L’infrastructure nationale “France-BioImaging”, membre de l’ERIC-EuroBioImaging nouvellement créé, va élargir son périmètre et renforcera ses activités sur 2020-2025. Cette amplification nécessite un meilleur partage des tâches au sein de la gouvernance.


• France BioImaging (FBI) est l’infrastructure nationale pour l’imagerie biologique, ayant pour tutelle principale le CNRS.
• Les chargé·es de mission ont des activités opérationnelles internes à
l’infrastructure (IR), en cohérence avec la feuille de route stratégique
approuvée par le comité de pilotage.
• Les chargé·es de missions recevront un « mandat-lettre de mission » de
la direction de FBI, approuvé par le bureau exécutif.
• Ils/Elles sont nommé·es par le Bureau Exécutif pour 5 ans maximum.
• Ils/Elles participent aux réunions du Bureau Exécutif de FBI (1 par mois),
selon l’ordre du jour.
• Les personnes intéressées doivent avoir un poste dans une EPST et doivent fournir un CV et une déclaration de candidature et les envoyer à la direction de FBI (voir contacts ci dessous).

Les différents profils et livrables sont détailés dans le PDF ci-dessous.

Les personnes hors périmètre FBI peuvent candidater.

Contacts: Jean.Salamero@curie.fr, Edouard.Bertrand@igmm.cnrs.fr, caroline.thiriet@france-bioimaging.org

On October 29th, 2019, the European Commission has officially established Euro-BioImaging as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC1) for state-of-the-art imaging services in biological and biomedical research, allowing the foundation of the Euro-BioImaging ERIC and the implementation of a full range of imaging services to life scientists across Europe.

With its ERIC status, Euro-BioImaging is now legally recognised as a European research infrastructure2 for biological and biomedical imaging. Euro-BioImaging offers life scientists open access to imaging instruments, expertise, training opportunities, and data management services that they do not find at their home institutions or among their collaboration partners. All scientists, regardless of affiliation, area of expertise, or field of activity, can benefit from these pan-European open access services. Euro-BioImaging will ensure excellent research and development across the life sciences in Europe. All Euro-BioImaging services are accessible via www.eurobioimaging.eu. Establishment of the Euro-BioImaging ERIC builds on over 10 years of preparatory work with active engagement of 25 national imaging communities, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). 

Finland will host the Statutory Seat, the access gateway, and manage the overall coordination of Euro-BioImaging, while EMBL will coordinate access to biological imaging, and Italy will coordinate access to biomedical imaging. EMBL will also coordinate Euro-BioImaging’s data services via the BioImage Archive to store and share imaging data.

Euro-BioImaging offers state-of-the-art imaging services through its internationally renowned facilities, called Nodes. These Nodes are distributed across Euro-BioImaging’s 15 founding members: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, EMBL, Finland, France, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, and the UK. Belgium will participate as an observer.


France officially became a founding member of the Euro-Bioimaging research infrastructure in March 2019. As an active collaborator in the development of the future infrastructure since its inception (2009) and during the preparatory phases of the Euro BioImaging ESFRI project (2010 – 2018) and as a previous “Node Candidate” of the project since 2013, France BioImaging represents today the only French Node and the single entry point in Biological Imaging in this new European research infrastructure. FBI core facilities will be participating directly in the activities carried out by the EuBI ERIC, opening their premises to EuBI users for access  (https://www.eurobioimaging.eu/nodes/french-bioimaging-node) and training activities (https://www.eurobioimaging.eu/content/training).

Also, the involvement of France BioImaging, and therefore of the French biological imaging community, at the European level directly contributes to promote the French expertise in biological imaging and strengthens the role of France as an essential partner for future initiatives/projects in Europe.

The European Commission implementing decision (EU) 2019/1854 of 29 October 2019 setting up the European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences — Euro-BioImaging European Research Infrastructure Consortium (Euro-BioImaging ERIC) has been published in the Official Journal of European Union on 6 November 2019. Read the Commission Decision here.

1: What is an ERIC? A European Research Infrastructure Consortium, or ERIC, is a specific legal form to facilitate the establishment and operation of research infrastructures of European interest. ERIC status endows research infrastructures with a legal personality recognised in all EU Member States.

