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France BioImaging
© Honeycomb_Gazi
Honeycomb ©A. Gazi, D. Baquero, M. Krupovic, UTechS Ultrastructural BioImaging & Archaeal Virology Lab, Institut Pasteur
France BioImaging News - February 2022
We’ve got MANY NEWS AND uPCOMING events TO SHARE WITH you! Here is a quICK rundown
Last days to apply: Call for Projects “INBS Access to national research infrastructures”
The Institut des Sciences Biologiques du CNRS launched a call for projects to fund full access to the national infrastructures in health and biology.
Deadline to apply: March 4th 2022
This call aims to encourage new teams to use the services offered by Research Infrastructures to help their research project.
France-BioImaging core facilities are eligible to this call:
- For access to technologies and related expertise
- For access to expertise in data analysis
The funding for each project will be in the range of 10 to 30 K€.
Project eligibility and selection criteria:
- The scientific leader of the project should be in a unit attached to the INSB.
- Access to the infrastructure must be fully implemented before 31/12/2022 (deadline for the use of funds)
- The scientific project must be a project in the process of being finalized.
- Access to infrastructure must unlock or accelerate the project. The start of a scientific project is not eligible for this call.
Find the details of the call on the INSB website:
Feel free to contact us for any further information you may need:
France-BioImaging is launching a Call for new Nodes to join the infrastructure
In order to expand its technology and expertise portfolio and to provide the best possible geographical coverage to life scientists across France, France-BioImaging invites node candidates to submit their letter of intent here before May 31st, 2022.

More information on the selection criteria, expected commitments and documentation that needs to be provided can be found here.
Node selection will be done via a two-step process:
- a letter of intent (deadline May 31st, 2022): the form to be completed is available here
- a full application (deadline September 30th, 2022).
Applications will be reviewed at both steps by an International Board and decisions will be communicated at the end of 2022.
News from FBI Paris-Centre Node: Multi-view confocal microscopy enables multiple organ and whole organism live-imaging

A collaborative work between researchers from the Institut Curie and Institut Jacques Monod is at the root of the development of an innovative multi-view multi-scale microscopy strategy based on confocal spinning disk microscopy, called Multi-View confocal microScopy (MuViScopy).
This work has been recently published in Development Journal, where they illustrated the capacity of MuViScopy by live-imaging Drosophila melanogaster pupal development throughout metamorphosis, highlighting how internal organs are formed and multiple organ development is coordinated.