The France-BioImaging Image Contest is back for its 6th edition!

This image contest is open to all within the imaging community: core facility staff and users, R&D labs teams and co-workers, students… Submit your best microscopy images for a chance to showcase your skills, research and creativity to the French bioimaging community and beyond, allowing people to see the visual appeal of the life sciences. Images from the contest will be featured on France-BioImaging communication tools, online and in print.

France-BioImaging and all the French community aims to develop and promote innovative imaging technologies and methods. But microscopy images can also take an artistic, creative look and make the invisible world beautiful.

We are all eager to see your work !


1 to 3 images will be awarded depending on the quantity and quality of the entries submitted. France-BioImaging will cover the registration fees for one 2024 microscopy related event of the winners’ choice (FOM, ELMI, EMC, COMULIS conference, etc.).

Important: Only French or foreign participants affiliated to a French institution can enter the contest. Foreign participants non-affiliated to a French institution can submit images and will be featured in the gallery, but will not be evaluated as part of the contest.

Submission deadline: Friday, November 8th, 2024, 23h59 UTC+2. 

Click here to consult the terms and conditions of the contest. When you are ready, submit your entry by filling the form below. You can check out last edition’s entries for inspiration. One participant can submit several entries (up to 3).

(If you have any issues when submitting your image, please contact

FBI – Image Contest 2024 Submission
First LAST
Will be used as caption in the FBI gallery. Please detail: the object observed, the microscopy technology used, the purpose of the research for which this image was produced (if applicable), and any other information you deem interesting or important.
Will be used as caption in the FBI gallery. Please detail: the object observed, the microscopy technology used, the purpose of the research for which this image was produced (if applicable), and any other information you deem interesting or important.

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Images in high resolution are preferred (1000×1000 pixels and above). Max file size: 300 MB. File format: JPG, PNG.
Precise credits and copyrights if required (if this field is left clear, the credits will be: Author name – Institution & Lab)
Remember that FBI will provide the registration fees if you win the contest, but will not cover the travel or accommodation costs to the event. FBI is not responsible for the pre-registration or the acceptance of your participation to the event (organizers’ prerogatives). As per the Terms & Conditions of the contest, foreign participants not affiliated to a French institution can submit images but will not be entered in the contest.

Discover last year’s submitted images on this following link:

France-BioImaging primary mission is to develop, promote, disseminate and provide access to innovative instruments and imaging technologies in the field of bioimaging to scientists. Fostering the technological transfers is at the heart of this mission, and for this France-BioImaging relies on a strong association of leading R&D research teams with core facilities.

However, several bottlenecks exist and often hamper or prevent successful technology transfer:

  • A lack of human resource leads to difficulties in transferring and stabilizing the technology which is not enough user-friendly
  • A technology that is too specific, with not enough user base
  • A difficulty to contract with industry through institutional offices for industrial valuation
  • In the context of image analysis: the instability of open software economical model, inter-operability, large data handling and algorithm complexity

As a way to tackle these bottlenecks, France-BioImaging launched in January 2021 its first “FBI Internal Call 2021: Technology transfer from the R&D teams to the core facilities” to promote the transfer of new technologies (instrumentation, probes, staining methods, software, data analysis or data visualization) from the R&D teams to the facilities of France-BioImaging, for access and service to end-users. The outcome of the transfer project had to ensure for the prototype to be usable by the end-users until the interpretation of the data. The project had also to include a sustainability plan and a training plan to guide both facility staff and end-users toward autonomy.

The project selection was organized by the National Coordination of France-BioImaging and applications were assessed according to the following evaluation criteria:

  • Innovation and originality of the proposal
  • Scientific quality, implementation, timeline
  • Competitive positioning
  • Adequacy of resources with the proposed project
  • Economic impact and tech transfer potential and perspectives
  • Estimation of the user market and potential for user adoption
  • Plan for training and sustainability.

