advanced microscopy meets biology at different scales


Saturday August 30th, 9h-12h – Palais des Congrès, Paris

Preliminary programRegistration until July 31st


France-BioImaging is the laureate, in the field of Biological Imaging, of a national initiative to support the access to innovative research to a wide scientific, medical and industrial community throughout France, Europe and beyond.


Full understanding of life processes relies on the development of new technologies enabling the multiscale observation and quantification of biological systems.


At the frontier between molecular and cell biology, biophysics and engineering, mathematics and bioinformatics, France-BioImaging gathers, in a coordinated infrastructure unique in France, several outstanding cellular imaging centers supported by laboratories for state-of the art R&D with the aim to give faster access to advanced imaging techniques and methods to a wide scientific community and to participate to socio-economical development through industrial partnerships and innovations.


This meeting is intended for the whole community of researchers (research fellows, engineers, PhD candidates, students) to illustrate how to answer diverse biological questions using innovative imaging solutions.


Admission is open to participants of the main FEBS EMBO conference but restricted to the first 120 registered persons. Please register here before July 31st (free of charge).



  • 9h00 – 9h30: France-BioImaging: the French National Research Infrastructure for Biological Imaging, with Jean Salamero, FR , Nadine Peyrieras, FR
  • 9h30 – 9h55: Correlating live cell and super resolution microscopy to study the melanogenesis using the CryoCapsule, with Xavier Heiligenstein, FR
  • 9h55 – 10h20: Objective comparison of particle tracking methods Nicolas Chenouard, US
  • 10h20 – 10h45: Building the inner ear: proneural gene requirements in cellular dynamics of neurosensory development, with Cristina Pujades, ES
  • 10h45 – 11h10: 3D Architecture of a bacterial DNA segregation apparatus: stochastic ParB self-assembly nucleated from the centromere, with Diego Cattoni, FR
  • 11h10 – 11h35: Polarized fluorescence microscopy, a new tool to decipher structural information in bio-imaging, with Alla Kress, FR
  • 11h35 – 12h00: Round Table : Accessing France BioImaging services. Partners’ projects and users’ expectations.

We are pleased to inform you that the 2012 edition of the MiFoBio took place on 3-9 October 2012 in Talmont Saint Hilaire – Vendée – France

We thank all the organizers and participants who contributed to the school of knowledge and know-how of biomicroscopy and bioimaging.

MiFoBio 2012

An initiative of the GDR 2588 Microscopie and the RTmfm/MRCT
With the CNRS Continuing Education and INSERM permanent training
Courses, debates, workshops

FBI Grand

France-BioImaging Kick-Off meeting allows to gather the whole FBI community, node coordinators, associated teams, engineers and “fixed-term contracts” recruited on the FBI project, but also the main users of our facilities and collaborators.


One part of the meeting will consist in the presentation of up-to-date information, (governance, SAB, user access, user committee, EuroBioImaging,…) and talks of invited speakers in plenary session.


The other part will consist in the actualization of the Working Groups (WGs) that have in charge the coordination and management of the different Work Packages (WPs). To be efficient, WGs will work in groups of less than 20 persons to define the advancement of works already done, the ongoing projects and eventual collaborations between nodes. These WGs will work in parallel sessions and a restitution of their work will stand in plenary session.




You are very welcome to register here.


Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information or any help for your reservation of accommodation in Paris.