This workshop will take place at the Institut Fresnel (FBI Marseille node) from November 12th to 14th , 2024.

Fluorescence polarization microscopy allows measurements of the orientation of molecules probed by various techniques. Through hands-on experiments, we will demonstrate their suitability for biological applications on a range of sample types, including cells and organisms.
The Institut Fresnel is a pioneer in this field, developing unique microscopes to probe molecular orientation – an intrinsic property of molecules that is measurable with all types of microscopes but often remains inaccessible.

The workshop aims to offer (1) a theoretical basis for understanding how one can probe molecular orientation, (2) ample time for practical experiments, and (3) opportunities for formal and informal discussions on technical details and biological applications.

Interested in attending this workshop? Please complete the following form by October 1st, 2024:

Limited to 16 participants.

Free registration includes accommodation, transport, and meals (except for the evening of November 13th).

Candidates whose research projects align best with the workshop’s focus will be selected,
with preference given to members of the France-BioImaging (FBI) infrastructure.

Flyer & Programme

Following the successful COMULIS conferences in Austria, Sweden and Cyprus, the next COMULIS conference will expand beyond European borders.

The upcoming COMULISglobe Conference will take place at Stellenbosch University (, South Africa from January 20th-21st, 2025.

This conference is designed to bring global experts, researchers, facility staff and exhibitors together from different imaging modalities to stimulate knowledge exchange and the formation of new collaborations. The conference program offers an attractive combination of oral presentations and posters regarding CLEM techniques from sample preparation to image analysis. 


For attendees from low or middle-income* countries, the conference registration fee is USD 50 for students and USD 100 for non-students. Participants from high-income countries are required to pay a fee of USD 250. This fee includes meals and refreshments for the duration of the conference.

This exciting scientific meeting will take place as an in-person event.

January 22nd – 24th a Correlated Multimodal Imaging workshop will be held at Stellenbosch University as well as Tygerberg Campus. The workshop is free if charge, but a selection process will be followed.

Only participants of the conference are eligible for the workshop.


On the 1st of July 2024, René Marc Mège officially joined the France-BioImaging team as Scientific Director. René Marc is a CNRS research director and co-director of the interdisciplinary Biology/Physics “Adhesion and Cell Mechanics” team with Benoit Ladoux at Institut Jacques Monod, Paris. He has been involved in the coordination of core facilities for more than ten years as co-director of the  ImagoSeine cell imaging facility and leads the coordination of France-BioImaging Paris Centre Node.

Here is a brief interview to get to know the new leader of the FBI team.

  • What triggered the start of your journey in science?

Actually, science was not my first choice. I would have loved to be a farmer like my parents. But part of this choice lies in the fact that I have always been amazed by nature and then by biology when arriving at Université de Bordeaux. At that time, I discovered and loved the essay “Le hazard et la nécessité” by Jacques Monod, published a decade before, in 1970. The second reason was that I thought that there would be some place for freedom in the job. It was true, at least at the time.

  • Can you tell us a bit more about your scholar and research background?

I was trained in Biochemistry/Chemistry at the Université de Bordeaux. I began my scientific career in the field of enzymology and biotechnology with a PhD (1986) in D. Thomas Laboratoire de Technologie Enzymatique (Université de Technologie de Compiègne), where my thesis project was part of a heterogeneous-phase enzymatic catalysis research program aimed at assessing the industrial application of biological catalysts (hydrogenases) to convert electricity in hydrogen. After this PhD, I turned to the field of cell and developmental biology. I really got into this field during a 3-year postdoctoral fellowship (1987-1989) in G. M. Edelman laboratory at Rockefeller University, New York.

  • Can you tell us about your work at IJM, and how it has influenced your journey as a researcher?

On my return to France, I focused on the expression, developmental role and function of cadherins in neuromuscular development. In the 2000’s, I shifted towards a more molecular and biophysical study of cadherin-dependent interactions, echoing the development of increasingly powerful imaging and analysis approaches. To this end, we developed a model for the activation of cadherin in the absence of intercellular contacts, based on the use of recombinant cadherins immobilised on various surfaces. By combining dynamic imaging, single particle tracking, FRAP and pharmacology (in coll with D. Choquet), we have shown that: 1) cadherin engagement induces their clustering and anchoring to the actin cytoskeleton; 2) that cadherins are recruited to cell contacts by a diffusion- trapping mechanism, regulated by their association with actin.

As early as 2002, this work enabled us to put forward the hypothesis – totally novel at the time – that cadherins could be mechanotransducing receptors. I therefore approached Benoit Ladoux, who had just developed a micro force sensor for measuring the forces applied by cells on the ECM. Combining this sensor with the use of recombinant cadherins, we were able to demonstrate that cadherin adhesions transmit across the membrane the forces generated actomyosin and are mechanosensitive, implying the existence of a molecular mechanosensor in these actin-associated complexes.

This work and hypotheses were the primary motivation behind the intensification of our collaboration with Benoit Ladoux, which led us to create in 2013 at the Institut Jacques Monod a shared team gathering cell biologists and physicists. We were both convinced that the only way to make significant progress in mechanobiology was not to recruit researchers at the interface, but to bring together researchers, post-docs and students trained at the cutting edge of their respective disciplines, with a willingness to work together. Together we have contributed to a better understanding of the molecular and cellular biology of cadherin-associated intercellular junctions, using microscopy-based approaches including traction force microscopy, stress inference, particle imaging velocimetry and high resolution microscopy. 

From then, by combining our combined expertise in cell biology, microfabrication, biophysics and soft matter physics, we have been also able to develop innovative studies to describe the biomechanical properties of epithelial tissues and model them in collaboration with teams of theorists. 

  • You are now the new Director of France-BioImaging. Can you tell us what motivated this transition?

For many years, first at Sorbonne Université then at Université Paris-Cité, I have taken part in the coordination of the local Imaging Facilities. And during the last years, I have been more involved in France-BioImaging as head of the Paris-Centre node. Although I always dedicated time to the scientific and in particular, to the imaging community, I think I am now at an age where I should share even more of my time for the community. I am very convinced that the time and effort you devote to others always rewards you. 

  • What do you expect from this new professional adventure?

It is a new challenge and quite stimulating for me. Moreover, the FBI community is a very friendly and cooperative one.

  • Can you tell us how research infrastructures like FBI can help researchers?

FBI core facilities and R&D teams offer an amazing large range of cutting-edge technologies, instruments, workflows, and pool of skills. FBI is a huge instrument. It’s however a living organism. Its heart is human-based, with its community of engineers, researchers, teachers and students, with their skills and competences, their personalities and collaborations, gives FBI its unique value. In the end, when researchers looking for imaging solutions know how to take advantage of the research infrastructures for their projects, they are able to increase their competitiveness in the global research race.

  • What do you envision for FBI in the next few years?

The creation of the Unité d’Appui à la Recherche (UAR FBI-core) initiated by Edouard Bertrand and Alexandre Philips, and the previous national coordination team (we should thank them all here) will for sure participate to strengthen and bring more sustainability to FBI . This will allow us to concentrate our efforts on leading the community organisation initiatives and seeking new funding opportunities. This will also allow us to dedicate more resources to support our core facilities in their development and outreach. Through our R&D teams, we will keep on incorporating novel cutting-edge technologies and workflows. And I am convinced that with our team of data scientists and IT engineers, and with the whole FBI community we will take the right turn in accelerating developments in data processing and data mining.  

The France-BioImaging CLEM working group is pleased to announce the organization of the next CryoCLEM Workshop, to be held from October 14 to 15, in Bordeaux.

This workshop is the ideal event to be introduced to, and to gain knowledge of, the cryoCLEM technology, with the aim of applying it to your research project.

It will be composed of a theoretical part, presented by experts in this technology, and a practical part covering the entire cryoCLEM workflow (from sample preparation to correlative microscopy in cryogenic conditions).


In order to ensure the best conditions for this workshop, the event is limited to 4 participants.

The selection will be made on the possibility of rapid implementation of the cryoCLEM technology for your research project.

A pre-registration questionnaire is therefore available until 31st August 2024 :  CryoCLEM Workshop

This training covers lunches and accommodation.

For more information, please contact :

Banner picture copyrights: images 1 & 3 R. Anger, image 4 P. Lapios, image 2 N. Pied

The first meeting of the FBI Mechanobiology WG will take place on the 2 and 3 of December 2024 at the Centre for Integrative Biology ( in Toulouse..

