
Lighting up the central dogma in living embryos: imaging transcription and translation and their spatio-temporal dynamics

Lighting up the central dogma in living embryos: imaging transcription and translation and their spatio-temporal dynamics

News from Nodes
Quantifying translation in space and time during development

During development, precise control of gene expression allows the reproducible establishment of patterns, leading to the formation of organs at the right time and place.

The establishment of developmental patterns has been primarily studied at the transcriptional level. In comparison, the fate of these transcripts received little attention.

Dufourt*, Bellec* et al deployed the SunTag labeling method to image the dynamics of translation of individual mRNA molecules in living Drosophila embryos. This led to the discovery of translation factories and unmasked important heterogeneities in the efficiency of translation between identical mRNAs, demonstrating a novel layer of fine-tuning of gene expression.

Imaging translation dynamics in live embryos reveals spatial heterogeneities.

Dufourt J, Bellec M, Trullo A, Dejean M, De Rossi S, Favard C, Lagha M.

Science. 29 avril 2021 doi: 10.1126/science.abc3483.


Mounia Lagha (CNRS)

+33 434359653

twitter : drosoigmm

Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier (Univ.Montpellier/CNRS) 1919 route de Mende, 34090 Montpellier

developmental biologydrosophilaEmbryosimaging transcriptionmRNA moleculesSunTag labeling