2022 laureates

For the first edition of the “FBI Internal Call 2021: Technology transfer from the R&D teams to the core facilities”, 5 projects were selected:

  • Icy@FBI: Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin (IPDM Node), Broadening the scope of applications of Icy ( by implementing several key new bioimage analysis components
  • BIC-HCS-SMLM: Jean-Baptiste Sibarita (Bordeaux Node), Technological transfer of a Single-Molecule-based High Content Screening platform to the Bordeaux Imaging Center
  • CloudFISH: Marcello Nollmann (Montpellier Node), A tool for the analysis of single-molecule RNA and DNA FISH images
  • MorphoNet: Emmanuel Faure (Montpellier Node), An interactive online morphological browser to explore complex multi-scale data
  • BioImageIT ( Jean Salamero, Sylvain Prigent (IPDM Node), An open source framework for integration of image data management with analysis

2023 laureates

The call was renewed for another edition in 2022! Here are the 7 laureates:

  • UV_FLIM NA: Yves Mely (Alsace Node), Microscope for live cell imaging of fully functional nucleic acids by Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy coupled to Ultra-Violet excitation
  • RIM-Ouest: Marc Tramier (Bretagne-Loire Node), Random Illumination Microscopy transfer in Rennes
  • TempFoCash: Laurent Bourdieu (Paris-Centre Node), 3D-ultrafast optical functional activity recordings based of TEMPoral FOcusing and Custom Access Serial Holography
  • Side C.A.R.S.: Elric Esposito (Paris-Centre Node), Stand-alone temporal synchronization module for CARS microscopy
  • 3D LIGHTiss: Laurent Malaquin (Toulouse Node), Development of an Embedded Optical Lens MicroPhysiological System for Mesoscopic Live Deep 3D High-Resolution Imaging
  • MAPS: Cyril Favard (Montpellier Node), Multicolor imaging and Absolute positioning using Planar all dielectric Surface enhanced TIRF microscopy
  • FBI-MIN: Emmanuel Margeat (Montpellier node), Implementation of a RASTMIN / p-MINFLUX microscope

Each selected project was awarded with a 80k€ grant for salary and/or equipment, and several positions are currently available

Deadline: April 21th, 2023

The three national infrastructures ProFi, France-BioImaging and FRISBI along with the GIS IBiSA are pleased to announce a call for a funded access to IBiSA-labelled facilities.

Our aim is to promote IBiSA facilities networking through interdisciplinary research projects.

Applications should request access to at least two different IBiSA facilities from two disciplines (structural biology, Biological imaging and proteomics). The call is open to any academic laboratory.

The amount of the financial support will be up to 5000 € per application to cover facility costs.

Applications should be submitted to:
using the template document

The deadline for this inter-infrastructure access call is April 21, 2023.

All submitted proposals will be peer-reviewed by independent experts and the final funding will be approved by a committee comprising 2 representatives from each infrastructure as well as representatives
from GIS IBISA. We advise the project PI to contact the chosen facilities in order to set-up the optimal experimental design.

Call description

Following the final decision of France-BioImaging Institutional Committee on February 21th, 2023, we are delighted to announce that two new nodes are joining France-BioImaging: the Alsace Node and the Toulouse Node.

The new Alsace Node is composed of six imaging facilities: QuEST, the Cell Imaging Facility from IBMP, PIV, PI2, PIC-STRA and PMC. The node has also six highly visible R&D teams (from IRIMAS, LBP, ICube, IGBMC and IPHC) expert in microscopy techniques and tools.

Located in Strasbourg, Illkirch and Mulhouse, the Alsace node is offering high level technical and innovative methodological expertise in multi-scale imaging at the interface between biology, chemistry, optics and physics, from the atom to the small animal/plant.

The Alsace Node has a strong expertise in probes with the development of highly innovative fluorescent probes and luminescent nanoparticles.

The node provides cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, with among others:

  • Tomographic diffractive microscopy, for 3D label-free imaging at cellular level, with an improved resolution compared to conventional microscopes, and, not being limited by possibly weak fluorescence, potentially at high speed (several 3D images/s)
  • Single particle tracking and time-resolved luminescence microscopy, to image upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs). Due to their anti-Stokes emission, UCNPs allow imaging applications with exceptional signal to noise ratio.
  • Single-shot full-field optical coherence tomography, extracts an FF-OCT image from a single interference acquisition, enabling single-shot high-resolution imaging within turbid media such as biomedical samples.
  • SharpViSu & ClusterViSu, development of an integrated software for image reconstruction, correction, co-localization, resolution estimation, segmentation and clustering of labelled complexes
  • A large range of molecular and nanoparticle probes for SR and advanced microscopy techniques as well as molecular and supramolecular complexes for anti-Stokes imaging at the molecular level have been developed.