2: What are research infrastructures? Research infrastructures are facilities, resources, and related services used by the scientific community to conduct research and foster innovation. They include major scientific equipment, resources such as collections, archives or scientific data, e-infrastructures such as data and computing systems, and communication networks. Their development has been coordinated through the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) since 2002. ESFRI is a strategic instrument to develop the scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its international outreach.

  • 1st COMULIS Training School on Correlated Multimodal Imaging
  • Sunday February 9th – Friday February 14th, 2020
  • Training school participants: 20
  • Target audience: European research scientists, students and facility staff
  • Registration deadline is November 22nd, 2019.

COMULIS (Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences) is an EU-funded COST Action that aims at fueling urgently needed collaborations in the field of correlated multimodal imaging, promoting and disseminating its benefits through showcase pipelines, and paving the way for its technological advancement and implementation as a versatile tool in biological and preclinical research.

Within the time frame of the COMULIS COST Action, we will organize six training schools and workshops in the field of correlative multimodal imaging.  The Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC) is delighted to be hosting the first training school which will be held in Oeiras, Portugal on Sunday February 9th to Friday February 14th 2020.

This first training school is called “A Practical Approach to CLEM”. The school is targeting users who are interested in establishing Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) in their home laboratories, but who may have limited technical resources and training in this area.  As such the School will be focused on getting new laboratories set up to do CLEM. By inviting an array of international CLEM experts to Portugal, we aim to show the participants CLEM procedures that can straightforward to duplicate.  Furthermore, we aim to give the training School participants the knowledge and skills to start doing CLEM at their home institution.

We cordially invite scientists from all across Europe who are interested in setting up CLEM experiments in their home laboratories to join us in Portugal.  We also invite companies interested in working with these new CLEM experts, to join us in our sponsorship program.


This COMULIS Training School targets participants who are interested in establishing Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) in their home laboratories. Participants will gain hands-on-experience in light and electron microscopy and interact with experts in the field. 

This Training School targets users with some Electron Microscopy and some Light Microscopy experience who are interested in implementing combined Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy Workflows in their research. 


  • Introductory and applications lectures about Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy
  • Practical sessions with hands-on training about pre-embedding Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy
  • Advanced lectures detailing steps beyond these first initial workflows and the introduction to techniques to decide which of many Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy workflows is appropriate for a given project

Discuss with top experts how Light Sheet Microscopy meets the future challenges in Biology.

Light sheet microscopy allows observing the development of live three-dimensional organoids and organisms over a long time up to several days. This massive amount of multi-dimensional microscopy data poses significant challenges in both data management and modelling. Tackling these challenges is fundamental to advance scientific discovery in biological and biomedical research. LSFM2019 fosters the exchange between top researchers working to  the development of new light sheet microscopes, new three-dimensional cellular systems and model organisms, as well as in artificial intelligence and mathematical modelling. We aim to bridge the gap among different disciplines, paving the way to disruptive approaches.

Registration deadline for the LSFM2019 Light Sheet Microscopy conference has been extended to  October 31st 2019 

This 3-day interactive training event will take place at the Institut Pasteur in Paris from the 20th to the 22nd of November 2019.

The program is divided into 2 parts :

Part 1 (Wednesday 20th of November) will include conferences and round tables on personal development in core facilities in the morning, and 3 parallel workshops in the afternoon.

Part 2 (Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd of November) will include workshops in the morning (« How to identify and demonstrate your skills » and « Storytelling, communication and oral fluency ») and extensive discussions with Institut Pasteur core facility staff in the afternoon, on the occasion of visits to technological platforms and animal facilities.

You can either register for the whole event [Part 1 + Part 2] or for Part 1 only.

Part 1 only: you will have to choose by order of preference the workshop you would like to attend in the afternoon of November 20th.

Part1 + Part 2: you will additionally have to choose the Institut Pasteur facilities that you wish to visit, by order of preference (NB : only 20 persons will be selected for Part 2). Each participant will be able to visit 2 different core facilities (at least one of them outside their own field of specialty).

Targeted audience : Any person already working in a core facility or interested by core facility careers, in particular

* Technicians, engineers and scientists working in Life Science core facilities

* Students who are carrying out a traineeship in core facilities or who are considering to become core facility professionals

* Technicians, engineers and scientists who are not currently working in core facilities but are wondering if this could be an opportunity for them in the future

Registration fees :

Part 1 : 80€ for CTLS members, 100€ for non-members.

