Bio image Analyst (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Organization: National Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI), University of Gothenburg
Position Information:
The CCI offers high-end microscopy techniques for researchers in the various fields of life sciences and biomedicine, but also chemistry, physics, material science. The equipment includes six scanning (confocal and multiphoton) microscopes, laser microdissection microscope, a super-resolution microscope designed for imaging with structured illumination and single-molecule localization microscopy modalities, the Airyscan with the fast module, as well as a scanning and a transmission electron microscope. The scientific staff at the CCI assists researchers in the experimental designing and planning of microscopy experiments and provides the in-depth training for the operation of the microscopes, sample preparation and for specific imaging techniques. Additionally, support is provided in the processing, rendering and analysis of the acquired datasets. The CCI is now seeking for a dynamic and talented Bioimage Analyst to engage with the Centre in addressing a wide range of exciting scientific questions using data from light electron microscopy. The Image Analyst will support all aspects of image analysis, from experimental design, to the interpretation and presentation of data. This will include training users and working with projects requiring the development of more sophisticated image analysis tools.