NEUBIAS2020: The BioImage Analysis Community Conference

NEUBIAS2020 conference is a new yearly meeting point for the BioImage Analysis community, and we, the organizers from the NEUBIAS network, are very glad to invite you to participate in the first appointment, to happen in Lisbon (Portugal) on 12-17th of February 2017, hosted and co-organized by the Gulbenkian Institute of Science.
The conference aims to promote knowledge- and technological- transfer between all the players of the BioImage Analysis Community: Life scientists, Image Analysis and Software Developers, Microscopists, BioImaging Facility staff, and most importantly: Biomage Analysts, a new profession in Life Science that NEUBIAS aims to support and promote.
In brief, the event articulates in 4 events:
- A Training School for Early Career Investigators. 25 seats available, on selection.
(12-15 Feb. Oeiras, Portugal). Application deadline 30/11/2016. Travel Grants Available. - A Training School for BioImage Analysts, 25 seats available, on selection.
(12-15 Feb. Oeiras, Portugal). Application deadline 30/11/2016. Travel Grants Available. - A Taggathon (working meeting of NEUBIAS to develop repositories and benchmarking), on invitation. (13-15 Feb. Oeiras, Portugal)
- A BioImage Analysis Symposium: 15-17th February, 2017 – in Lisbon, Portugal.
The Symposium aims to offer a broad view over the latest developments and updates in Bioimage analysis, including a Showcase giving exposure to Open software packages and tools updates, companies products, community round tables, career path debates and community progress report.
Bioimage Analysis will be covered as a broad field of Research, Technology-development and Service-for-Data-Producers (i.e. researchers in Life Science) in the context of many types of BioImage data: Optical Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, Medical Imaging, among others.
Please visit our webpage for more information:
We hope to attract many of you to Lisbon in February.
On behalf of all NEUBIAS members
Gaby Martins (Event Host, co-organizer)
Sebastian Munck and Arne Seitz (Event Co-organizers)
Jean-Yves Tinevez (Training School co-Organizer)
Fabrice Cordelières and Paulo Aguiar (Training School Organizers)
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Chong Zhang, Sébastien Tosi and Graeme Ball (Taggathon Organizers)
Julia Fernandez Rodriguez (STSMs coordinator)
Kota Miura (Vice Chair, Training School co organizer)
Julien Colombelli (Chair)
NEUBIAS also provides mobility funds for scientists willing to expand their knowledge in Bioimage Analysis and/or to develop Image Analysis capabilities for their research project. Check the next Call for Short Term Scientific Missions, closing on November 15th, 2016.
NEUBIAS also needs the input from the whole community to devise best-practice guidelines for the career path of BioImage Analysis, a new profession still not fully recognized in the field. If your work activity embraces Bioimage Analysis to support Life Science (as a service, collaboration etc…), please take 5 minutes to fill our new “Career Consultation”: