In memory of Spencer Shorte: a visionary leader in the bioimaging community
It is with deep sadness that the France-BioImaging community learned of Spencer Shorte’s passing.

Spencer Shorte was a highly esteemed member of France-BioImaging. As Director of the Institut Pasteur platform Imagopole at the time, then UTechS Photonic BioImaging, Spencer was involved right from the initial project of France-BioImaging (2011-2014), especially in the Paris Centre node structuration, where the connection between the Parisian platforms of Imagoseine (Institut Jacques Monod), Imagopole (Pasteur), PICT (Institut Curie) was key, notably for user transfers and the sharing of technical facilities in EM. He also was one of the driving forces behind the French RIO platform label, forerunner of the IBiSA quality label.
His contributions to the bioimaging landscape and platforms at the international stage, particularly in the coming of ELMI, the foundation of CTLS and more recently within Global-BioImaging, played a pivotal role in fostering the creation of a global network connecting all imaging stakeholders and promoting the dissemination of knowledge.
France-BioImaging will remember his energy, his active advocating for imaging core facilities and his important contributions to the French and international imaging community.
Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family and colleagues.
Here is the memorial link to pay tribute to Spencer Shorte by sharing a personal message: