upcoming events to share with you! Here is a quick rundown.
Welcome to our new nodes!

We are delighted to announce that two new nodes are joining France-BioImaging: the Normandie Node and the Rhône-Alpes Node!
The new Normandie Node is composed of one imaging facilities: Plate-forme d’Imagerie Cellulaire PRIMACEN HeRacLeS and six highly visible R&D teams (from COBRA, IRIB, Cyceron, GlycoMEV and SCALE).
Mainly located in Rouen and distributed to Caen and Le Havre, the Normandie Node has expertise in vascular sciences, microalgal biosciences and intercellular communication.
Moreover, they are in a strong collaboration with the International master program in cell imaging, where students are intensively trained on PRIMACEN equipment and have the opportunity to go abroad thanks to a cooperation with Finland.
The new Rhône-Alpes node has two core facilities: LyMIC in Lyon and ISDV in Grenoble.
Gathered into one entity, LyMIC is composed of three core facilities providing advanced photonic, atomic force and advanced electron microscopies. ISDV comprises five photonic microscopy facilities and three electron microscopy experts. Moreover, six R&D teams complete the node and supports the facility (from ILM, LiPHY, IAB, ENS-Lyon and GIN).
Four scientific axes are conducted: imaging, quantifying and controlling cell metabolism; biomechanics from molecules to tissues; spatial transcriptomic; and 3D multiscale imaging.
Welcome to the FBI family! Learn more: https://france-bioimaging.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=47015&action=edit
Meet one of our external users: Sonhita Chakraborty!

We would like to introduce to you one of our France-BioImaging external users: Sonhita Chakraborty! Post doctoral researcher at the Umeå Plant Science Center, in Sweden, she is interested in studying how plant can adapt to temperature stresses in a context of climate change.
As she needed high-end imaging technology and expertise to move her research to the next step, Sonhita has asked for access to one of France-BioImaging core facilities, the Bordeaux Imaging Center.
Meet her in this short video and see how it was a great experience both scientifically and humanly! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv2O4sva-14
Light My Cells challenge: Only a few days left before the beginning of phase 1!

The Phase 1 is coming! We have launched the Light My Cells challenge a few weeks ago and you can already work on your algorithm as the training database is already available! On March 15, this preliminary test phase will allow the participants to submit up to 5 propositions.
As a reminder, we are launching our first data machine learning competition in order to answer image data analysis demands and to develop powerful methods that will then end up in creating standards & benchmarks in the field of bioimaging.
For these reasons, we need experts to work on algorithms that will predict the fluorescence image of cell culture from a bright field, phase contrast and/or DIC microscopy label-free image.
If you are interested in creating the next generation of tools that will help the bioimaging community, check lightmycells.grand-challenge.org !
Welcome to our new Business Engineer: Samy Al-Bourgol!

The France-BioImaging National Coordination is extending as we welcome Samy Al-Bourgol as the Business Engineer of the infrastructure! Located in Bordeaux, his mission will consist of forging solid links between the academic and the industrial world, facilitating partnerships and finding a common ground in between them.
With a thesis in the biomedical field and experience in a core facility specialized in femtosecond lasers, he has a strong scientific background. Correlated with his MBA (Master of Business Administration) in marketing and business development, he was the missing link that we needed to strengthen France-BioImaging.
“I firmly believe that these collaborations can bring tangible benefits to all parties involved, a notion that I consider not only feasible but also extremely valuable in the current national and international research environment.”
His role is to relieve facilities and academic laboratories that wish to collaborate with the industrial sector of these non-scientific tasks, necessary for establishing collaboration, while offering them the opportunity to establish fruitful partnerships. The overall objective is to create win-win collaborations, bringing tangible benefits, both scientifically and financially, to the platforms and laboratories integrated into France-BioImaging.
“My main ambition in this professional adventure is to be able to serve as a bridge between actors and expertise coming from various professional backgrounds, and to succeed in mobilizing collaborations that are beneficial for all parties involved.”
Read the full article to meet Samy! https://france-bioimaging.org/announcement/meet-samy-al-bourgol-the-fbi-business-engineer/
Nanoparticles, a better tool for tracking membrane proteins
In a recent study, scientists from the Laboratory of Biomaging and Pathologies (CNRS, University of Strasbourg) and members of the FBI Alsace node, showed the superiority of UpConverting NanoParticles (UCNPs) in comparison to organic dyes and quantum dots (QDs) for tracking membrane proteins.
First observed in 1966 by François Auzel in a bulk material, the phenomenon of photon upconversion received a considerable renewed attention after its first observation in nanoparticles in 2003. These UCNPs are capable of very efficiently emitting visible light after excitation by infrared light (anti-Stokes emission).
UCNPs have been used in a wide range of applications. For example, they improve the efficiency of photovoltaic cells or provide infrared vision to mice! UCNPs are also a very interesting marker for super-resolution microscopy applications, particularly for single molecule tracking (SMT).
The continuous and photostable anti-stokes emission of UCNPs makes it possible to detect them with almost zero background noise due to the absence of autofluorescence and thus to acquire uninterrupted SMT trajectories. In addition to allowing the acquisition of more robust data, this method makes it possible to study the long-term behavior of marked objects.
The antibodies used in this project could, for example, be replaced by peptides, aptamers or other biomolecules that bind specifically to the biomolecules of interest, thus opening up a very large field of new applications in medical biotechnologies.
DUKHNO, Oleksii, GHOSH, Srijayee, GREINER, Vanille, et al. Targeted single-particle tracking with upconverting nanoparticles. 2023. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsami.3c17116
Euro-BioImaging User Forum: Image Data

The next Euro-BioImaging User Forum will take place online on Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 from 14:00-17:00 CET, where Image Data will be at the heart of the discussions. This event will highlight innovative image analysis and image data management solutions at Euro-BioImaging Nodes. The program will feature presentations from image data and image analysis experts from the Nodes, user presentations and talks focusing on the technical aspects of the work surrounding image data.
France-BioImaging will be there! Dorian Kauffmann, FBI challenge project manager, will tell the audience about a new opportunity to develop new tools for bioimaging, the Light My Cells challenge. As for Anne-Sophie Macé, she will present the FBIAS, France BioImage Analysis Service, which aims at building a nation-wide remotely operating core facility for bioimage service.
Do not forget to tune in!
More information and registration: https://www.eurobioimaging.eu/news/euro-bioimaging-user-forum-image-data/