We’ve got many news and upcoming events to share with you! Here is a quick rundown.
FBI call for user access projects 2024

You want to carry out a biological imaging project in one of the France-BioImaging facilities in Fall 2024? Submit your project proposal before June 26th, 2024 in order to be considered for a grant of up to 5.000 Euros.
This grant covers the user’s travel and accommodation costs as well as access and consumable costs at the FBI imaging facility.
The call is restricted to external users (national or international) of the targeted France-BioImaging facility, i.e. the applicant’s home University should not be within the institutional perimeter of the FBI facility hosting the project. Trans-Node access is eligible. Transnational projects and outside users are strongly encouraged to apply.
Application form and details: https://france-bioimaging.org/application/france-bioimaging-call-for-user-access-projects-2024/
Deadline: June 26th, 2024
For any question concerning this call, please contact us
Apply to FBI-AT 2024: “Light-Sheet Microscopy: Principle and Applications to Neuroscience and 3D Cell Culture” November 4-7th 2024

The FBI-Advanced Training is back! This edition will focus on “Light-Sheet Microscopy: Principle and Applications to Neuroscience and 3D Cell Culture” and will be held in Bordeaux from November 4th to 7th, 2024.
This advanced training aims to (1) present the theoretical bases of Light-Sheet Microscopy, (2) clarify and synthesize the different existing approaches to both sample and instrumental preparation and (3) provide an overview of treatment and management solutions of acquired data. These objectives will be addressed through the prism of two important biological fields of application: Neurosciences and 3D Cell Cultures.
The training program will be structured around 4 main thematic tracks to address the issues of imaging sample preparation and data analysis for given samples:
P1: Large sample imaging – Clearing & Expansion
P2: 3D cellular models Culture & Imaging
P3: Neuronal network imaging
P4: Image Analysis
Participants will have the choice of following one of these tracks, or navigating between them according to their skills and interests. It will take the form of lectures and seminars in the morning, providing a theoretical grounding in the different areas covered (sample preparation, imaging, image processing) and presenting the latest developments in these fields, and workshops in the afternoon on the sites of the Bordeaux node (IINS, BIC, VoxCell).
Apply now, attendance will be limited to 25 participants!
Looking forward to meeting you in Bordeaux!
FBI delegation participation to 2nd Sino-French Joint Meeting on BioImaging

From April 8th to April 10th, 2024, FBI members attended the 2nd Sino-French Joint Meeting on BioImaging in Beijing, China. This event was hosted by Peking University and jointly organized with FBI.
This joint event took place on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France, and to further promote the innovation and development of biomedical imaging technology, strengthen international academic exchanges and cooperation, leverage the strategic and comprehensive benefits of the national scientific and technological infrastructure dedicated to multimodal cross-scale biomedical imaging.
The meeting gathered preeminent scientists, researchers, engineers, and technical developers from the Chinese and French bioimaging communities to explore the future trajectories of bioimaging technology through the dissemination of the latest research findings, technological advancements, and application cases.
Read the full report: https://france-bioimaging.org/announcement/fbi-delegation-participation-to-2nd-sino-french-joint-meeting-on-bioimaging/

Three national infrastructures ProFi, France-BioImaging and FRISBI are thrilled to announce, with the GIS IBiSA, the third call for access funding to IBiSA-labelled core facilities.
Our aim is to promote the networking of IBiSA facilities through transdisciplinary research projects. Applicants must request access to at least two different IBiSA platforms using two disciplines (structural biology, biological imaging or proteomics).
The deadline is May 31, 2024.
For further information, please contact Call-IBISA-FBI-FRISBI-PROFI@i2bc.paris-saclay.fr
Recap of FBI Data Sprint Spring 2024 Edition in Bordeaux

France-BioImaging’s roadmap for managing and analyzing data produced by the infrastructure spans several areas, supported by the transversal node Image Processing and Data Management (BioImage Informatics), as well as engineers and researchers distributed across various nodes.
Two geographically distributed teams are developing solutions: FBI.data for managing microscopy data, from metadata management to using data centers and regional computing centers, pooling efforts for the entire infrastructure; and F-BIAS to develop image analysis as a national service offering within the infrastructure. These distributed groups meet frequently via video conferencing and twice a year in person.
The Bordeaux Spring 2024 Edition allowed progress on the test deployment of the FBI.data solution, welcoming the latest F-BIAS recruits, and offering a live open desk. It also involved joint sessions between the two teams to address the challenge of making powerful but complex infrastructure accessible to our users, as well as discussing upcoming and ongoing challenges like the Lightmycells – Grand Challenge at grand-challenge.org.
The event also featured a public progress update whose recordings are available here: https://france-bioimaging.org/announcement/news-from-nodes/fbi-data-sprint-spring-2024-edition/