The new Toulouse node is composed of a large nationally recognized multi-site core facility: Toulouse Reseau Imagerie. Distributed on Toulouse greater area, the facility is divided between medical science, fondamental science, cancer and rejuvenation, and agro-bio science. Moreover, eight R&D teams complete the node and supports the facility (from LAAS, CBI, IPBS, IRSD and IMT).

The Toulouse node aims to maintain the level of scientific excellence in response to the needs of users and the concerns of host laboratories. Four scientific axes are conducted: mechano-biology, molecules and single cells, whole organisms, image processing and quantitative data analysis.

The mission of the node is also to develop original devices to explore biophysical properties in living samples, to work at the interface between machine and sample and to develop artificial intelligence applied to bioimaging.

The node provides cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, with among others:

  • Random illumination microscopy, a super-resolution microscopy technique, interesting for its robustness
  • Protrusion force microscopy, combination of micro-fabrication, imaging approaches, including Atomic Force Microscopy, dSTORM coupled to supercritical angle fluorescence, and random illumination
  • Cryomethods for electron microscopy, includes sample preparation of frozen samples for cryo-microscopy, in view of bridging structural biology and cell biology.
  • ANchOR technology, a labeling system based on ParR/ParB labeling system from bacteria, which allowed the strong fluorescent labeling of genomic site with small DNA insert.
  • Microfabrication for organoids, 3D bioprinted scaffolds have been adapted to permit 3D characterization at the organoid and tissue scale

Welcome to the FBI Alsace Node and the FBI Toulouse Node!

  • Deadline: February 28th, 2023
  • For users from a unit attached to the INSB who do not usually use Research Infrastructures’ services for their projects
  • For access to technologies and related expertise
  • For access to expertise in data analysis
  • The scientific project must be a project in the process of being finalized

The field of Life Sciences has undergone major developments over the past two decades. The change of scales, both in spatial and temporal resolution, and the integration of data from a wide variety of sources, as induced by the development of technologies, have revolutionized the exploration of life. These technologies call for expensive investments and specific knowhow, carried out by highly qualified personnel, having led to the creation of common infrastructures such as research infrastructures (IRs) open to the entire scientific community.

The Institut des Sciences Biologiques (INSB) from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is launching the second edition of a call for projects to fund full access to the national infrastructures in health and biology “INBS Access to national research infrastructures”. This call aims to encourage teams to get a first access to the services offered by Research Infrastructures to help their research project. The objective is to demonstrate the significant impact of these services to improve the quality of their results (resolution, reproducibility, change of scale, etc.) or to help remove technological barriers. We also aim to augment the awareness of our teams to the cutting-edge technologies, methods and expertise offered by these national infrastructures.

Program description

Access to Research Infrastructures is open to the entire French and international scientific community, with contribution to the running costs of equipment being charged to the users on quote, after project feasibility confirmation by the infrastructure. The purpose of this program is to facilitate and finance access to these infrastructures. Target audience are INSB teams new to a technology or method offered by these infrastructures, seeking to validate the contribution that the infrastructures could make to their research topic by removing barriers that impair the completion or finalization of an ongoing project of the team. A new project is not eligible to this call. The list of eligible Research Infrastructures, to which the research team could apply, is available here: Other infrastructures may be considered depending on the proven needs of the project. Several types of access can be supported by this call for projects:

  • Access to technologies and related expertise, upon quote from the infrastructures and confirmation of feasibility in 2023
  • Access to expertise in data analysis, upon quote from the infrastructures and confirmation of feasibility in 2023

In addition to the costs of access to infrastructure, upon a quote emitted by the infrastructure at the second stage of the call, travel/mission costs, as well as consumables that are not covered by the costs of access to infrastructure, may be covered. The funding for each project will be in the range of 10 to 30 K€.

Instructions for submission

This is two-stage submission.

The first stage consists of a letter of intent, prepared by the scientific leader of the project, outlining the project in finalization in which the application fits and highlighting the barriers that could be removed by access to IRs. The novelty for the team of the usage of the technology and methods to which this application would give access has to be underlined. This letter of intent must also be signed by the director of the applicant’s unit. The identification of the infrastructures to access is possible at this stage but not mandatory and the application can focus on the technology and methods needed. An estimated timeline is however welcome.

