Here are the last news of 2022!
France-BioImaging wishes you all the best for the holidays and a great start into the new year!
Here are the last news of 2022.
See you in 2023!
Looking forward to the FBI Annual Meeting 2022

We are eager to gather with the French BioImaging community during FBI Annual Meeting where we will celebrate our 10-year anniversary. This year’s edition will be held in Nantes the 13th & 14th of December, 2022.
The Annual meeting will highlight France-BioImaging’s development as a research infrastructure and its node community accomplishments during these last 10 years, and the role they play in boosting innovation in bioimaging. Imaging scientists and users from the infrastructure’s nodes will present their key projects and demonstrate how they have profited from France-BioImaging and its community.
More information:
NEW ISIDORe user access funds for research projects related to infectious diseases

More ISIDORe TNA Calls are now OPEN! We are pleased to announce that ISIDORe funding have been extended to other pathogens. Researchers interested in the following infectious diseases can apply for funding to access imaging technologies and services from Euro-BioImaging portfolio, including France-BioImaging facilities:
- Respiratory Pathogens: Zoonotic betaCoronaviruses, Influenza A, Y. pestis, M. tuberculosis / bovis, C. burnetii.
- Vector-borne pathogens and their vectors: Rift valley fever virus, Zika virus, Chikungunya virus, West Nile virus, Dengue virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, Yellow fever virus, Tick-borne encephalitis virus, Plasmodium, B. burgdorferi.
- Risk Group 4 Pathogens: Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Nipah virus, Hendra virus, Lassa virus, New World arenaviruses, CCHF virus.
- Other Pathogens with epidemic potential: Pathogen X, Orthopoxviruses, Non polio enteroviruses, Polio enteroviruses.
- We also remind you that the SARS-CoV-2, Covid-19 call is still open!
If you are currently working or plan to work on one of these infectious diseases in the coming months, please contact us so that we can discuss your project and help you apply for support from this fund!
We strongly encourage you to get in touch with us as soon as possible.
Useful links:
Full announcement and access funding opportunities are available here
Access to Euro-BioImaging services, please follow the Guidelines on the Euro-BioImaging website.
For more information on the project and to apply, visit the ISIDORe website.
Unsure whether or not your work would be eligible? Contact the Euro-BioImaging Scientific Project Managers for advice:
The FBI Advanced Training was a blast!

From November 21st to 25th, France-BioImaging, with its partner the GDR IMABIO, organized the 4th edition of the FBI-AT, an advanced microscopy workshop.
The aim of this France-BioImaging-Advanced Training was to train microscopy users on the most advanced imaging techniques that will allow them to perform molecular studies at the cellular level as well as in thick samples. In particular, recent developments on fluorescent probes were highlighted. Participants had the opportunity to attend fantastic lectures and workshops and benefitted from state-of-the-art equipment available for the week on several of the Parisian Node Imaging facilities.
Please visit the FBIAT 2022 gallery for photos of the event:
Meiofauna – the ocean’s next frontier

Ranging in size from 20 microns to 1 milimetre, Meiofauna is a crucial link between micro- and macro- marine ecosystems. Valentin Foulon, a research engineer in marine biology, is part of the Blue Revolution program that aims to develop a taxonomic identification protocol for these tiny creatures. He approached the Bretagne-Loire node of France-BioImaging, in Nantes, where a Single Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM) light-sheet available in open access helped him to further reach his goal.
His project proposal, which was submitted to the Euro-BioImaging pilot User Access fund, was fully funded by France-BioImaging, in a generous initiative introduced by France-BioImaging to fund all user projects to its facility received by Euro-BioImaging for the pilot User Access fund.
Read the full article on:
Thanks to Euro-BioImaging for the original article:–the-oceans-next-frontier/