Building a Successful Career in a Life Science Core Facility

This 3-day interactive training event will take place at the Institut Pasteur in Paris from the 20th to the 22nd of November 2019.
The program is divided into 2 parts :
Part 1 (Wednesday 20th of November) will include conferences and round tables on personal development in core facilities in the morning, and 3 parallel workshops in the afternoon.
Part 2 (Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd of November) will include workshops in the morning (« How to identify and demonstrate your skills » and « Storytelling, communication and oral fluency ») and extensive discussions with Institut Pasteur core facility staff in the afternoon, on the occasion of visits to technological platforms and animal facilities.
You can either register for the whole event [Part 1 + Part 2] or for Part 1 only.
Part 1 only: you will have to choose by order of preference the workshop you would like to attend in the afternoon of November 20th.
Part1 + Part 2: you will additionally have to choose the Institut Pasteur facilities that you wish to visit, by order of preference (NB : only 20 persons will be selected for Part 2). Each participant will be able to visit 2 different core facilities (at least one of them outside their own field of specialty).
Targeted audience : Any person already working in a core facility or interested by core facility careers, in particular
* Technicians, engineers and scientists working in Life Science core facilities
* Students who are carrying out a traineeship in core facilities or who are considering to become core facility professionals
* Technicians, engineers and scientists who are not currently working in core facilities but are wondering if this could be an opportunity for them in the future
Registration fees :
Part 1 : 80€ for CTLS members, 100€ for non-members.
[Part 1&2] : 120€ for CTLS members, 150€ for non-members.
Bursaries :
5 bursaries (400 euros each) are available for CTLS members participating to the full workshop (parts 1&2).
For any question, you can email us at
Local Organizing Committee :
Nathalie AULNER, Gabriel AYME, Marion BERARD, Evelyne DUFOUR, Patrick ENGLAND, Anna KEHRES, Mariette MATONDO, Mariana MESEL-LEMOINE, Sophie NOVAULT, Patrick WEBER.