The Preparatory Phase of EuBI, (a pan‐European research infrastructure project on ESFRI Roadmap) lasted from Dec 2010 to May 2014. Euro-BioImaging entered now the Interim Phase, with representatives of 12 countries and EMBL (as an international organization) working together towards the future implementation of the infrastructure. France with Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Israel, Italy, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and EMBL is one of the signatories constituting the Euro-BioImaging Interim Board that governs the Interim Phase prior to operation.


FBI, part of the Game. In this phase, France-BioImaging represents the French Task force. In agreement with the Ministry (MESR) and the CNRS, FBI supports the French Financial Participation to this Interim Phase and participates to the Interim Board. Tasks of the Interim Board are to decide on the legal model and governance structure, finance plan and user access policy. IB will be also directly involved in the definition of criteria for the future Euro-BioImaging Hub, its choice and its missions.


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Our contacts in the EuBI Interim Board : Daniel Choquet and Pierre François Lenne

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Stefan Hell, Eric Betzig and William Moerner have been honored with the highest scientific award, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2014, for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy. Stefan Hell developed principles of Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) microscopy while William Moerner and Eric Betzig laid the foundation for single molecule microscopy. Both methods allow scientists to visualize individual molecules in cells on nanometer range, a resolution that was until recently considered unreachable. Nobel Lectures will be held on Monday 8 December 2014, at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. It was a rare honor and a real pride for the organizers of the CNRS summer school MiFoBio2014, one a the major training/teaching event of the GDR MIV and France-BioImaging community, to have welcomed among its distinguished speakers Eric Betzig who was awarded the day after his conference ! Next Focus on Microscopy conference meeting will be held in Gottingen, Stefan Hell’s city! Do not miss the registration date.