Post-doctoral position at PSL Chimie
Organization: Institut Curie-ENS Paris
Position Information:
A postdoctoral position is available to work on a collaborative project (PSL Chimie) between two teams: team “Structure and Fluorescent Probes” (director: Dr. M-P. Teulade-Fichou) at the Chemistry Modeling and Imaging for Biology (UMR9187-U1196, Institut Curie) and team “Inorganic cellular chemistry” (director: Pr. C. Policar) at Laboratoire des Biomolécules (UMR7203, CNRS, ENS Paris, UPMC).
The project is focused on the development of new multimodal probes for biological applications in live and fixed cells. The project involves the design and synthesis of the probes, their photophysical properties and their imaging through three different modalities: two-photon excitation microscopy, Infra-Red and X-fluorescence imaging.
An expertise in Organic-bioorganic chemistry and optical (fluorescence) spectroscopy is required, basic knowledge in biochemistry and biological applications of molecular fluorescence would be appreciated.
Position is open for 18 months with a starting date in September 2017. Applicants are required to send a CV and a cover letter as soon as possible.
Contact persons : Dr Florence Mahuteau-Betzer, tel
Dr. Hélène Bertrand, tel