The letter of intent (maximum of three pages including figures and references, in French or English), signed by the unit director, accompanied by a CV of the project leader (maximum of two pages) must be sent before Tuesday 28th of February 2023 to the following address: These proposals will be screened for eligibility criteria and selected projects will go to the second phase on 8th of March: The second phase consists of a consultation between the INSB and the national Research Infrastructures. This will lead to putting the applicant in contact with the infrastructures that are able to meet the expressed needs, in order to evaluate the feasibility and to establish a quote from their official invoicing cost models.

This stage will lead to the final submission of the project, including the requested budget, signed by the heads of the involved IR(s), no later than Wednesday 22th of march 2023. Funding decision will be sent to the scientific leader beginning of April.

Project eligibility and selection criteria

Access to the infrastructure must be fully implemented before 31/12/2023 (deadline for the engagements of funds by the teams). A scientific and financial report will be asked to the granted team in June 2024.

The scientific project must be a project in the process of being finalized. Access to infrastructure must unlock or accelerate the project. The start of a scientific project is not eligible for this call.

The access to the infrastructure technology or expertise required should be new to the scientific leader.

A project can call to different infrastructures.

In the first stage, budget is not expected, but the project should demonstrate its feasibility from the team side before the end of 2023 if access to the required technologies or expertise is granted (for example identified human resource from the team to undertake the project) and by providing an estimated timeline. The infrastructure(s) will confirm it in the second stage.

Project will be screened for scientific quality of the scientific leader and of the project in finalization, the interest of the targeted method and technology to finalize the project, the novelty of access to the infrastructure. In the second stage, the quote produced by the infrastructure will assess the feasibility and adequacy to the budget.

Eligible expenses are:

  • Billing from the infrastructure based on quote presented at the second stage
  • Mission fees to access the infrastructures
  • Consumables needed to prepare samples for access if not provided by the infrastructures

Explore the beauty of the invisible world through the 2023 FBI digital calendar!

Enjoy the diversity of microscopy techniques, models and applications represented, one image at a time. All 12 images used for this calendar were submitted to France-BioImaging Image Contest 2022.

A big thank you again to all the participants!

You can download the A4 print version (one month per page) 2023 FBI digital calendar here:

If you wish to use it as your computer desktop, you can download a PNG version of each month here:

In the framework of FBI-AT 2022 on Multiscale Fluorescence Imaging, which will be held in Paris from November 21st to 25th, 2022 (program available here), we have decided to open more widely the plenary lectures given by the invited researchers as well as the introductory lectures to each of the workshops.

Remote access to these lectures will be free but registration is mandatory. You will receive the connection link upon registration.

Registration form

This form is currently closed for submissions.

Going to Rendez-Vous Carnot 2022? Drop by our booth and say hello! 12 & 13 October – Paris

In a few days, we will be travelling to Paris to attend the Rendez-Vous Carnot 2022! This is the fourth time that we will attend the forum as an exhibitor, in the Research Infrastructures Village. We are going to present France-BioImaging R&D ecosystem and the multiple advanced biological imaging technology developments taking place on FBI imaging platforms and R&D teams.

If you are in Paris between October 12 and October 13 attending the Rendez-Vous Carnot as well, be sure to drop by our booth and meet some of our colleagues at the venue:

  • Caroline Thiriet , France-BioImaging External Affairs Manager
  • Etienne Henry, France-BioImaging R&D and Tech-Transfer mission Officer
  • Jean Salamero, France-BioImaging Inter-Infrastructures Activities mission Officer

This year, we are pleased to share our booth with the French Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology (FRISBI). This infrastucture provides integrative structural biology approaches, from the molecular to the cellular level, integrating multi-resolution data from X-ray crystallography, small angle X-ray scattering, NMR, Cryo-EM and functional data including development for protein expression and crystallization.

On December 13th and 14th 2022, we will have the pleasure to invite you to our Annual Meeting, to be hosted by FBI Bretagne-Loire Node at the Health Research Institute of the University of Nantes (Nantes, France).

2022 is an important landmark for France-BioImaging and its community, as the infrastructure is celebrating 10 years of operation and scientific advances. We will be happy to celebrate this milestone with all the members of the bioimaging community (within and outside the France-BioImaging community).

The Annual meeting will highlight France-BioImaging’s development as a research infrastructure and its node community accomplishments during these last 10 years, and the role they play in boosting innovation in bioimaging. Imaging scientists and users from the infrastructure’s nodes will present their key projects and demonstrate how they have profited from France-BioImaging and its community.