The programme will include a seminar by Matthieu Piel (Institut Curie/Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes), presentations by participants and practical mechanobiology workshops (a choice of 3 workshops from a dozen: optical tweezers, bioprinting, microfluidics, AFM, Brillouin, finite element modelling, mechanical confinement, force measurements, etc.).

Registration is free, but places are limited and priority will be given to contributors whose abstracts have been selected.

The choice of workshops will be made at a later stage.

Preliminary Programme:

Monday, December 2nd

1pm: Welcome and seminar by Matthieu Piel

2-6pm: workshops

6pm: poster session and buffet

Tuesday, December 3rd

9am-12pm: presentations by participants (and coffee break)

12pm: buffet

1.30-4pm: workshops

Call for abstracts

  • Oral presentations: If you are selected for an oral presentation, you will have 15 minutes, including discussion (12 minutes presentation + 3 minutes Q&A).
  • Posters: If you are selected to present a poster, you will present your work at the dedicated poster session on December 2nd, afternoon.

Selected contributors will be notified at the end of September.

Registration/Abstract submission form

Journées GT FBI Mécanobiologie 2024

Personal information

Member of France-BioImaging
Dietary restrictions

Scientific contribution

You are invited to present news, innovations or any achievements related to Mechanobiology.

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Please submit abstract here (.pdf).
By submitting this form entry, I acknowledge that:
– If my submission is accepted, I am to effectively present the day of the meeting, and will let the organizers know of any emergency preventing me to do so;
– For FBI members, please get in touch with your node to organize your visit. As for external speakers, you will be directly contacted by the Toulouse node.
– I consent to be photographed during the meeting, and for the pictures to be used in future France-BioImaging communications.

→ To carry out a biological imaging project in one of France-BioImaging facilities 

Deadline: June 26th, 2024

How it works:

Submit your project proposal through the form available here before June 26th, 2024, in order to be considered for a grant of up to 5000 Euros to access the imaging services at one of FBI facilities. Projects will be evaluated by a committee including FBI node representants and the national coordination members. Successful applicants will be notified by mid July 2024 and successful projects should be carried out between September and November 2024.

What the grant covers:

This grant covers the user’s travel and accommodation costs as well as access and consumable costs at FBI imaging facilities. Each successful applicant is eligible for up to 5000 Euros of support. 

Who is eligible:

The call is restricted to external users (national or international) of the targeted France-BioImaging facility, i.e. the applicant’s home University should not be within the institutional perimeter of the FBI facility hosting the project. Trans-Node access is eligible. Transnational projects and outside users are strongly encouraged to apply.

All academic scientists, regardless of gender, career phase, or field of interest, are eligible to apply. We strongly encourage early career researchers to apply for this grant.


All applications will be evaluated for scientific excellence and technical feasibility by a committee including FBI Node representatives, FBI core facility staff representatives and the national coordination. Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their project and its technical feasibility with the targeted facility before submitting their project.

Up to 12 projects will be supported.

How to apply:

Applicants are invited to visit FBI website to discover the range of technologies provided by France-BioImaging facilities. Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their project and its technical feasibility with the targeted facility before submitting their project. Applicants will then submit their project filling out the form available here:

Projects have to be written in English.

For any question concerning this call, please contact us

France-BioImaging’s roadmap for managing and analyzing data produced by the infrastructure spans several areas, supported by the transversal node Image Processing and Data Management (BioImage Informatics), as well as engineers and researchers distributed across various nodes.

Two geographically distributed teams are developing solutions: for managing microscopy data, from metadata management to using data centers and regional computing centers, pooling efforts for the entire infrastructure; and F-BIAS to develop image analysis as a national service offering within the infrastructure. These distributed groups meet frequently via video conferencing and twice a year in person.

The FBI.Data and FB-IAS teams at the FBI Data Sprint Spring 2024 Edition

The Bordeaux Spring 2024 Edition allowed progress on the test deployment of the solution, welcoming the latest F-BIAS recruits, and offering a live open desk. It also involved joint sessions between the two teams to address the challenge of making powerful but complex infrastructure accessible to our users, as well as discussing upcoming and ongoing challenges like the Lightmycells – Grand Challenge at

The event also featured a public progress update via videoconference, with recordings available here:

Euro-BioImaging just launched its first Cross-Node Job Shadowing programme open to all EuBI node staff members!

