France BioImaging Newsletter
This month in FBI newsletter:
- the launch of FBI new Twitter account,
- User access to France BioImaging facilities,
- Funding opportunities for correlated multi-modal imaging projects,
- Gen2Bio Conference,
- Videos from Global BioImaging virtual workshop on “Pre-publication image data: management and processing”,
- and news from FBI nodes!
France BioImaging is now on Twitter!
France BioImaging new Twitter account is now live, please give us a follow on @Fr_BioImaging and find out all the news and opportunities in the field of biological imaging in France and abroad!
See you there!

France BioImaging facilities are looking forward to hosting your project!
France BioImaging is the French Node of the Euro-BioImaging ERIC and participates to the European research infrastructure activities. As such, France BioImaging core facilities are opening their premises to EuBI users for transnational and national access.
This call for scientific projects is open to any users outside France-BioImaging, who would like to use imaging technologies in one of FBI nodes: Paris Centre, Paris Ile-de-France-Sud, Marseille, Montpellier, Bordeaux, Bretagne-Loire.
France BioImaging offers to EuBI users:
- access to 17 biological imaging facilities and laboratories specializing in R&D for imaging in 6 local nodes
- Waiver for the costs of instrument use (up to 750€ per week)
- Strong support in computational analysis, provide quantitative measures and integrative understanding of a wide range of cell and tissue activities in biological models, from the simplest, to small animals in normal and pathological situations
- A wide range of technical and methodological expertise:
- Single Particle Tracking & Super Resolution
- Multimodal & Quantitative fluorescence Microscopies
- Multiscale & Correlative Microscopy
- New Contrast & In-Depth Imaging
- High Throughput & High Content Screening
- Probe development, Optomanipulation & Optogenetics
- BioImage Informatics, Image Processing & Data Management
To apply: EuBI User Access

COMULIS COST Action: Funding for correlated multimodal imaging projects
COMULIS is an EU-funded COST Action that aims at fueling urgently needed collaborations in the field of correlated multimodal imaging (CMI), promoting and disseminating its benefits through showcase pipelines, and paving the way for its technological advancement and implementation as a versatile tool in biological and preclinical research. CMI combines two or more modalities to gather holistic information about the same specimen. It creates a composite view of the sample with multidimensional information about its macro, meso- and microscopic structure, dynamics, function and chemical composition. Since no single technique can reveal all these details, CMI is the only way to understand biomedical processes mechanistically.
In order to encourage correlated multi-modal imaging projects, COMULIS Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) provides travel grants to individuals wishing to explore new imaging techniques. The grants are presented in the form of a lump sum of up to 3,500 Euros (depending on the duration of the mission), to cover travel and subsistence. COMULIS COST accepts applications on a continuous basis from Early Career Investigators and Experienced Imaging Scientists who would like to travel internationally to collaborate with a Host facility on a Correlated Multi-modal imaging project. There is a rapid review process and around 10 grants are awarded every year.
In addition, COMULIS STSM can provide funding for core facility staff to learn a new imaging technique or work with new software tools to bring the expertise back to their own facility.
Applications can be submitted any time & will be reviewed at the end of each month.
More infos and application procedure:

Gen2Bio Conference on November 17th 2020
Gen2Bio, the annual biotech conference organized by Biogenouest, is aimed at all stakeholders in biotechnology (researchers, engineers and PhD students, innovative biotech companies, laboratories or research centers, competitiveness clusters, technopoles and technical centers, value-added players …) who discover in particular the service offer of the 35 technological core facilities of the network and can thus follow innovations in life sciences in the “Grand Ouest”.
France BioImaging Bretagne-Loire Node will be present on November 17th in Brest to lead a workshop on “Microscopy for Pre-clinical Research“ . You are welcome to join us virtually!
Registration is free but mandatory:

Video from the Global BioImaging Exchange of Experience V workshop now available!
The Exchange of Experience V (EoE V) workshop was held as a virtual event on 8-9 September 2020 and brought together the highest number of attendees to date, across 5 continents and 16 time-zones.
Under the lead and special hosting of GBI’s Japanese partner ABiS, the Global BioImaging community met for an excting discussion on how imaging scientists, facility managers and the scientific community at large handles the theme of “Pre-publication image data: management and processing”. Participants enjoyed high-level presentations from world-renown experts in the field and discovered the different perspectives and needs of the community around the Global BioImaging partners. The workshop clearly showed once again that image analysis is a key part of imaging research and that infrastructure investments to develop open access services and tool repositories to facilitate it, are needed and timely.
The presentation slides shown during the workshop can be found here and all the videos of the workshop presentations and discussions can be viewed here.
