During this year 2020, the MicroPICell facility from the Bretagne Loire Node acquired several imaging systems, some of which offer access to new technologies on the Nantes health research site:
- a complete Zeiss Lighsheet 7 light sheet microscope associated to an X-Clarity clearing system and an Arivis Vision 4D Offline station,
- a motorized Nanolive holotomographic microscope,
- a high-end Nikon confocal microscope (resonant, spectral, FLIM, large field of view),
- an Akoya CODEX system of multiplex fluorescent tissue labeling.

Moreover, the MicroPICell facility, in collaboration with the training organization of the CNRS, is organizing in March 2021 a training on histology: from sample preparation to markers validation by image analysis. This training (lectures, workshops) will take place over 4 days between 03/22/2021 and 04/24/2021.
Link: https://cnrsformation.cnrs.fr/stage-21290-Histologie–de-la-preparation-dechantillons-a-la-validation-des-marquages-par-analyse-dimage.html?stage=21290&axe=138