L’institut CIML (Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille Luminy), membre du nœud marseillais de France-BioImaging, organise en mars 2025 une formation dédié à la microscopie confocale spectrale.

L’objectif de cette formation, ouverte aux ingénieurs et chercheurs utilisant la microscopie confocale, est d’acquérir en mode spectral un panel 10 couleurs sur coupe de tissu et analyser les images réalisées.

Pour vous inscrire, vous devez préalablement remplir le questionnaire disponible ici: https://france-bioimaging.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Questionnaire_Formation-microscopie-confocale-spectrale-mars-2025.pdf

Retrouvez le programme de la formation ci-dessous:

Vous avez jusqu’au 27 janvier 2025 pour vous inscrire et retourner le questionnaire complété!


Hélène Pastor: Chargée de formation et du développement des ressources humaines – Inserm

Inscription (aucune demande ne sera prise en compte sans le questionnaire):

  • Personnels Inserm ou non Inserm dans une structure mixte Inserm : inscription via www.sirene.inserm.fr + envoi du questionnaire à : demat-form.dr-marseille@inserm.fr (Région : Paca – Domaine : TS3 – Imagerie)
  • Autres personnels : formulaire d’inscription + questionnaire à transmettre à demat-form.dr-marseille@inserm.fr

France BioImaging is pleased to support an upcoming training session organized by the Rhône-Alpes FBI node and the University of Lyon1. This hybrid training program offers participants the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in statistic techniques and methodologies for image analysis.

Training Details:

  • Virtual Session: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 (3 hours)
  • In-Person Sessions: January 27-29, 2025
  • Participants: Limited to 20 trainees
  • Fee: No additional cost for academic participants

Further details can be found in the attached document.

Interested in joining?

Please register promptly by contacting Rose-Noëlle Villa-Guennelon at rose-noelle.villa-guennelon@univ-lyon1.fr. This program is open to academic trainees from any institution.

This is the first edition of our Summer School outside of France, going to South America in synchrony with the IEEE SPS-EMBS ISBI Conference in Colombia.

The spirit of our Summer School was established in French Brittany in 1994 (by Christian ROUX and Jean-Louis COATRIEUX). This Summer School has become a worldwide reference with international lecturers from 20 countries and accessible to young scientists from all around the world. Our Summer School is an open yet privileged place for exchanges and discussions on major on-going research and technologies. Informal and warm, we always select a location and design a program where ample time is dedicated to interactions between lecturers and students.

The Summer School is open to graduate students (MSc., PhD), post doctoral scientists, radiologists, biologists, researchers and engineers in industry.

Important information for the registered participants: an email with the links to access the training videos was sent on February 15th, 2020. Please check your inbox and SPAM folder!

If you did not receive it, please send us an email to contact@france-bioimaging.org

If you registered after February 14th, 2021, you will receive an email with the links within two days.

France BioImaging (FBI) is organizing a remote training on Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM), which enable 3D imaging of biological samples with unprecedented spatio-temporal resolutions and low perturbing effects.

LSFM methods actually cover a large variety of implementations which allow imaging a wide range of sample types, from single cell to whole organs or organisms both live and fixed. These new imaging capabilities are revolutionizing the way we visualize our samples and address biological questions. However, imaging with a light-sheet microscope raises many questions about the choice of the set-up depending on the sample to image, the sample preparation and mounting protocols or the data management (storage, visualization, quantification). Thus, it can be difficult to find its way through the numerous microscope implementations, protocols and tools that have been extensively developed over the last 20 years. We therefore decided to review all those questions in a remote training.

Our goal is to help people who want to jump into the world of 3D imaging and are seeking the best solution for their samples and biological questions. In that perspective, we will provide a comprehensive picture including all the possibilities and challenges regarding LSFM.


The training will be divided in 3 parts:

  1. Theoretical courses on LSFM
  2. Practical demonstrations of several LSFM implementations available throughout the FBI infrastructure
  3. Live online question-and-answer session

For the two first parts, videos will be available on a Youtube FBI channel. The participants will have 3 weeks, from the 15th of February to the 5th of March 2021, to watch those videos and will be invited to ask questions or comment.

FBI experts will then answer all questions during a live interactive video chat on the third week of the training (5th of March where participants will have the opportunity to directly interact with the experts.


