1st Anniversary of the club of National Research Infrastructures in Biology and Health
The club of INBSs is an informal consortium of the coordinations from 16 Research Infrastructures. It was initiated one year ago.
Why a CLUB?

- Past institutional initiatives (DGRI, ANR…) stopped in 2019
- Specificities and problems common to INBS (mostly distributed with complex perimeters and parent institutions). 21 Infrastructures in the 2018 roadmap of the Ministry of Research (16 members of the Club in October 2021) out of 70, for all disciplines.
- Sharing of information on: MESRI WGs, ESFRI, Calls (from competition, to coordinated actions)
- Overlapping service offer instead of benefiting from complementary technologies and skills between INBSs
- Developing common activities; what, why and how?
What did we do this year ?
Online meetings ( agenda, reports, documentations on https://uncloud.univ-nantes.fr/)
- January 21st 2020
New roadmaps (national, European). Régine (FLI) and Isabelle (IDMIT) propose themselves as facilitators. Changed to “Feedback from ESR/equipex+ for INBS RIs”.
- February 23rd 2021
Meso-Centers and Data Center / Data management and openness. Perrine (FBI) and Jean François (IFB) as facilitators with invited participants.
- April 6th 2021
Full costs and pricing “upcoming exercises”. Members of the MESRI WG on pricing, Myriam Ferro (Profi) and Yann Herault (Cellphedia) as facilitators
- May 31st 2021
First propositions for the organization of a DATA-INBS symposium in December 2021
- July 7, 2021
Indicators and Impact (Facilitated by MetaBoHUB, FBI and Cellphedia with invited participants): Automated Indicator Harvesting; Hierarchizing Relevant Indicators for INBS; KPIs and Impacts ; Sustainable Development Goals, are we concerned?
- September 7th, 2021
Focus on year-end meetings:
The NSAF (New Africa-France Summit in Montpellier. October) presentation of INBSs initiatives

RDV Carnot (Village des IR) and Symposium
Organization of the 1st open Meeting of the CLUB, 16 and 17 of December: « Les données des Infrastructures en Biologie et Santé: enjeux et perspectives ».
More information and free but mandatory registration at:
Deadline for face to face registration: 15th of November
The National Infrastructures in Biology and Health (INBS) club is organizing its first symposium on a theme that concerns them all: the life of the data generated within them.
This two half-day symposium will be in French and will have multiple objectives:
- Practices and developments in progress or implemented by INBS or Research Infrastructures of other disciplines around the management of our data (PGD structure),
- Ideas for improvement and cohesion for the future, regarding access to storage and scientific computing structures,
- Moral and ethical responsibility towards these data (FAIRisation, ethical OpenScience…) and their valorisation,
- Finally, we will also focus this first meeting on the exchange of experiences between the INBS and with our respective Institutions.