[Part 1&2] : 120€ for CTLS members, 150€ for non-members.

Bursaries :

 5 bursaries (400 euros each) are available for CTLS members participating to the full workshop (parts 1&2).

For any question, you can email us at ctls2019@pasteur.fr

 Local Organizing Committee :

Nathalie AULNER, Gabriel AYME, Marion BERARD, Evelyne DUFOUR, Patrick ENGLAND, Anna KEHRES, Mariette MATONDO, Mariana MESEL-LEMOINE, Sophie NOVAULT, Patrick WEBER.

The QBI 2020 Conference will be held at the University of Oxford’s Mathematical Institute, Oxford, UK between January 6-9, 2020.

The idea for a conference on Quantitative BioImaging followed from the recognition that there is no conference to date that addresses, in a focused and interdisciplinary manner, the analysis of bioimaging data.

The deadline for the abstract submission for QBI 2020 in Oxford has been extended. The new deadline is now Monday 9 September 2019.

The abstract submission site is:  https://www.quantitativebioimaging.com/qbi2020/abstract-submission/

We seek contributions in any area of quantitative microscopy. Presentations that demonstrate new approaches and methodologies are particularly welcome, including but not limited to algorithmic and software developments, physical modeling approaches, etc. The use of quantitative imaging techniques in biological applications is also of great interest. For submission details, please see the conference website (www.quantitativebioimaging.com).

In addition to contributed talks we will feature minisymposia on:

  • Imaging in Immunology
  • Volumetric Imaging
  • New frontiers in single molecule microscopy
  • Correlative microscopy
  • Spatial Statistics in Microscopy
  • Bioimage Informatics
  • Modern machine learning approaches to image analysis and uncertainty quantification in microscopy
  • Tissue multiplexing techniques and applications in oncology

The planned conference workshops are:

  • Spatial statistics in bioimaging analysis
  • Introduction to scientific programming for image analysts
  • Cluster and photon counting analysis
  • Single molecule localization microscopy flight simulator

A new feature of the conference is a challenges session:

  • Challenges in subcellular trafficking

plenary discussion panel on

  • Uses and misuses of machine learning

The keynote speakers of the conference are: 

  • Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Janelia Farm
  • Wolfgang Baumeister, Max Planck Institute, Munich

Other confirmed speakers to date are: Dylan Owen, University College London; Melike Lakadamyali, University of Pennsylvanial; Steve Presse, Arizona State; Kristin Grussmayer, EPFL; Aleksandra Radenovic, EPFL; Christian Soeller, University of Exeter; Alexander Jesacher, Innsbruck; Dirk-Peter Herten, Heidelberg; Michael Dustin, Oxford; Gerhard Schütz, Vienna; Fred Maxfield, New York; Daniel Wuestner, Odense; Christoph Wuelfing, Bristol; Thibault Lagache, Columbia University, New York; Thierry Pecot, Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina; Ilaria Testa, Stockholm; Gail McConnell, Strathclyde; Charles Kervrann, Rennes; Edward Cohen, Imperial College, London; Anish Abraham, College Station; Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, University of Bordeaux; Thomas Walter, Institute Curie, Paris; Luke Lavis, Janelia Farm; Lei Tian, Boston; Andrew York, San Francisco; Bernd Bodenmiller, Zuerich; Josephine Bunch, National Physical Laboratory, UK; Jan-Otto Hooghoudt, Aalborg University; Rasmus Waagepetersen, Aalborg University; Lucy Collinson, London; Roarke Horstmeyer, Durham, NC, USA; Badri Roysam, Houston; Sandrine Leveque-Fort, Paris; Frederick Klauschen, Institute of Pathology, Charite – University Medicine Berlin; Shanon Seger, Hoffman La-Roche, Switzerland, Marino Zerial, Dresden.

Our student and post-doc section is planning the following events:

  • Meet the experts
  • Career opportunities in academia and industry

Please see the conference website (www.quantitativebioimaging.com) for more information, including list of the confirmed speakers. The site will be updated as new programmatic information becomes available.

