The spirit of this Summer School is inspired by the most prestigious school ever founded in France, Saint Flour, the influence of which has spread to generations of researchers in Mathematics. Since its establishment in Brittany in 1994, this school has become a worldwide reference. It is resolutely international (participants from more than twenty countries have participated to the previous editions) and accessible to young scientists. It is an open yet privileged place for exchanges and discussions of major on-going work. Informal and warm, at a location where the sea and the land combine in a time varying relation, this school brings together, every two years for ten days, the world great teachers and researchers in Biomedical Imaging.
For its 11th edition in 2014, it relocates in the wonderful facility of Saint Jacut de la Mer close to Saint Malo and Mont Saint Michel.
Additional information
Extensive 6 hours lectures, seminars, and discussions are organized at the highest level, but with the freedom of spirit that is the tradition of Brittany. The school objective is to contribute without any exclusion to advances in a rapidly evolving field, and to foster participation in the adventure of research. It provides up-to-date, state-of-art knowledge on emerging areas and addresses important issues dealing with complex, multivariate systems, going from basic to applied research.
Audience: The Summer School is open to graduate students (M.S., PhD), post doctoral scientists, image processing scientists, radiologists, biologists, researchers and engineers in industry.
Lecture Program
Luis IBÁÑEZ, Kitware Inc., USA, “Open Science in Biomedical Image Analysis”
Aydogan OZCAN, UCLA, USA, “Computational Microscopy, Sensing and Diagnostics”
Rangaraj M. RANGAYYAN, University of Calgary, Canada, “Oriented Tissue Analysis in Medical Imaging”
Jocelyne TROCCAZ, UJF CNRS, France, “Computer Assisted Medical Interventions”
Dimitri VAN DE VILLE, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, “fMRI and EEG for Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences”
Tony WILSON, University of Oxford, UK, “Advanced Microscopies for Biology”
Important dates
Candidature submission open from Dec., 2013 to March 15th, 2014 (Extended Deadline).
Jean-Christophe OLIVO-MARIN, Institut Pasteur (jcolivo@pasteur.fr)
Oscar ACOSTA, LTSI, Université de Rennes 1, 35042 Rennes CEDEX, France
Fax: +33 – E-mail : oscar.acosta@univ-rennes1.fr