We’ve got many news and upcoming events to share with you! Here is a quick rundown.
The unexpected abilities of sponges

A study conducted by the BEEM team (Molecular Biology, Evolution, and Ecology) of the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology, in collaboration with IBDM (Marseille), ENS (Paris) and ISEM (Montpellier) has characterized the buds of Oscarella lobularis as a promising model for studying cell development and sponge evolution.
Read the article
Meeting with Dorian Kauffmann, Challenge coordinator project

Meet Dorian, one of the engineers behind the “Light My Cells” and “Fuse My Cells” Challenge. Discover his unique journey, the challenges he faced while working on Challenge, and his vision for the future editions!
Read his interview
Symposium and Workshop “Pushing the frontiers of biological imaging 2025” - Institut Pasteur - 24-28 March 2025

The Pasteur Education Center and the Pasteur Advanced Light Microscopy Initiative organize a 1/2 day symposium dedicated to recent advances in Life-Sciences and Light Microscopy. The symposium is followed by a week-long demonstrations by innovative microscopy companies, showcasing their latest technology.
Learn more
EVOLVE Open Call for Event proposals

Planning to organise an event with your local community to talk about imaging? Why not get some support from the EVOLVE first Open Call for Events?
This Open Call will support events organised in collaboration with Node staff & Node hosting institutions to engage with the local community and general public (ie. European Researcher’s Night, Science Night, Lab Day, school visits, etc.) when you raise awareness of imaging & Euro-BioImaging.
So, reach out to your communications colleagues & your press office and tell them about this great opportunity!
Deadline for proposals June 26
More information