To obtain email updates, please sign up for membership of the QBI Society at www.quantitativebioimaging.com. Membership is free of charge.

Subscribe to our newsletters and be the first to know more about the QBI 2020 conference. Register here if not a member already.

Après le succès de Bordeaux en 2017 et à l’occasion de son soixantième anniversaire, la Société Française des Microscopies (Sfµ) a choisi la ville de Poitiers pour accueillir la seizième édition de son colloque. Suite aux traditionnels ateliers de formation qui se dérouleront le lundi 1er juillet 2019, le colloque se tiendra du 2 au 5 juillet 2019 dans les locaux de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Poitiers (ENSIP).

Le colloque de la Sfµ a vocation à rassembler la plus large communauté autour des études développant ou faisant usage des microscopies (électronique, optique, à champ proche, sonde atomique tomographique, …). Le programme scientifique s’articulera autour de douze symposia : quatre orientés Sciences du Vivant (SDV), quatre dédiés aux Sciences des Matériaux (SDV) et quatre symposia communs (SDV/SDM) à l’image de l’interdisciplinarité qui caractérise notre société. Les thèmes abordés dans plusieurs symposia seront l’occasion de pérenniser notre partenariat avec le GN-MEBA qui tiendra ses journées semestrielles à la même période à Poitiers. Le programme scientifique du colloque et la liste des conférenciers et conférencières invités sont consultables ici.

Il est encore temps….. N’hésitez pas à déposer vos résumés !!!!
Après avoir créé un compte dans l’espace Sfμ, vous pourrez soumettre vos contributions: https://colloque.sfmu.fr/fr/inscription/soumission/

Les inscriptions au colloque sont ouvertes à un tarif préférentiel jusqu’au 15 mai 2019: https://colloque.sfmu.fr/fr/inscription/frais/

Le 25 mai 2019, l’Institut Cochin vous invite à découvrir ses outils innovants d’imagerie biologique et leurs applications en recherche biomédicale.



In February 2019, France officially became a founding member of the “Euro-Bioimaging” research infrastructure (EuBI ERIC), and the national infrastructure France BioImaging (FBI) will host the EuBI French Node, open to all European scientists applying for access.

The EuBI ERIC (https://www.eurobioimaging-interim.eu) is the European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences and provides open physical user access to a broad range of state-of-the-art technologies in biological and biomedical imaging for life scientists. In addition, EuBI will offer image data support and training for infrastructure users and providers.

As a former “Node Candidate” of the Euro BioImaging ESFRI project and leader of the EuBI Working Group dedicated to training during the preparatory phase II of the project (See WP7 deliverables), France Bioimaging is now the only French node validated as a single entity in this new European research infrastructure. FBI core facilities will thus be participating directly in the activities carried out by the EuBI ERIC, opening their premises to EuBI user access and training activities.

A cette occasion, les plateformes d’imagerie France BioImaging participantes organiseront des activités grand public lors d’une journée “portes ouvertes” le weekend du 25-26 Mai 2019.
Ces activités s’articuleront autour:
– de l’histoire de « l’Imagerie Biologique au CNRS », présentée conjointement par les différents sites de l’infrastructure FBI;
– de diverses animations avec l’objectif de montrer l’éventail impressionnant des outils de l’Imagerie Biologique aujourd’hui et leur fonctionnement,
– des découvertes/applications fantastiques que l’Imagerie Biologique peut apporter en Biologie.






The abstract submission site for QBI 2019, Rennes, France, is now open. The conference will be held 9-11 January 2019, with pre-conference workshops on 8 January, 2019.

We seek contributions in any area of quantitative microscopy. Presentations that demonstrate new approaches in detail are particularly welcome, including but not limited to algorithmic and software developments, physical modeling approaches, etc. The use of quantitative imaging techniques in biological applications is also of great interest. For submission details, please see the conference website (www.quantitativebioimaging.com).