We look forward to meeting you there!





Deadline to register: 04/12/2022 at 23:59

This form is currently closed for submissions.



Adresse: Bâtiment IRS-UN 8 quai Moncousu 44000 Nantes

Plan d’accès 

(arrivée directement à l’accueil, toutes les salles sont au rez de chaussé et seront fléchées)

Comment venir?

Arrêt de tram le plus proche: ligne 2 ou 3 du tramway Aimé Delrue

En train: 

Gare de Nantes à 20 minutes à Pied (préférez la sortie sud pour venir à pied). En bus ou tram compter 15 minutes.

Ligne de bus accessibles depuis arrêt sortie gare Sud C2, C3, 54 arrêt Hotel Dieu

Ligne de tram depuis la sortie Gare Nord : prendre la ligne 1 direction François Mitterand/Jamet et descendre à Commerce, continuer à pied (10 minutes de marche environ) 

En avion:

Navette aéroport  Navette aéroport Nantes Atlantique : horaires, tarif

Le départ et l’arrêt se font à cause de travaux de Hotel Dieu ( plus proche de l’IRS) et non pas Commerce. 

Taxis Nantais:

02 40 69 22 22 

02 40 85 40 85. 


LocalCab 09 80 66 62 82   TAXI / VTC – Réservez votre Chauffeur au Meilleur Prix ! ( 

Quelques Hôtels conseillés :

L’Hôtel  L’HÔTEL NANTES – Votre Boutique Hôtel idéalement placé centre-gare ( (135 à 195 euros la nuit avec petit déjeuner) 

Hôtel Amiral Hotel Nantes centre-ville – Hotel 3 étoiles – Hôtel Amiral | Nantes ( (128 à 150 euros avec petit déjeuner)

Hotel ibis Nantes Centre Gare Sud   ibis Nantes Centre Gare Sud – Hôtel 3 étoiles à Nantes – ALL (  (110 à 130 euros)  ibis Styles Nantes Centre Place Royale 

Hôtel  ibis Styles Nantes Centre Place Royale Hôtel à Nantes – ibis Styles Nantes Centre Place Royale – ALL ( (85 à 95 euros) 

Prise en charge des missions: 

Se rapprocher de votre noeud FBI (fonds mission), sauf pour les intervenants qui seront directement contactés pour la prise en charge de leur missions. 

Advancing multimodal microscopy of thick samples for preclinical studies

The new France-BioImaging preclinical microscopy Working Group, whose aim is to advance multimodal microscopy of thick samples for preclinical studies, is organizing its first meeting! The event will take place on Monday December 12th 2022 in Nantes.
The event will present three aspects of preclinical microscopy:

  1. Imaging technologies (correlative microscopy, thick tissue or organoid microscopy, light sheet microscopy, intravital imaging and label free imaging)
  2. Image analysis (whole slide, correlative and 3D analysis)
  3. Regulatory frameworks (animal testing ethics and best practices in preclinical development)

Preliminary program

Registration Form

Deadline to register 04/12/2022 at 23:59

This form is currently closed for submissions.

The meeting will cover three aspects of preclinical microscopy with presentations of 30mn and a final round table:

  1. Imaging technologies
    • Correlative microscopy
    • Thick tissue imaging
    • 3D whole organ macroscopy
    • Intravital imaging (imaging chambers, exposed organs in living animal..)
    • Label free imaging
  2. Image analysis
    • Whole slide imaging analysis
    • Correlative image analysis
    • 3D reconstruction (distortion, alignment problems…)
  3. Regulatory frameworks
    • Animal testing ethics (3R, Ethics Committee…)
    • Preclinical developments (GMP, 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance…)
  4. Closing
    • Round table
    • Synthesis


France-BioImaging PreClinical Working Group

The PreClinical topic is usually connected to animal studies, but one needs to take into account the following aspects :

  1. Preclinical development, also termed preclinical studies or nonclinical studies, is a stage of research that begins before clinical trials (testing in humans) and during which important feasibility, iterative testing and drug safety data are collected, typically in laboratory animals.
  2. Preclinical imaging usually refers to whole animal imaging techniques allowing longitudinal studies such as high-frequency ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) which are usually used for anatomical imaging, while optical imaging (fluorescence and bioluminescence), positron emission tomography (PET), and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) which are usually used for molecular visualizations. This macro imaging scale is proposed within the infrastructure France Life Imaging.
  3. Multimodal imaging including the microscopy scale is largely developing. Technologies developed within FBI could benefit to the preclinical community
  4. The communities of cell, tissue and intravital microscopies need to know each other better.

