
FBI-AT 2024: “Light-Sheet Microscopy: Principle and Applications to Neuroscience and 3D Cell Culture”

FBI-AT 2024: “Light-Sheet Microscopy: Principle and Applications to Neuroscience and 3D Cell Culture”

FBI Special Events

Advanced microscopy workshop in Bordeaux from November 4th to 7th, 2024.

This advanced training course aims to (1) present the theoretical foundations, (2) clarify and synthesize the various existing approaches to both sample and instrument preparation, and (3) provide an overview of solutions for handling and processing the data acquired. These objectives will be addressed through the prism of two important biological fields of application: Neuroscience and 3D Cell Cultures. Indeed, the versatility of light sheet methods means that questions in these two fields can be addressed at a wide range of scales, from the whole brain or organoid, to the study of the nervous system of small living organisms or brain slices, right down to the single molecule inside spheroids. To address these themes, we will draw on the expertise of the Bordeaux FBI site, whether in neuroscience or in the growth and imaging of 3D cell cultures.


The course will be structured around 4 main thematic tracks, addressing the issues of sample preparation and data analysis for given samples. Participants will have the choice of following one of these tracks, or navigating between them according to their interests. The tracks will be :

  • P1: Large sample imaging – Clearing & Expansion
  • P2: 3D cellular models Culture & Imaging
  • P3: Neuronal network imaging
  • P4: Image Analysis

The format of the course will include lectures and seminars in the morning, providing a theoretical grounding in the various areas covered (sample preparation, imaging, image processing) and presenting the latest developments in these fields, and practical workshop in the afternoon on the various sites of the Bordeaux node (IINS, BIC, VoxCell).

Invited Speakers

Laura Batty, (Wyss Center for Bio and Neuro Engineering, Geneva Switzerland)

Julien Colombelli, (Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona Spain)

Adam Glasser (Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics, Seatle USA)

Farida Hellal (Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Munich Germany)

Alfred Millet-Sikking (Calico Life Sciences LLC, San-Francisco USA)

Gaelle Recher (Institut d’optique Graduate School, Bordeaux France)

Ihssane Idrissi / Rémi Galland (Interdisciplinary Institute for Neurosciences, Bordeaux, France)

Vincent Studer (Interdisciplinary Institute for Neurosciences, Bordeaux France)

Gustavo de Medeiros (Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland)

Georges Debrégeas (Jean Perrin Laboratory, Paris France)

Thai Truong (University of Southern California, Los Angeles USA)

Angela Getz / Mathieu Ducros (Bordeaux Imaging Center, Bordeaux France)

Alexandra Fragola (Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, Orsay France)

Emmanuel Faure (Laboratory of Computer Science, Robotics and Microelectronics, Montpellier France)

Johannes Roos (Johannes Kepler University, Linz Austria)

Philippe Girard (IJM, Paris, France)

Carole Siret (CIML, Marseille, France)

Guillaume Maucort (BIC, Bordeaux France)

Workshops on

  • Whole brains imaging by Ultramicroscopy
  • 3D imaging of neuronal expanded samples by Ultramicroscopy
  • 3D entire small animal imaging
  • 3D Cellular models culture and imaging using the soSPIM technology
  • Micro-niche creation for 3D cell culture and 3D imaging using the HS-ISM technique 
  • Neurospheres culture and imaging using the MuViSPIM
  • Brain slices imaging using a Lattice Light Sheet Microscope
  • Single Cell electroporation for Brain slices labelling
  • Functional neuronal network imaging in ZebraFish
  • Orchestrating complex bioimage workflows using the Arkitekt solution
  • Napari for 3D data handling
  • How to segment a 3D dataset in just a few clicks?

Organizing committee

Coordinators: Mathieu Ducros & Rémi Galland

& FBI Work Group on « Multiscale Light-Sheet Microscopy »


advanced trainingFBI-ATFluorescenceimagingMicroscopymultiscaletraining