“From Cells to Embryo” International meeting – November 16 – 17, 2020

The pathways leading from cells to embryo are highly complex. They involve among others steps of cell determination, patterning, cellular and organ morphogenesis, processes that are tightly controlled and coordinated in space and time.
However, during the last decade, this field has benefited from major findings in the understanding of epigenetics, gene regulatory networks, mechanobiology, mechanisms of cell specification among others, and also from technical advances such as single cell omics.
This symposium will address state-of-the-art research in this field, both in animals and plants. It will feature keynote and invited lectures, and selected short talks and posters.
The symposium is organized at the initiative of the Multi-Organization Thematic Institute Cell Biology, Development & Evolution (ITMO – BCDE), jointly with the French Society of Developmental Biology (SFBD) and with the French Society of Cell Biology (SBCF). See the composition of the Scientific Organization Committee.
The meeting will take place as scheduled on November 16 – 17, 2020. Given the sanitary situation, it will be organized using a mixed format, partly online and partly on site, on the Institut Jacques Monod campus, located in the center of Paris. Many short talks will be selected by the organizers (applicants will be informed around October 15th). The call for abstracts is now open. Download the submission form on the registration page. Abstract submission by October 1st, 2020.