The objective of this initiative is that of developing the Nodes through their staff. If you would like to learn from your colleagues at other Nodes, whether that be Scientific/Technical fields (instruments and techniques), Operations (facility management, Node administration, and soft skills) or Data (data management and analysis), this initiative is for you!

The job shadowing program is made possible through EU funding as part of the EVOLVE project.

What is Cross-Node Job Shadowing? 

It is an opportunity for you to visit another Node within Euro-BioImaging, work with them, learn from them and exchange ideas and best practices. It is open to all Euro-BioImaging Node Staff: technicians, administrative employees and Node managers are all encouraged to apply. Visits can last from a few days to a maximum of two weeks.

We highly recommend that a range of topics, rather than just one, be handled during the visit.

How to apply

The deadline for applications is Friday 14th June 2024. 

There are two ways to make your application:

  1. You know what Node you’d like to visit: please contact your host directly and begin to draw up a detailed Training Plan for host approval. Once this is done you can proceed to fill out the Application Form
  2. You know what you want training on, but not what Node you can find it in: Fill out the Call of interest for Match-making. We will put you in contact with the host, and, together with them, you can draw up the training plan. If you need match-making support, please fill out the form as soon as possible, so you have sufficient time to prepare the full application before the deadline. If you fill this in shortly before the deadline, we cannot guarantee successful match-making.

What you will need to apply

Before submitting your application, please make sure that you have the following prepared:

  1. A short Motivation Statement describing the impact that this visit will have on you and your Node.
  2. Host-validated Training Plan including:
    • Date and duration of the visit
    • A detailed plan comprising the timeline and training objectives
    • The Host-Visitor agreement signed by both parties
  3. Dissemination plan

It is important that the knowledge gained during the job shadowing does not stop with you! We would like successful applicants to share what they have learned, and this can be done in a range of ways. For example: 

  • Informal training among work colleagues
  • In-person training sessions in facility
  • Webinars across your node
  • Inter-Node online training sessions

Your Dissemination Plan must include details of how you plan to share the knowledge that you have acquired. Wider and more effective dissemination will result in a stronger application.

Reimbursement Modality

The support for job shadowing will be provided as a reimbursement to be paid upon submission of the Host-Approved Report at the end of the visit. The payment will cover travel and accommodation (reimbursement of invoices) and there will be a meal allowance. Full details will be provided upon approval of application.

Costs (transportation, accommodation and meal allowance) will be reimbursed up to a maximum of 1500 EUR.

For the timeline of the application and selection procedure, please refer to our flyer!

For further information please contact us at

FBI sent a delegation to Beijing, China to attend the 2nd Sino-French Joint Meeting on BioImaging from April 8th to April 10th, 2024. This event was hosted by Peking University and jointly organized with FBI. 

This joint event took place on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France, and to further promote the innovation and development of biomedical imaging technology, strengthen international academic exchanges and cooperation, leverage the strategic and comprehensive benefits of the national scientific and technological infrastructure dedicated to multimodal cross-scale biomedical imaging.

The meeting gathered preeminent scientists, researchers, engineers, and technical developers from the Chinese and French bioimaging communities to explore the future trajectories of bioimaging technology through the dissemination of the latest research findings, technological advancements, and application cases. During the 3-days scientific event, 12 French (mainly FBI members) and 17 Chinese speakers presented their scientific work and technological developments.

« I really enjoyed participating to this high-level conference gathering top-research works in the field of bioimaging. It highlighted the dynamism and the extremely promising applications we can expect in the next years from the development of both new imaging instruments and dedicated analysis tools. Last but no least, such gathering also show how communication and collaboration between China and France can contribute to the field and to the development of a broader community in bioimaging » shares Remi Galland from the team “Quantitative Imaging of the Cell” at IINS in Bordeaux.

Handbook & programme

Ahead of the scientific meeting, FBI national coordination delegates – Yves Mély, Deputy Director for International Affairs, Caroline Thiriet, External Affairs Manager and Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, mission officer – presented the French infrastructure and its relationship history with the National Biomedical Imaging Center (NBIC) of Peking University, the infrastructure’s activities with a focus on innovation, training and user access, and mutualised Image data services, to the representatives of the Peking University and NBIC.

Antje Kepler, Euro-BioImaging ERIC BioHub Director and Global BioImaging coordinator, was also invited and presented the European infrastructure and global network dedicated to biological imaging.

The delegation also had the opportunity to visit the brand new NBIC facilities in Huairou.

Finally, the FBI representatives also had the opportunity to meet with the CNRS office in Beijing and two scientific advisors from the French Embassy in Beijing. This meeting provided an opportunity to take stock of the two Bioimaging communities, and to discuss the tools provided both by the CNRS and the Embassy to promote exchanges between the two countries.

It was a very rich and fruitful scientific and cooperation meeting, and France-BioImaging is looking forward to further its cooperation with the NBIC in the near future. In particular, efforts will be made to build-up an official agreement to develop the future exchanges between the two countries.   

Advanced microscopy workshop in Bordeaux from November 4th to 7th, 2024.

This advanced training course aims to (1) present the theoretical foundations, (2) clarify and synthesize the various existing approaches to both sample and instrument preparation, and (3) provide an overview of solutions for handling and processing the data acquired. These objectives will be addressed through the prism of two important biological fields of application: Neuroscience and 3D Cell Cultures. Indeed, the versatility of light sheet methods means that questions in these two fields can be addressed at a wide range of scales, from the whole brain or organoid, to the study of the nervous system of small living organisms or brain slices, right down to the single molecule inside spheroids. To address these themes, we will draw on the expertise of the Bordeaux FBI site, whether in neuroscience or in the growth and imaging of 3D cell cultures.

Deadline to apply: 31/05/2024


The course will be structured around 4 main thematic tracks, addressing the issues of sample preparation and data analysis for given samples. Participants will have the choice of following one of these tracks, or navigating between them according to their interests. The tracks will be :

  • P1: Large sample imaging – Clearing & Expansion
  • P2: 3D cellular models Culture & Imaging
  • P3: Neuronal network imaging
  • P4: Image Analysis

The format of the course will include lectures and seminars in the morning, providing a theoretical grounding in the various areas covered (sample preparation, imaging, image processing) and presenting the latest developments in these fields, and practical workshop in the afternoon on the various sites of the Bordeaux node (IINS, BIC, VoxCell).

Invited Speakers

Laura Batty, (Wyss Center for Bio and Neuro Engineering, Geneva Switzerland)

Julien Colombelli, (Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona Spain)

Adam Glasser (Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics, Seatle USA)

Farida Hellal (Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Munich Germany)

Alfred Millet-Sikking (Calico Life Sciences LLC, San-Francisco USA)

Gaelle Recher (Institut d’optique Graduate School, Bordeaux France)

Ihssane Idrissi / Rémi Galland (Interdisciplinary Institute for Neurosciences, Bordeaux, France)

Vincent Studer (Interdisciplinary Institute for Neurosciences, Bordeaux France)

Gustavo de Medeiros (Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland)

Georges Debrégeas (Jean Perrin Laboratory, Paris France)

Thai Truong (University of Southern California, Los Angeles USA)

Angela Getz / Mathieu Ducros (Bordeaux Imaging Center, Bordeaux France)

Alexandra Fragola (Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, Orsay France)

Emmanuel Faure (Laboratory of Computer Science, Robotics and Microelectronics, Montpellier France)

Johannes Roos (Johannes Kepler University, Linz Austria)

Philippe Girard (IJM, Paris, France)

Carole Siret (CIML, Marseille, France)

Guillaume Maucort (BIC, Bordeaux France)

Workshops on

  • Whole brains imaging by Ultramicroscopy
  • 3D imaging of neuronal expanded samples by Ultramicroscopy
  • 3D entire small animal imaging
  • 3D Cellular models culture and imaging using the soSPIM technology
  • Micro-niche creation for 3D cell culture and 3D imaging using the HS-ISM technique 
  • Neurospheres culture and imaging using the MuViSPIM
  • Brain slices imaging using a Lattice Light Sheet Microscope
  • Single Cell electroporation for Brain slices labelling
  • Functional neuronal network imaging in ZebraFish
  • Orchestrating complex bioimage workflows using the Arkitekt solution
  • Napari for 3D data handling
  • How to segment a 3D dataset in just a few clicks?

Organizing committee

Coordinators: Mathieu Ducros & Rémi Galland

& FBI Work Group on « Multiscale Light-Sheet Microscopy »
