The FBI Newsletter is back! We hope you had a great summer! Here is a quick rundown about our latest news and upcoming events.
Reminder: The FBI Annual Meeting 2023 is coming!

This is a friendly reminder to save your date for the 8th France-BioImaging Annual Meeting! Happening on December 13th and 14th 2023, this year’s edition will be hosted by our new Toulouse node at the Centre de Biologie Intégrative (Toulouse, France).
The Annual meeting will highlight France-BioImaging’s development and perspectives. Imaging scientists and users from the infrastructure’s nodes will present their key projects and demonstrate how they have benefited from France-BioImaging and its community.
More information about the program and the registration coming (very) soon!
The Image Contest is back! 2023 Edition

We are thrilled to announce that the FBI Image Contest is back for its fifth edition!
Submit your best images until November 10th, 2023 and try to win your registration fees for one 2024 microscopy related event of your choice (FOM, ELMI, EMC, COMULIS conference, etc.).
Last year, we had a wonderful top 3: france-bioimaging.org/announcement/winning-images-fbi-image-contest-2022. This time, it could be you!
We are all eager to see your work!

FBI Tech Transfer Internal Call: discover the 7 laureate projects

France-BioImaging launched in January 2021 its first “FBI Internal Call 2021: Technology transfer from the R&D teams to the core facilities” to promote the transfer of new technologies (instrumentation, probes, staining methods, software, data analysis or data visualization) from the R&D teams to the facilities of France-BioImaging, for access and service to end-users.
The call was renewed for another edition in 2022! Here are the 7 laureates:
- UV_FLIM NA: Yves Mely (Alsace Node), Microscope for live cell imaging of fully functional nucleic acids by Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy coupled to Ultra-Violet excitation
- RIM-Ouest: Marc Tramier (Bretagne-Loire Node), Random Illumination Microscopy transfer in Rennes
- TempFoCash: Laurent Bourdieu (Paris-Centre Node), 3D-ultrafast optical functional activity recordings based of TEMPoral FOcusing and Custom Access Serial Holography
- Side C.A.R.S.: Elric Esposito (Paris-Centre Node), Stand-alone temporal synchronization module for CARS microscopy
- 3D LIGHTiss: Laurent Malaquin (Toulouse Node), Development of an Embedded Optical Lens MicroPhysiological System for Mesoscopic Live Deep 3D High-Resolution Imaging
- MAPS: Cyril Favard (Montpellier Node), Multicolor imaging and Absolute positioning using Planar all dielectric Surface enhanced TIRF microscopy
- FBI-MIN: Emmanuel Margeat (Montpellier node), Implementation of a RASTMIN / p-MINFLUX microscope
Each selected project was awarded with a 80k€ grant for salary and/or equipment, and several positions are currently available: https://france-bioimaging.org/jobs/
France-BioImaging Activity Report 2021-2022

We are pleased to share our Activity Report 2021-2022!
“2022 was an important landmark for France-BioImaging.
In 2022, we celebrated 10 years of operation and scientific advances. This milestone highlights our accomplishments and the long-term goals that France-BioImaging is committed to reach. By boosting innovation, training scientists and giving users access to high-end technologies, many top notch projects have benefited from the infrastructure and its experts.
Here, we present the last two years of this decade aimed at pushing the limits of biological imaging. This biannual report describes our organization and our mission but more importantly, the events of 2021 and 2022 and the activities launched in these last two years. By giving you key figures, the document acts as an overview of the projects of the infrastructure, its scientists and its users. As our desire is to reach for and to share with the national and international bioimaging world, we also point out a few papers selected for their social impacts and for the transformative role that these studies could play in the future.
Because what is imaging if not seeing beyond?”
Have a good reading! france-bioimaging.org/about/activity-reports/fbi-activity-report-2021-2022