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Team Leader: Gwyneth Ingram

Location: 46 Allée d'Italie, Lyon, France

Over the last ten years, the joint effort of the platform PLATIM and the laboratory of Plant Development and Reproduction (RDP) has developed a strong and recognized expertise in the imaging and quantification of cell mechanical properties in living plant issues. Specific pipelines have been developed to map and quantify:

1. Wall mechanical properties through direct measurements of key parameters such as wall stiffness, adhesion, and resistance to piercing, using AFMs and nano-indenters 

2. Cell hydrostatic pressure through stiffness measurements made using AFMs or nano-indenters and the subsequent application of physical models but also through the development of a nano-pressure probe (in progress).

In addition of the originality of these technological approaches in mecanotransduction, the interest of our R&D teams is to develop and support their evolution directly into the environment of an IBiSA core facility. Thus, the R&D Team PLATIM/RDP is one of the rare facilities in France to provide different and integrated mechanical evaluations for both plant and animal multicellular organisms.


  • Bauer, A., Ali, O., Bied, C., Boeuf, S., Bovio, S., Delattre, A., Ingram, G., Golz, J.F. & Landrein, BSpatiotemporally distinct responses to mechanical forces shape the developing seed of Arabidopsis. (2024) EMBO J. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44318-024-00138-w
  • Creff, A., Ali, O., Bied, C., Bayle, V., Ingram, G. & Landrein, B. Evidence that endosperm turgor pressure both promotes and restricts seed growth and size. (2023) Nature Comm. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-35542-5