1.      Theoretical aspects of LSFM (15th to 26th of February 2021)

Here are the three main questions concerning the imaging with a light-sheet microscope: (1) what LSFM type should I use for my experiment, (2) How do I prepare and mount my sample, and (3) how to visualize and analyze my data sets. The first part of this training will address these three questions through three theoretical courses:

  • Course 1: Theoretical principles and numerous implementations overview of LSFM
    • P. Girard (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris-Centre)
  • Course 2: Sample preparation and mounting principles – highlight on clearing approaches
    • Carol Siret (CIML, Marseille)
  • Course 3: Reconstruction, Visualization and Analysis software overview.
    • Cesar Augusto Valades (Institut Curie, Paris-Centre),

2.      Practical demonstrations of several LSFM implementation and experiments (15th of February to 5th of March 2021)

In the second part of the training we will propose several videos on various systems available in the FBI laboratories and imaging platforms covering diverse types of LSFM design and applications.

Each video will feature a specific set-up and experts will present how to run an experiment on them focusing on three main aspects: (1) sample preparation and mounting methods, (2) image acquisition processes, and (3) visualization of the data-sets.

  • Lattice Light Sheet Microscope(Home-made  and 3i versions)
    • Mathieu Ducros (BIC, Bordeaux)
    • Ludovic Lecomte, Jean Salamero and Cesar Valaldes-Cruz (Institut Curie, Paris-Centre)
  • Single-objective Single Plane Illumination Microscope (soSPIM)Home-made
    • Rémi Galland (IINS, Bordeaux)
  • Dual inverted Single Plane Illumination Microscope (diSPIM)3i (Marianas)
    • Elric Esposito et Julien Fernandes (Institut Pasteur, Paris-Centre)
  • MuviSPIM – Luxendo
    • Sylvain De Rossi (MRI, Montpellier)
  • Ultramicroscope – LaVision Biotech
    • Carol Siret/Mathieu Fallet (CIML, Marseille)

3.      Questions & Answer interactive session (March 5th, 2021)

An online video session will conclude the training where FBI experts will answer all participants’ questions. You can ask questions either in advance in the comment box of the Youtube video, or during the Q&A session in a chat box. The Q&A session will be divided in sections, each related to a specific video.

To register:

In order to register to the Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy remote training, please fill out the registration form available here.

Registration is free but mandatory in order to receive the links to the training videos.

Extended deadline: February 19th, 2021

We look forward to your participation !

This 3-day interactive training event will take place at the Institut Pasteur in Paris from the 20th to the 22nd of November 2019.

The program is divided into 2 parts :

Part 1 (Wednesday 20th of November) will include conferences and round tables on personal development in core facilities in the morning, and 3 parallel workshops in the afternoon.

Part 2 (Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd of November) will include workshops in the morning (« How to identify and demonstrate your skills » and « Storytelling, communication and oral fluency ») and extensive discussions with Institut Pasteur core facility staff in the afternoon, on the occasion of visits to technological platforms and animal facilities.

You can either register for the whole event [Part 1 + Part 2] or for Part 1 only.

Part 1 only: you will have to choose by order of preference the workshop you would like to attend in the afternoon of November 20th.

Part1 + Part 2: you will additionally have to choose the Institut Pasteur facilities that you wish to visit, by order of preference (NB : only 20 persons will be selected for Part 2). Each participant will be able to visit 2 different core facilities (at least one of them outside their own field of specialty).

Targeted audience : Any person already working in a core facility or interested by core facility careers, in particular

* Technicians, engineers and scientists working in Life Science core facilities

* Students who are carrying out a traineeship in core facilities or who are considering to become core facility professionals

* Technicians, engineers and scientists who are not currently working in core facilities but are wondering if this could be an opportunity for them in the future

Registration fees :

Part 1 : 80€ for CTLS members, 100€ for non-members.

[Part 1&2] : 120€ for CTLS members, 150€ for non-members.

Bursaries :

 5 bursaries (400 euros each) are available for CTLS members participating to the full workshop (parts 1&2).

For any question, you can email us at ctls2019@pasteur.fr

 Local Organizing Committee :

Nathalie AULNER, Gabriel AYME, Marion BERARD, Evelyne DUFOUR, Patrick ENGLAND, Anna KEHRES, Mariette MATONDO, Mariana MESEL-LEMOINE, Sophie NOVAULT, Patrick WEBER.