
3rd Quantitative BioImaging Conference Report

3rd Quantitative BioImaging Conference Report


Institut Pasteur, Paris, January 7-9 2015

The 3rd QBI conference followed two previous sessions which were held in Albuqerque, New Mexico USA. QBI is meant to gather scientists concerned by bioimaging, from new microscopy technics especially single molecule nanoscopy and up to the statistical analysis and modeling, applied to life sciences issues, in a focused and interdisciplinary manner. The free of charge registration is another remarkable feature of QBI. The idea behind is to allow as many as possible PhD students and post-docs to attend.

This year, the third QBI conference was co-organized by FBI, in particular by elements of the “Bioimage Informatics-IPDM” WG (Institut Pasteur, Inria, Institut Curie). QBI was following the 2nd EUropean BoImage Analysis Symposium (Institut Curie, Paris, 5 and 6 January) in a joint Event fashion, making possible scientists to attend both meetings in a row quite successfully (about 50 attendees participated to both meetings). It gathered more than 180 scientists from all over the world. 66 talks were presented in 13 sessions, some from solicited speakers (19) but mostly selected from the 85 submitted abstracts. Lively poster sessions completed this scientific program. All in all, QBI 2015 was apparently a strong success and attendees look forward to the next QBI conference, which will be most probably held again in Europe, in Delft, Netherlands, Beginning of the next year.

Unfortunately, the conference was taking place at a very tragic time in Paris. The local organizers, wish to thank our foreigner colleagues for their support and their strong marks of solidarity with the French people.

We were all “Charlie” at QBI 2015 !