Our Goal

The new France-BioImaging Working Group wants to focus on the microscopic aspect of the “preclinical imaging”. It aims to develop microscopy technologies for preclinical studies used to explore highly resolved information at the organ level. It includes, for example, whole slide quantitative tissue histology, correlative microscopy, 3D from sections as well as Light sheet fluorescence microscopy for 3D whole organ imaging, intravital organ imaging or multi photon microscopy. The goal is to bridge the gaps between communities dealing with either fixed sections or living organs.

Call for speakers

The Working Group would like to call on speakers interested in presenting one of the several aspects that will be highlighted during the meeting and contributing to the Working Group (open to everyone). If you are interested, please get in touch:

This form is currently closed for submissions.

Save the date! The Electron Microscopy facility of Imagerie-Gif (I2BC, France-BioImaging), the Cryo-Electron Microscopy facility (I2BC, FRISBI) and the Cimex facility of Ecole Polytechnique are organizing a 5-day workshop from October 3rd to October 7th, 2022 on Transmission Electron Microscopy to explore the architecture of a virus in all its forms.

The aim of this workshop is to propagate knowledge about transmission electron microscopy applications and to outline the advantages of transversal studies combining structural biology and cell biology. Indeed, structural biology and cell biology approaches both use TEM but are rarely merged in the same studies.

The workshop will focus on the advantages of combining both approaches, which can be easily performed with the same equipment. The workshop will focus on a biological object whose study requires such multiscale approaches: a virus. The virus will be studied in vitro to resolve its high-resolution 3D structure, and will be observed in infected cells to determine the infection and replication mechanisms in situ.

The workshop targets students and young researchers. The training will focus on a given biological object, a virus, which will be studied by two complementary approaches:

  • Single particle analysis by cryo-electron microscopy, allowing high-resolution 3D reconstruction of particles purified in vitro. This part will be performed on a 200kV TEM on the Cimex facility.
  • Cellular tomography of infected cells with observation of the virus replication sites in situ and analysis of its interaction with cellular membranes. This workshop will cover the workflow from sample preparation and resin sections realisation, to acquisition and analysis of tomograms with a 120kV TEM.

Attendees will have a theoretical and practical overview of these two complementary techniques. The practical training will be particularly emphasised, to ensure that attendees will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the workshop for their further research projects.

Susbscription here:

Preliminary programme

The first edition of “Digital Spaces for Research and Medicine” will take place at Institut Curie on July 7th, 2022. This event will be dedicated to providing scientists and clinicians insight into Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality based tools that offer novel and powerful ways for visualizing and analysing data in research and medicine. This day will include presentations of the tools followed by hands-on demonstrations. The day will close with an open forum for questions and discussing future perspective. The following tools will be presented:

  • MorphoNet-VR (Serpico-STED, Inria-UMR144 Institut Curie and LIRMM): Visualizing live microscopy data (3D+T) in VR
  • Genuage (Team LOCCO, UMR168, Institut Curie): visualization and analysis of multidimensional point cloud data, such as single molecule data, in virtual reality
  • DIVA (Institut Pasteur, Institut Curie): 3D reconstructions of raw experimental image stacks that are integrated in virtual reality for volumetric analysis
  • Tamed Cloud (ENSADLab): immersive VR experience to interact with cloud of images
  • HoloTracks (TEAM INRAE-Unité MaIAGE / AVIZ Inria, Paris Saclay): Immersive (AR) visualization of dynamic compounds in living cells
  • UnityMol A&VR (UPR 9080, IBPC) : deep inside molecules – digital twins at the nanoscale

Presentations of the tools will be at amphitheater Burg and online (click here to join)

Registration is mandatory for hands-on demonstrations : register here to book your slot!


9 – 9.15 am Welcome coffee

9.15 – 11.30 am Presentations of the tools

11.30 – 1 pm Demonstrations part 1

2 – 5 pm Demonstrations part 2

5 – 6 pm Discussion “Future and perspectives”

6pm Cocktail