INSERM Workshop

New trends in super-resolution optical microscopy: unraveling the ultra-structure and dynamics of molecular assemblies in cells and tissues
September 30 to October 2, 2015
Website – Affiche – Inscriptions
This Workshop will present the theoretical basis, the latest developments and the acquisition and data analysis procedures on super-resolution microscopy techniques used to investigate the ultrastructure of molecular assemblies and their dynamics in living cells and tissues.
Registration Deadline: March 27, 2015
Organizers: Maxim DAHAN (Institut Curie, Paris), Orestis FAKLARIS (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris) and Marcelo NOLLMANN (Centre de Biochimie Structurale, Montpellier)
Phase I : critical assessment
- Introduction to super-resolution techniques
- Application and new developments in single-molecule super-resolution microscopy
- Labeling, Theoretical and computational methods
- In-depth super-resolution microscopy, STED, SIM microscopies
Phase II : technical workshop
18 trainees will be selected among phase I participants.
Renseignements et inscriptions
Pôle des Ateliers – Inserm
Tél : 33(0)1 44 23 62 03 ou 04