New optical strategies for label-free deep-tissue imaging (Bordeaux, France)
Organization: Laboratoire Photonique Numérique et Nanosciences (LP2N) - Univ. Bordeaux
Position Information:
While the use of fluorescent probes allows highly specific imaging of precise pool of molecules, we are still lacking of environment information in a label-free manner, especially deep into the samples. We have developed quantitative phase imaging to unravel thin sample structures without any staining (Bon et al., Biophys. J., 2014) and we want to outspread quantitative phase imaging deep into biological samples.
The candidate will be in charge of developing a new design for quantitative phase imaging that will leads to label-free deep-(living) tissue imaging. He/she should be trained in optics. A working experience in high-resolution and/or label-free microscopy would be appreciated.