The Working Group ‘Metrology methods in Microscopy’ from the french Multi-dimensional Fluorescence photonic Microscopy Technological Network (RTmfm) of the CNRS Mission for Interdisciplinarity organizes a thematic workshop entitled ‘From standard metrology to super-resolution metrology’. It will be held from the 1st to 3rd of December 2015, in Bordeaux (33).

More information: Atelier-thematique-de-metrologie-2015-programme


Registration deadline: 11th november 2015 (number of participants limited to 15)

The international conference on Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Control in Microscopy and Ophthalmology, which will be held 5 – 7 October 2015 in Paris, France.

In recent years, wavefront modulation techniques have started to play a key role in modern microscopy and ophthalmology, as they enable pushing back the limits of resolution, speed, penetration depth, etc. The conference aims to bring together researchers from around the world who develop and use wavefront modulation techniques.

The conference will be organized in five sessions:

  • Adaptive optics methods
  • Wavefront control in scattering tissue
  • Novel techniques in microscopy
  • Applications in biology
  • Retinal imaging

Invited speakers:

  • Emmanuel Beaurepaire (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France)
    • “Multicolor and light-sheet excitation approaches for high-content multiphoton imaging of tissues”
  • Meng Cui (Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, Virginia, USA)
    • “Wavefront control for in vivo fluorescence microscopy”
  • Chris Dainty (University College London, London, Great-Britain)
    • “Adaptive optics, from big science to the lab and clinic”
  • Delphine Débarre (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France)
    • “Spatial variations of optical aberrations within complex tissues”
  • Wolfgang Drexler (Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
    • “Compact AO-OCT”
  • Valentina Emiliani (Université Paris V, Paris, France)
    • “Wave front shaping and optogenetics”
  • Na Ji (Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, Virginia, USA)
    • “Adaptive optical microscopy and wavefront shaping for in vivo brain imaging”
  • Jerome Mertz (Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
    • “Wide-field adaptive optics without guide stars”
  • Michel Paques (Institut de la Vision, Paris, France)
    • “Adaptive optics as a tool for the in vivo exploration of photoreceptor substructures”
  • Anne Sentenac (Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France)
    • “Super-resolution in marker-free optical far-field microscopy: The interest of digital reconstruction”
  • Mickaël Tanter (Institut Langevin, Paris, France)
    • “New perspectives for Ultrasound in the brain : fUltrasound imaging and Ultrasound Localization Microscopy”

Scientific and organizing committee: Marie Blavier, Claude Boccara, Laurent Bourdieu, Sylvain Gigan, Marie Glanc, Jean-François Leger, GÃerard Rousset and Cathie Ventalon

Venue: Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, 1 rue Jussieu, 75005 Paris (5th arrondissement)

Conference website :



institut d'optique d'aquitaine
Bordeaux, France, on the 26th-28th of August 2015.

Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine
Rue François Mitterrand
33400 Talence Cedex

The 2015 edition continues the successful SMLMS series Lausanne 2012, Frankfurt 2013, London 2014.
The scope of the meeting is to bring together scientists working in the field of single-molecule super-resolution imaging

This includes, as examples, the following topics:

  • development of new optical methods
  • development of new probes and labeling strategies
  • applications to biological questions
  • new algorithms for data analysis
  • and others.

Bordeaux has a striving high resolution imaging community, where single-molecule imaging takes a central stage. Moreover, end of August is a very nice time of year in Bordeaux.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

=> Note that grants for registration are available, see details on Registration tag!

List of invited speakers:

Keynote speakers:

  • Eric BETZIG – Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn – US. 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • Antoine TRILLER – Institut de biologie de l’École Normale Supérieure, IBENS Paris – FR

Invited speakers:

  • Virgile ADAM – Institut de biologie structurale, IBS, Grenoble – FR
  • Pierre BON – University of Bordeaux, LP2N, Talence – FR
  • Daniel CHOQUET – University of Bordeaux, IINS, Bordeaux – FR
  • Maxime DAHAN – Institut Curie, UMR168, Paris – FR
  • Jörg ENDERLEIN – University of Goettingen (UG), Göttingen – DE
  • Cristina FLORS – IMdea-Nanosciences, Madrid – SP
  • Gregory GIANNONE – University of Bordeaux, IINS, Bordeaux – FR
  • Johan HOFKENS – University of Leuven (UCL), Leuven – BE
  • Ralf JUNGMANN – Max Planck Institute (MPG), Martinsried – DE
  • Kathrin LANG – University of Muenchen (TUM), München – DE
  • Suliana MANLEY – Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne – CH
  • Jacob PIEHLER – University of Osnabrueck Biophysik, Osnabrück – DE
  • Joshua VAUGHAN – University of Washington (UW), Seattle – US

Scientific committee
Mike HEILEMANN – University of Frankfurt, PTC, Frankfurt – DE
Helge EWERS – Free University of Berlin, ICB, Berlin – DE
Aleksandra RADENOVIC – Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne – CH

The 5° edition is co-organized by:

Jean-Baptiste SIBARITA, Institut interdisciplinaire de neurosciences (IINS), Bordeaux – FR
Laurent COGNET, Laboratoire Photonique Numérique et Nanosciences (LP2N), Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS), Talence – FR

Symposium website:

EuBIAS, an Open Community Meeting

Bandeau EuBIAS

EuBIAS 2015, January 5-6, Institut Curie in Paris, France.


