France BioImaging Newsletter March 2021
The 6th France BioImaging Annual Meeting was held as a virtual event on 4-5 February 2021 and brought together up to 120 attendees each day, from France and abroad.
The France BioImaging community and friends met for exciting discussions on the infrastructure activities and challenges, the initiatives of France BioImaging national and international partners, and the latest developments in biological imaging led by France BioImaging members. We enjoyed high-level presentations from experts in the bioimaging field and the meeting showed the different perspectives and needs of the community.
The presentation slides shown during the meeting and all the videos of the meeting presentations and discussions will be made available soon. Stay tuned!
The France BioImaging team would like to extend a warm thank you to all the speakers and attendees.
See you next year!
Take a closer look: What is France BioImaging?
France BioImaging is France’s research infrastructure for biological imaging.
Our mission is to provide access to innovative imaging solutions to tackle societal issues.
We develop, disseminate and give access to cutting-edge technologies and methodologies in biological imaging that allow researchers, from both academia and industry, to study a wide range of cell and tissue activities in biological models, from the simplest, to small animals in normal and pathological situations.
France BioImaging in a nutshell

France BioImaging’s Nodes

To know more about France BioImaging FBI website
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Prix Favard 2021: Appel à candidatures DL 21/03
Le Prix Favard récompense depuis 1989 des travaux de thèse réalisés dans une université française dans le domaine de la microscopie électronique, photonique, en champ proche, ou de la sonde atomique. Un prix est attribué en Sciences du Vivant et un autre en Sciences de la Matière. Ils sont décernés tous les deux ans. Pour cette édition, ils couronneront des travaux de thèse soutenus entre le 1er mars 2019 et le 28 février 2021. Chaque lauréat(e) est invité(e) à donner une conférence à l’issue de la remise du prix, lors de la réunion biennale de la Société qui est prévue à Reims du 5 au 9 Juillet 2021. Les prix (1000 € chacun) sont sponsorisés par des compagnies.
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