New calls for funding!
We’ve got many news and upcoming events to share with you! Here is a quick rundown.
FBI launches 2 calls for funding - Africa-France Joint Initiative for Biological Imaging

France-BioImaging, partnered with the African BioImaging Consortium and Imaging Africa, is pleased to announce our first open calls for projects to support collaborative initiatives between African and French scientists from all fields where biological imaging became essential!
The two calls have been designed to strengthen collaboration between African and French researchers and engineers, with different approaches:
- Call 1) External Access: African user projects that will demonstrate the need for at least one technology and/or expertise available in a FBI core facility or R&D team, that is not readily available on the African continent (up to 5k€)
- Call 2) Twinning Exchange Program: Bilateral exchange of personnel between an imaging facility or a laboratory in Africa and one of its counterparts within the FBI perimeter. This exchange is focused on service activities and practices, training approaches and comparison of needs (up to 4k€)
Submit your project proposal through the France-BioImaging web portal before April 30st, 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by late September 2023 and successful projects should be started before March 2024.
Applicants are invited to visit our website to discover the range of technologies provided by France-BioImaging Nodes:
Applications have to be submitted here:
Call for projects to fund full access to national research infrastructures - INSB CNRS
The Institut des Sciences Biologiques (INSB) from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is launching the second edition of a call for projects to fund full access to the national infrastructures in health and biology “INBS Access to national research infrastructures”. This call aims to encourage teams to get a first access to the services offered by Research Infrastructures to help their research project. The objective is to demonstrate the significant impact of these services to improve the quality of their results (resolution, reproducibility, change of scale, etc.) or to help remove technological barriers. We also aim to augment the awareness of our teams to the cutting-edge technologies, methods and expertise offered by these national infrastructures.
Several types of access can be supported by this call for projects:
- Access to technologies and related expertise, upon quote from the infrastructures and confirmation of feasibility in 2023
- Access to expertise in data analysis, upon quote from the infrastructures and confirmation of feasibility in 2023
In addition to the costs of access to infrastructure, upon a quote emitted by the infrastructure at the second stage of the call, travel/mission costs, as well as consumables that are not covered by the costs of access to infrastructure, may be covered. The funding for each project will be in the range of 10 to 30 K€.
- Deadline: February 28th, 2023
- For users from a unit attached to the INSB who do not usually use Research Infrastructures’ services for their projects
- For access to technologies and related expertise
- For access to expertise in data analysis
- The scientific project must be a project in the process of being finalized
More information about the call on:
MicroPICell, from our Bretagne-Loire node, received a double quality certification!

Based in Nantes, MicroPICell, is now certified ISO 9001 and NFX 50-900, demonstrating their investment in providing quality services to its users. These standards ensures good practices in terms of organization and management of a life science core facility.
The core facility staff have been supported, in close collaboration with the GIS Biogenouest, by the head of the GIS IBiSA quality mission in order to build and implement the quality system according to both standards.
These quality certifications are a way of continuously improving bioimaging core facilities and ensuring that the missions are carried out efficiently!
Learn more on:
Automating fluorescence microscopy: the Roboscope project

Being designed in response to imaging challenges, the Roboscope is the product of a collaboration between Marc Tramier’s team (FBI Betagne-Loire node) with Julia Bonnet-Gélébart, research engineer, Jacques Pécréaux’s team of the Institut Génétique & Développement de Rennes (IGDR), and the Inscoper company, spin-off of the lab. This technology could become a great timesaver for fluorescence microscopy.
Allowing the automation of fluorescence microscope acquisitions, the Roboscope is an embedded technology based on a deep learning algorithm. To be precise, it is a predesigned event-driven acquisition (PEDA) based on a learning automatization of any cellular changes tracked by fluorescence. Catching rare and fast cellular events then becomes possible! The use of the Roboscope would save precious time of research, providing users with results without the need to stand by the microscope during acquisition.
Learn more about the Roboscope on: