
November-December 2016

November-December 2016

France BioImaging Funding Decision

The Executive Board of France-BioImaging has decided to support the following projects:

AAP Support to Events
  • Workshop super résolution sur échantillons végétaux, Bordeaux Imaging Center, UMS 34201-2 décembre 2016 – by Lysiane Brocard, Pôle d’imagerie du végétal, domaine de la grande Ferrade INRA, Villenave d’Ornon. Funded by FBI Coordination.
  • ANF “Statistiques pour l’imagerie – STATIMAGE -”, Sèvres, 19 juin 2017 – by Claude-Marie Bachelet, IR1 Inserm. Funded by FBI Coordination.
  • 9th Imaging the Cell, Rennes, 28-30 juin 2017 – by Funded by FBI Coordination.
  • Colloque national de la Société Française des Microscopies, 4-7 juillet 2017 – by Funded by FBI Coordination.
AAP User Access
  • Identification and characterization of unknown blinking molecules present in Deinococcusradiodurans by single molecule spectral imaging, by Dominique Bourgeois (IBS, Grenoble), hosted by Bordeaux Node (BIC).
AAP Tech & Meth Transfer
  • Ievgeniia Gazo (Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur mer), 3 weeks, Ile de France Sud Node (BioEmergences).