The European BioIMage Analysis Symposium (2nd Edition) aims at enhancing the usage of analysis tools and to increase the communication within the image analysis community. Developers from various software packages and libraries are invited for presenting their recent activities and Image analysts and biologists will then be updated with the latest scene of the tool development, and at the same time are expected to provide feedback and to get in direct contact with the developers of the tools that they are using in everyday research. Moreover, we will discuss on the further development of image analysis community.


Featuring :

Community Status Quo, Open Software Showcase, Developers Updates ,Sponsors Session, Posters session, Community Discussion, Actions, Future of the community.


QBI, a conference focused on Quantitative BioImage

Bandeau QBI

2015 Quantitative BioImaging Conference, January 7-9, Institut Pasteur in Paris, France.


The development of a conference on Quantitative Bioimaging (3rd Edition) followed from the recognition that there is no conference to date that addresses the analysis of bioimaging data in a focused and interdisciplinary manner. Therefore the emphasis of our single track conference will be the presentation and detailed discussion of methodological advances. We hope to have many of the major researchers in quantitative imaging represented at the conference. We plan to have a very interactive meeting with the opportunity for significant scientific exchange between the participants. We hope to attract contributors with differing backgrounds in biology, chemistry, physics and engineering.


Featuring :

We will introduce several interesting features into the conference: Oral presentations will focus around introductory and survey presentations on topics of importance and will be followed by topical “plenary” poster sessions. In addition, we will also have a session and roundtable discussion on the development and maintenance of software in a laboratory environment.


2nd International Conference on

Physics and Biological Systems

June 24-27 2014, Gif-sur-Yvette



Dear colleagues,


Registrations are now open for the second International Conference on Physics and Biological Systems, held on June 24-27 2014 in Gif-sur-Yvette, in the south of Paris.

Registration, abstract submission and additional information are on the conference website:

The deadline for early registration and poster abstract submission is May 15th.

Looking forward to seeing you in Gif next summer,


The organizing comittee



1st International Meeting of the UPMC Cellular Imaging Network

3D Electron Microscopy : From Molecule to Organism

22-23 May 2014



Information and registration

DEADLINE : April, the 2nd 2014




Show larger poster


This meeting is organized by the Cell Imaging Network of Pierre and Marie Curie University. It will present up-to-date 3D electron microscopy methods, as innovative tools to uncover the structure and function of biological systems at all levels of organization : molecules, multimolecular complexes, organelles, cells, tissues, organisms.

The program is focused on tomography, serial Imaging (FIB/SEM, Serial Block Face),  cryo-EM, scanning EM and 3D image reconstruction. It includes communications by invited speakers, short communications from selected submitted abstracts and poster sessions.



MIVOA a PSL Project

Microscopy Adaptive Optics Day

MIVOA Project

April 1st, 2014 – 9h-17h

Institut Langevin

1, rue Jussieu, 75005 PARIS.


The “Microscopy Adaptive Optics Day” organized as part of the MIVOA project certified by PSL (with teams from IBENS, Institut Langevin, LESIA) will be held on April 1 at the Institut Langevin. This day will focus on the use of adaptive optics in Microscopy with the aim to promote this technology in Ile de France.



More information and registration : Journée MIVOA

Contact :

With the support of

The Multi-dimensionnal Fluorescence Photonic Microscopy Technological Network (RTmfm) supports and promotes methodological and knowledge exchanges in the field of photonic microscopy devoted to life science. We organizes every year, since 2004, a national meeting of engineers and researchers working in imaging facilities over the life science french institutes. This meeting is held in a different location each year to highlight the technological and organizational characteristics of a place.

Held over two days, the different topics raised by the speakers cover technological aspects as well as organizational and collaborative tools to manage facilities.

Evolutions and activities of the different working groups of the network (Metrology, Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy, Arduino) and all the trainings organized by the network each year are presented and new propositions are debated.

This year the meeting is organised in Villefranche sur Mer and speakers will talk about new detectors in microscopy, batch image analysis developments or Web Images & Data Environment… A presentation and a visit of the Oceanology Institute and its imaging facilities will be organised. To get more informations see our website : in “news” section.


Joint Pasteur-Curie CLEM days were held at Institut Pasteur in Paris on October 21-22.Congrès CLEM


Flyer CLEM Workshop Pasteur Curie


The CLEM days 2013 were jointly organized by the GDR-MIV 2588, Institut Curie and Institut Pasteur and were in the framework of the “Journées Thématiques du GDR-MIV 2588” & of France-BioImaging.



On 13-19 May 2013, we will organize in Montpellier an EMBO practical course on “Super-resolution and single molecule microscopies in living cells”. The course will last five days, and 50% of the time will be devoted for practical experiments, using PALM, FCS, STED and SIM microscopes. This course will be open to 16 participants from all the world.

The topics covered will be :

  • PALM / STORM imaging
  • Fluctuation microscopy methods (FCS, RICS, N&B, …)
  • Structured Illumination
  • STED
  • Single-molecule dynamics in cells
  • FLIM
  • High-throughput imaging


The following speakers have already accepted to participate to the meeting :

  • Maïte Coppey-Moisan  (Paris)
  • Christian Eggeling  (Göttingen)
  • Christian Conrad  (Heidelberg)
  • Michelle Digman (Irvine)
  • Enrico Gratton  (Irvine)
  • Thomas Huser (UC Davis)
  • Don Lamb  (Munich)
  • Didier Marguet  (Marseille)
  • Suliana Manley (EPFL)
  • Markus Sauer  (Würzburg)
  • Hari Schroff  (NIH)
  • Victor Sourjik  (Heidelberg)

For more information, follow this link, or contact Marcelo Nollmann or Emmanuel Margeat