
1st NEUBIAS call for mobility grants

1st NEUBIAS call for mobility grants


NEUBIAS, the network of European BioImage Analysts funded by the EU framework COST, has opened a new activity that will run continuously for 4 years, and is centered on mobility grants, also called Short-Term Scientific Missions.

The first call deadline is the 10th of September, but several other call will be regularly published.

BioImage Analysts and Life Scientists, from Research Labs AND Core facilities, can apply for funds to cover their expenses when visiting a Host-Lab in a different country (Lab or industry) where they will perform a short scientific project strictly focused on BioImage Analysis, and that should enable:
1) collaborations on innovative image analysis methods,
2) access to big data analysis technology and/or image analysis tools for scientists lacking them locally,
3) knowledge transfer to support careers and regional development.

Please check all the information here: and contact these people for any question: Julia Fernandez Rodriguez – NEUBIAS STSM Coordinator – Clara Prats – NEUBIAS WG7 Co-Leader – Julien Colombelli – NEUBIAS Action Chair –

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