Imaging has become a key technique in life science to achieve high-standards research and results. Among the three major components of imaging based research – laboratory experiment, microscopy and image analysis – nearly 60% of life science researchers acknowledged that “image analysis is the most difficult part”. Therefore, training researchers on image data analysis is crucial to ensure that they can get the most out of the data that they generate.

Several initiatives are active in developing training solutions in image data management and analysis Neubias, EuroBioimaging (EuBI), Global BioImaging (GBI) and ELIXIR. GBI/ELIXIR/EuBI/NEUBIAS are jointly organizing a hackaton on image analysis training material re-usability, that aims to bring together training providers from the imaging community and contributors to the ELIXIR Training Platform in order to create a curated collection of training materials on data management and analysis and facilitate their Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Re-usability.

Audience: Bioimage analysts, trainers and developers from NEUBIAS, EuroBioImaging and Global BioImaging, as well as ELIXIR’s Bioschemas and TeSS developers, and anyone willing to contribute, to: (i) foster new collaborations between ELIXIR and key initiatives from the image analysis community, (ii) create a curated collection of training materials on data management and analysis and (iii) facilitate their Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Re-usability.

Registration and more information can be found here.

Registration Deadline: March 1st, 2018

Pre-registration is still open – deadline extended until March 5th 2018.

To submit a workshop please fill in the form below and then go to for the procedure).

(French version:

Thank you for participating to this new edition MiFoBio 2018 by proposing a workshop. As announced in the spring, it will be necessary to explain the interest of your project and give a synopsis. It is therefore important to prepare your workshop project upstream. Evaluation of proposals will follow quickly in November. Depending on the returns, a second call will be made on a more restricted perimeter.

These workshops must fit into one of the themes below. The objective is to deal at least in part with one of the common questions so that we can then discuss at the end of the school the contributions of different technologies for the same subject.

  1. Biological, physical, photochemical question on the themes identified below:
  • Mitochondria and metabolism
  • Regulation of gene expression, maintenance of information integrity, nucleus
  • Synapse, neuron, brain,
  • Interaction between cells or with the environment, mechanobiology.
  • Membrane and receivers, signaling,
  • biofilm
  • Development, regeneration, evolution
  • organoid

2. New technological, instrumental or probe and marker development
3. Implementation of at least two significantly different techniques for the same question
4. Instrumental engineering and systems engineering (characterization of instruments, peak methods, new practices)
5. Image Bar: Image analysis
6. FabLab MiFoBio: small practical realization: optics, electronics or analysis
7. Outside class (to be justified)

For the record, a workshop aims to share knowledge and know-how in the field of biological imaging and biophotonics through practice. It is worn by two academics at most and must allow the participants to practice. The workshops implement methodological and instrumental approaches and deal with a scientific issue that is often interdisciplinary.


The MiFoBio organizing team

The ESRIC super-resolution summer school is a five-day residential course held in Edinburgh. The course is designed to give participants a thorough grounding in super-resolution microscopy in an informal and intimate setting. It brings together leading academics and the major suppliers of super-resolution microscopes to provide expertise and guidance in the theory and practise of structured illumination microscopy (SIM), stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED), AiryScan Microscopy and single molecule localization microscopies (PALM, sptPALM and dSTORM).

The summer school will consist of informal lectures and workshops and participants will have ample time to gain project specific advice from all of the academic experts and suppliers through dedicated Q&A sessions and informal social events. The course is suitable for anyone with prior experience of fluorescence microscopy looking to exploit the benefits of super-resolution microscopy in their research.
There are 36 places on the course and applications are processed through a rolling admission

The 2018 meeting of the European Light Microscopy Initiative is taking place in Dublin this June.
The programme is a unique mix of talks presenting the latest research, and workshops from the manufacturers demonstrating the latest equipment and software developments.
Abstract Submission is open until Friday 2 February for the following sessions:
– Super-resolution
– Light Sheet Microscopy and in vivo Imaging
– Approaches in Correlative Microscopy
– Single Molecule
– Frontiers in Imaging Analysis
– Frontiers in Imaging, Probes and Label Free
elmi2018 already has a great line up of invited speakers including our Keynote Speaker Professor Scott E Fraser from the University of Southern California who will present the talk “Eavesdropping on Biological Processes with Multi-Dimensional Molecular Imaging”
Find out more about the conference, workshops and networking opportunities, and register your place at this unmissable event at

A message from the organizers:
Registration to the Bioimage Analysis Symposium  of the 2nd NEUBIAS conference, in Szeged (Hungary), 31/01 to 02/02, 2018, is IMMINENTLY CLOSING !

We have extended the registration deadline to January 10th, 6pm (CET).

The Network of European Bioimage Analysts (NEUBIAS) is happy to confirm:

– 35+ talks with Keynotes Gaudenz Danuser, Gene Myers and Marleen DeBruijne,
– 70+ posters
– 22 Software packages in live demo at the Open source Software Lounge
– 4 industry workshops
– Call4help: A special BioImage Data Clinics session for participants to present and tackle their analysis problem with experts
– 220+ participants

– Free shuttles set from Budapest airport for NEUBIAS participants. You can access the current program here:


The NEUBIAS conference is a forum to exchange the newest findings, applications, and cutting-edge developments in Bioimage Analysis, machine learning, data mining, and storage. European Bioimage Analysts organize this event bringing together an international, interdisciplinary community of about 250 leading scientists in the life and computer sciences. The 3-days Symposium reflects the need to foster the networking between image analysis Developers and their end-users. The interest and needs for image processing in life sciences are heavily growing, a reality that is reflected by the success of earlier events of NEUBIAS in Lisbon in February 2017.

The organizing committee is assembling a top-notch program featuring both academic and industry presenters which will include Image restoration, storage & management, 3D & 4D image analysis, tools for high content analysis, data mining and open source developments. Aside from plenary talks and abstract presentations, we will have dedicated “Call 4 Help” sessions to team up tool providers with life scientists facing roadblocks in their image analysis, and two satellite “training schools” for “early career scientists” and “advanced Bioimage Analysts”. NEUBIAS Symposium will also feature the latest updates on open source software tools, components, and packages, in plenary talks and during the “Open Source Software Lounge” session which has been a great success in Lisbon, and where participants can meet developers and power users of a wide range of Open tools for Bioimage analysis in Live demo format.

The 2nd Annual Conference of NEUBIAS, gathering the whole BioImage Analysis Community into a multi-faceted event, offers two Training schools, a Working Meeting (Taggathon) and a Large Symposium dedicated to Scientific Developments and Open Tools in BioImage Analysis.

Training Schools:


Topics Highlights of the Symposium

BioImage Analysis in Life Science, Developments, Machine Learning, Bioimage Data Mining, Storage, etc…
Open source Software Lounge, Call4help, Open Tools, Industry workshops, Panel Discussions, more…

Registration to the Symposium open until January 10th, 2018.

Abstracts submission deadline: November 11th, 2017.

The Electron Microscopy platform of the University and DIMNP are pleased to announce the volume EM conference which will take place at the new “Fac de Medecine” of Montpellier on December 14-15th.
Volume EM is a set of methods that allow to obtain high resolution 3D ultrastructural data, using scanning electron microscopy coupled to different automatic serial sectioning techniques. With these methods it is now possible to obtain high resolution 3D data within a few hours or days. Volume EM is of rapidly growing interest at the international level with applications in many fields of research.
During the conference, high level scientists and application developers will present the principles of these methods and selected examples of applications for research.
A “zebrafish challenge” has also been proposed to different microscope manufacturers, for which they had to image an imposed portion of zebrafish embryo using the equipment of their choice. The objective will be to analyse the results obtained in conditions close to “real research”. The data will be presented and commented at the end of the conference, highlighting advantages and limits of each type of method.
The conference will be entirely in English. Inscription is free.. For any question, please write to

Registration for the 2018 Conference on Quantitative BioImaging (QBI) is open and space is limited! Those who have submitted abstracts for the conference are being given the chance to register first before the registration availability is publicly advertised. Space is limited, so please, as soon as possible, register online at: https://www.

As in previous years, we have no registration fee for academic participants. Space is limited so please register as early as possible. The details of the program are being finalized by the organizers and will be made available on the conference website.

Information on hotels near the conference location is available on the conference website. The listed hotels are within walking distance of public bus stops. General details about the public bus routes to and from and the conference site are available on the website.

This will be the sixth conference in this series focusing on the quantitative analysis of bioimaging data in an interdisciplinary manner, and is to be held from January 4-6, 2018, at the Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen, Germany. It will bring together researchers from engineering, (bio)physics, biology, and chemistry who work on quantitative aspects of microscopy.

Our Keynote Speakers are:

  •  Stefan Hell, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry,
    Göttingen, Germany.
  •  Paul French, Imperial College London, London, UK.
  •  Theo Lasser, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,

2018 Meeting Special Sessions: 

In addition to contributed sessions we are planning a diverse range
of special sessions including:

  •  Digital microscopy and image informatics
  •  Software design for quantitative microscopy image analysis

To obtain email updates regarding the conference, please subscribe to
our mailing list at:

Registrations are now open for the symposium “Physical Chemistry of the Cell”, to be held in Orsay, France from November 15th to November 17th, 2017.

