We’ve got many news and upcoming events to share with you! Here is a quick rundown.

If you want to carry out a biological imaging project in one of the France-BioImaging facilities in Fall 2024, this call is made for you!
Submit your project proposal before June 26th, 2024 in order to be considered for a grant of up to 5.000€.
This grant covers the user’s travel and accommodation costs as well as access and consumable costs at the FBI imaging facility.
The call is restricted to external users (national or international) of the targeted France-BioImaging facility, i.e. the applicant’s home University should not be within the institutional perimeter of the FBI facility hosting the project. Trans-Node access is eligible. Transnational projects and outside users are strongly encouraged to apply.
Application form and details: https://france-bioimaging.org/application/france-bioimaging-call-for-user-access-projects-2024/
Deadline: June 26th, 2024
For any question concerning this call, please contact us

We are very pleased to announce that FBI application for the upgrade of the Euro-BioImaging French node perimeter to include the FBI Alsace and Toulouse Nodes has been evaluated as highly recommended by the EuBI Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). This upgrade was officialy approved by the EuBI Board on May 22th, 2024.
The upgraded French Node now gathers 8 regional nodes, ensuring a better geographical coverage and allowing access to 23 facilities and open collaboration with ~60 R&D teams. Both nodes are already an integral component of FBI, enabling the addition of key fields of expertise: probe developments, organ-on-chip and mechanobiology.
They participate to develop, implement and provide access to an array of game changing, next generation imaging methods, generating significant added value to the EuBI community and providing a fertile ground for European projects participation.
To learn more about our nodes:
How to access the French Node facilities: https://france-bioimaging.org/access/
Funding for access: https://france-bioimaging.org/how-to-cover-user-access-costs/
EuBI Cross-Node Job Shadowing Program - Application OPEN
This initiative offers Euro-BioImaging Node staff the chance to visit other Nodes, fostering invaluable learning experiences and relationships within EuBI community. Whether you’re a technician, administrative employee, or Node/facility manager, there’s something for everyone.
The Job Shadowing program is intended to cover Scientific/Technical fields (instruments, sample preparation and techniques), Operations (Node/facility management and soft skills) and Data (data management and analysis) and everything in between that is involved in running a facility.
The submission deadline for all applicants with confirmed hosts and established visit plans will be June 14th.
For details on the application and selection procedure, please refer to this flyer!
More information: https://france-bioimaging.org/announcement/eubi-cross-node-job-shadowing/
FBI is hiring a Communications and Digital Media Officer in Bordeaux!
We are recruiting! France-BioImaging is looking to recruit a Communications and Digital Media Officer to join our team in Bordeaux.
You will play a key role in designing and implementing the infrastructure’s communication actions and developing its digital communication strategy.
If you are a dynamic communicator and passionate about science and technology, we would be happy to receive your CV and cover letter by June 30, 2024.
The full job description is available here.
Applications should be sent to communication@france-bioimaging.org
Informal inquiries can be made to:
Caroline Thiriet, FBI External Affairs Manager
+33 (0)557574787