Since its first edition in 2016, FBI Advanced Training aims to train users on advanced imaging techniques, including the most recent developments in microscopy. During one full week 25 participants attend plenary lectures and hands-on workshops on the state-of-the-art equipment of one of the regional sites of France-BioImaging.

FBI-AT 2024 – Venue

FBI-AT 2024 – Venue The facilities of France-BioImaging Bordeaux Node are hosting the 2024 edition of FBI-AT. The training course will be hosted by the Bordeaux Imaging Center (BIC). GHQ of the workshop (Lectures & lunch break) Bordeaux Imaging Center How to arrive Tram A (Saint Augustin)Bus 24, 55 (arrêt Campus Carreire), 8, 20, 73 …

FBI-AT 2024 – Registration

FBI-AT 2024 – Application form To apply, please fill out the form below. Deadline to apply: 31/05/2024 Workshop fees: 440€ TTC (including accommodation for 4 nights and lunch meals) After the deadline, the candidates will be selected and invited to register in full. FBI-AT 2024 Application Form

FBI-AT 2024 – Programme

FBI-AT 2024 – Programme Preliminary programme Invited Speakers Laura Batty, (Wyss Center for Bio and Neuro Engineering, Geneva Switzerland) Julien Colombelli, (Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona Spain) Adam Glasser (Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics, Seatle USA) Farida Hellal (Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Munich Germany) Alfred Millet-Sikking (Calico Life Sciences LLC, San-Francisco …

FBI-AT 2024 – Description

FBI-AT 2024 – Description Light sheet fluorescence microscopy is a rapidly expanding imaging technique that has been elected method of the year in 2014 by the Journal “Nature Methods”. Thanks to its abilities unique among fluorescence microscopy methods, LSFM is revolutionizing a large number of areas of research: biology of development, neuroscience, plant imaging, cell …

FBI-AT 2024

FBI-AT 2024: “Light-Sheet Microscopy: Principle and Applications to Neuroscience and 3D Cell Culture” Advanced microscopy workshop in Bordeaux from November 4th to 7th, 2024. This advanced training course aims to (1) present the theoretical foundations, (2) clarify and synthesize the various existing approaches to both sample and instrument preparation, and (3) provide an overview of …

Join us virtually for FBI-AT plenary lectures

In the framework of FBI-AT 2022, we have decided to open more widely the plenary lectures given by the invited researchers as well as the introductory lectures to each of the workshops.

FBI-AT 2022 – Programme

FBI-AT 2022 – Programme Preliminary programme Speakers And Talk Titles Emmanuel Beaurepaire – Strategies for large-volume/fast multiphoton imaging of uncleared tissue Giulia Bertolin – Exploring mitochondrial functions: from FRET biosensors to super-resolution microscopy Joerg Bewersdorf – All-optical Super-resolution Imaging of Molecules in Their Nanoscale Cellular Context Peter Dedecker –  More informative imaging with ‘smart’ probes …