Majors topics of the meeting will be : New probes and labelling strategies/ New imaging modalities and biosensors/ Quantification and sensing at the super-resolution scale/ Optogenetic, theranostic and multimodal agents/ Histopathology & pre-clinical imaging / In vivo imaging, non-linear and photoacoustic imaging

Confirmed plenary speakers :

  • Luke LAVIS (Ashburn, Janelia Research Campus)
  • Franck RIQUET (University of Ghent)
  • Peter DEDECKER (KU Leuven)
  • Francesco PAVONE (University of Florence)
  • Matthia KARREMAN (DKFZ, Heildelberg)

There are still a few slots open for oral contributions (DL October 23rd)
Abstracts are welcome until November 6th

Please send your proposals by e-mail to, preferably in the form of a short A4 abstract.

Further information about the conference can be found at our web page :

Date and location
Date: 17 November 2017
Time: 9am-6pm
Location: Friedrich Miecher Institute, room 5.30
The symposium is free of chargeOrganisers
Christel Genoud and Laurent Gelman

Contact person

Preliminary Program

09:00 09:15 Welcome
09:15 09:35 Dean Flanders (Head of IT, FMI): Coping with Large Life Science Data Sets from Acquisition to Archive
09:35 09:55 Urs Ziegler (University of Zurich): VM infrastructure for image processing at the University of Zurich
09:55 10:15 Enrico Tagliavini (IT, FMI): High performance storage fundamentals

10:15 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 10:50 Henry Luetcke (ID SYS, ETHZ): Distributed workflows for scalable analysis of large imaging datasets.
10:50 11:10 Katrin Volkmann (FAIM, FMI): High-Contect Screening Workflows at the FMI
11:10 11:30 Urs Mayr (Group Liberali, FMI): TissueMap, an image-processing platform for high-performance computing infrastructures

11:30 13:00 Lunch

13:00 13:20 Andrzej Rzepiela (ETH, Zurich): Phaedra – handling, analyzing, and visualizing HCS data
13:20 13:40 Stephan Gerhard (Group Friedrich, FMI):, an image processing and analytics platform for large-scale EM connectomics
13:40 14:00 Michael Stadler (Head of Bioinformatics, FMI): Identification of cell types from single cell transriptomics data

14:00 14:15 Coffee break

14:15 14:35 Christian Tischer (AMLF, EMBL): Plugins to analyze and process big datasets in ImageJ
14:35 14:55 Thorsten Falk (IT, Uni Freiburg im Breisgau): Fully convolutional neural networks for 5-D microscopic image analysis
14:55 15:15 Raphaël Thierry (FAIM, FMI): Neural networks and Machine Learning for Image Classification

15:15 15:30 Coffee break

15:30 15:50 Andreas Schenk (FAIM/Group Thomä, FMI): Big data analysis in Structural EM
15:50 16:10 Fabian Svara and Jörgen Kornfeld (ariadne-service): Combining human and artificial intelligence for high-throughput image annotation
16:10 16:30 Dieter Goehlmann (Bitplane): Imaris 9 – New Billion Triangle Surface Model. Analysis of huge datasets using multi resolution surface segmentation
16:30 16:50 Maria Marosvölgyi (Arivis): Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Large Image Data via Desktop, Web and Virtual Reality

16:50 17:00 Closing remarks
17:00 – Apero in Basel (optional)

The next RMS LM Facility Managers Meeting aimed at people running or working in light microscopy facilities will be held at the Francis Crick Institute.
From very humble beginnings, this meeting series has grown to a much more significant and influential community of facility managers. Numbers of attendees have grown 10 fold since the first meeting in 2006 as more and more facilities have opened. We now represent one of the best organised facility groupings in the UK if not indeed the world.
Following on from previous years, you can expect to find out more on the latest developments in Bioimaging and how we can feed in to wider international groups that are starting up. We will also discuss some of the basic elements (funding, impact measures) of running a core facility as well as the latest technological and application developments that effect ourselves and our users.

L’I2BC organise un atelier à destination des chercheurs curieux de se perfectionner ou de s’initier aux techniques spécifiques à la microscopie confocale.

Le programme détaillé et les modalités d’inscription sont disponibles à l’adresse suivante :

La pré-inscription se fait en cliquant sur le bouton orange “S’inscrire” en haut à droite de la page.

Pour plus de renseignements, contacter

Comité d’organisation : Sandrine Lécart, Romain Le Bars & Laëtitia Besse.

(This training session will be taught in French only).

Formation CNRS
Objectifs :
 Apprendre les fondamentaux de la microscopie photonique
 Acquérir les bonnes pratiques
 Découvrir les techniques avancées
 Acquérir de l’autonomie sur un ensemble de techniques de microscopie fréquemment rencontrées dans les laboratoires de biologie

Inscription avant le 9 octobre 2017 via le portail de formation du CNRS, Rubrique “Connaissances scientifiques” :