Submission deadline: September 15th, 2018

Registration fees for academics: None (supported by external funding)
Local accommodation: Dinners and lunches are offered to all participants

In addition to contributed talks we will feature special sessions on:

  • Machine learning and microscopy image analysis
  • New developments in single molecule microscopy
  • Subcellular trafficking in cell biology
  • Microscopy software development
  • Microscopy in biopharma
  • Structured illumination: a review of the state of the art

The pre-conference workshops are:

  • Machine and deep learning in bioimaging and microscopy
  • Adaptive optics
  • 3D single molecule microscopy

Confirmed Speakers

  • Yann LeCun [AI Research – Facebook / NYU Center for Data Science] – Paris, France (Tentative)
  • Pierre Bon [Laboratoire Photonique Numérique et Nanosciences] – Talence, France
  • Edward Cohen [Imperial College] – London, UK
  • Hans-Ulrich Dodt [Medical University of Vienna and Vienna University of Technology] – Vienna, Austria
  • Michael Elad [Technion Israel Institute of Technology] – Haifa, Israel
  • Kevin Elicieri [University of Wisconsin at Madison] – Madison, Wisconsin
  • Seth Flaxman [Imperial College London] – London, UK
  • Spencer Freeman [University of Toronto] – Toronto, Canada
  • Rainer Heintzmann [Institute of Photonic Technology / Friedrich Schiller University] – Jena, Germany
  • Thomas Huser [Biomolecular Photonics Group] – Bielefeld, Germany
  • Khuloud Jaqaman [UT Southwestern Medical Center] – Dallas, Texas
  • Ludger Johannes [Curie Institut] –  Paris, France
  • Florian Jug [Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics] – Dresden, Germany
  • Yannis Kalaidzidis [Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics] – Dresden, Germany
  • Friedemann Kiefer [Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine] – Muenster, Germany.
  • Judith Klumperman [University Medical Center Utrecht] – Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • Julien Mairal [Inria] – Grenoble, France
  • Molly Maleckar [Allen Institute of Cell Science] –  Seattle, Washington
  • Fred Maxfield [Weill Cornell Medical College] – New York, New York
  • Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin [Institut Pasteur] – Paris, France
  • Steve Presse [University of Arizona] –  Tucson, Arizona
  • Bernd Rieger [Delft University of Technology] – Delft, Netherlands
  • Jonas Ries [European Molecular Biology Library] – Heidelberg, Germany
  • Daniel Sage [EPFL] – Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Anne Sentenac [Institut Fresnel] – Marseille, France
  • Ernst Stelzer, [Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences] – Frankfurt, Germany
  • Per Uhlén [Karolinska Institutet] – Stokholm, Sweden
  • Geert van den Bogaart [Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute] – Groningen, Netherlands
  • Simon Walker-Samuel [University College] – London, UK
  • Daniel Wüstner [Syddansk Universitet] – Odense, Denmark
  • Marino Zerial [Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics] – Dresden, Germany
  • Christophe Zimmer [Institut Pasteur] – Paris, France

As in prior years, assuming that our fundraising is again successful, we plan on not having a registration fee for academic attendees.

To obtain email updates, please sign up for membership of the QBI Society at www.quantitativebioimaging.com. Membership is free of charge.

NEUBIAS is a COST Action which brings together life-scientists, microscopists, bioimage analysts and image analysis developers from 36 European, three neighboring countries + Australia, Singapore and the USA (www.neubias.org).

NEUBIAS is a forum to exchange the newest findings, applications, and cutting-edge developments in Bioimage Analysis, machine learning, data mining, and storage. European Bioimage Analysts, an emergent group within the bioimaging analysis community, organize this event, bringing together an international, interdisciplinary community of scientists in life and computer sciences.

Andreas Girod and Aymeric Fouquier d’Hérouël will be hosting the conference in Luxembourg, which will include a Training School for Early Career Investigators, a Training School for Bioimage Analysts, a Taggathon to continue building the NEUBIAS online resources for the Bioimage Analysis Community. Moreover, the Bioimage Analysis Symposium will be organized from the 6th to the 8th of February, 2018, which will include a new Satellite workshop open for bioimage analysts on the 5th of February (afternoon).

The symposium will highlight Keynote lectures from Susan Cox, Kevin Eliceiri, and Ivo Sbalzarini and will include talks from other 14 exciting invited speakers. Also, contributed talks will be selected from abstracts. The NEUBIAS symposium will feature signature sessions: the Call for Help or “image clinics” session (C4H), the Open source Software Lounge (OsSL), the Panel Discussions as well as company Workshops and Digital Posters.