Light microscopy engineer position in cooperative laboratory ABIVAX-CNRS at Imaging Plateforme MRI (Montpellier RIO imaging)
Organization: The cooperative laboratory ABIVAX-CNRS
Position Information:
The cooperative laboratory ABIVAX-CNRS aims to develop its antiviral discovery plateform. ABIVAX is an innovative biotechnology company focused on targeting the immune system to eliminate viral disease. ABIVAX is advancing multiple preclinical candidates against viral targets (i.e. HIV, Chikungunya, Ebola, Dengue) and several of these compounds are planned to enter clinical development within the next 18 months. Many of the cooperative laboratory activities rely on cutting edge imaging techniques. To foster, enrich and accelerate its research, the cooperative laboratory seeks the help of an engineer specialized in Image Analysis for Life Sciences. The position is for a *ABIVAX-CNRS engineer*, 3-years fixed term until end of Mars 2020. It involves Service and Development activities. Importantly, a strong feature of the cooperative activities involve the generation of very large images. The candidate is expected to help researchers with the challenges of large images manipulation, analysis and processing.