Open-Neuroscience in collaboration with the Neuroscience department and the Photonic BioImaging Core of the Institute Pasteur and the University of Sussex neuroscience department is organising a FENS satellite event on Open Hardware Microscopy DevelopmentThe aim of this event is to bring into focus excellent open projects that permeate education, ease of access and data collection in advanced research environment.

The symposium will take place on July 8th at the Pasteur Institute campus in Paris (28 rue du Dr Roux). It will be divided into a morning workshop session and an afternoon series of talks. Registration is necessary to access the campus :


The workshops will be led by specialists in the field, which will also participate in the afternoon session. By the end of the session, participants will be invited to discuss what they have learned, how they could implement Open-Science microscope in their research, and/or how they could improve/modify their own setup by implementing Open tools on it and how their research protocol could benefit from it.

The afternoon session will be dedicated to a series of talks by our invited specialists. It will be split into two distinct topics/sub-sessions:

  1. Open-Source microscopy for education and improving ease of access to research equipment.
  2. Open-Source microscopy for advanced research.

It is our goal that by the end of the day, participants get a full picture of the state of the art for Open-Source Microscopy. It is hoped that development and implementation of such tools and techniques in modern research units promote science accessibility and improve data reproducibility. Furthermore, an earlier and more systematic access to advanced science tools in education could only support shaping the research minds of tomorrow.

Open Microscopy is sponsored by EMBO, TReND in Africa and France-Bioimaging.

The first edition of “Digital Spaces for Research and Medicine” will take place at Institut Curie on July 7th, 2022. This event will be dedicated to providing scientists and clinicians insight into Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality based tools that offer novel and powerful ways for visualizing and analysing data in research and medicine. This day will include presentations of the tools followed by hands-on demonstrations. The day will close with an open forum for questions and discussing future perspective. The following tools will be presented:

  • MorphoNet-VR (Serpico-STED, Inria-UMR144 Institut Curie and LIRMM): Visualizing live microscopy data (3D+T) in VR
  • Genuage (Team LOCCO, UMR168, Institut Curie): visualization and analysis of multidimensional point cloud data, such as single molecule data, in virtual reality
  • DIVA (Institut Pasteur, Institut Curie): 3D reconstructions of raw experimental image stacks that are integrated in virtual reality for volumetric analysis
  • Tamed Cloud (ENSADLab): immersive VR experience to interact with cloud of images
  • HoloTracks (TEAM INRAE-Unité MaIAGE / AVIZ Inria, Paris Saclay): Immersive (AR) visualization of dynamic compounds in living cells
  • UnityMol A&VR (UPR 9080, IBPC) : deep inside molecules – digital twins at the nanoscale

Presentations of the tools will be at amphitheater Burg and online (click here to join)

Registration is mandatory for hands-on demonstrations : register here to book your slot!


9 – 9.15 am Welcome coffee

9.15 – 11.30 am Presentations of the tools

11.30 – 1 pm Demonstrations part 1

2 – 5 pm Demonstrations part 2

5 – 6 pm Discussion “Future and perspectives”

6pm Cocktail