Post-Doctoral position – endothelial dynamics in 3D chiral fiber microenvironments
Organization: Institut Curie
Position Information:
Hosting structures
This project will be carried out at Institut Curie, a leading French cancer center combining a
multidisciplinary research center and hospital, and at Chimie ParisTech, a chemistry engineering
school and active research center with expertise ranging from synthetic and physical to material
chemistry. It will be performed in the frame of a dynamic collaborative project between Sylvie Coscoy
(team Biology-inspired Physics at Mesoscales, Curie) and Vincent Semetey (team Materials, Interface
and Soft Matter). The post-doc will take place in the context of this global project developing
innovative approaches to build reconstituted 3D fiber architectures perfectly controlled in a
geometrical, chemical and mechanical point of views, in order to study fundamental mechanisms of
cell-fiber dynamic interactions. This project benefits from a strong collaborative network, with
important interactions for this post-doc with Catherine Monnot (Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers),
expert in angiogenesis and endothelial cell behavior. Institut Curie and Chimie ParisTech are both
located in the center of Paris, in close proximity, and the project benefits from the rich infrastructure
of both institutes (state-of-the-art imaging platform, cell culture, microfluidics and microfabrication,
modeling of biophysical phenomena; chemical surface analysis equipments and wide expertise in
chemistry), with a two-photon polymerization set-up specifically dedicated to the project.
This project aims to decipher fundamental aspects involved in endothelial cell behavior in relation to
the geometric and mechanical characteristics of the 3D microenvironment. Cell dynamics in a matrix
with 3D chiral micron-scale properties remains largely unexplored, despite growing evidence of the
influence of chirality on cell migration and differentiation. We propose to use a two-photon
polymerization-based microfabrication system, in which we have previously observed geometry-
triggered phenotypes evocative of angiogenesis initiation, to build tube networks with 3D spiral chiral
fibers, with tunable geometrical, chemical and mechanical characteristics. In these microstructures,
we will study 3D cell polarity, the dynamics of filopodia and the forces at play, as well as migration
and multicellular dynamics including early steps of endothelial multicellular engagement. This project
is based on ongoing innovative developments for the generation of controlled 3D fiber arrays, and
will involve image analysis developments to capture dynamic properties of endothelial cell-fiber
interactions at subcellular and multicellular scales.
Candidate profile
A variety of profiles and PhD backgrounds will be considered for the position: applicants with PhD
either in physics, biomechanics, cell biology or image analysis could be a good match for the project.
An interdisciplinary motivation is recommended. Technologies used in the project will include
chemistry and microfabrication by two-photon polymerization for the creation of new 3D
microstructures promoting multicellular engagement and collective migration, cell culture, live
imaging by spinning disk or Lattice Light Sheet microscopy, forces measurements, and image and data
analysis. The initial training will be adapted according to the post-doc background in biology, chemistry
or physics. The subject may involve developments in image analysis for the detection of subcellular
and cellular features in 3D fiber networks, and a strong motivation or previous experience in using and
developing AI-based methods for image analysis would be a good asset for the project.
Postdoctoral funding is available for one year. After this period, selected applicants will be encouraged
and supported to apply for external postdoctoral grants/fellowships on this project, with an alternative
possibility to join other related funded projects in the “3D fibers” consortium.
Please send CV and motivation letter to Sylvie Coscoy and Vincent Semetey:
Physico Chimie Curie, UMR168 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris
Institut de recherche de chimie Paris, Chimie ParisTech, 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris