Cancelled: FBI Workshop: Light-sheet Fluorescence Microscopy – Principles and Systems Overview
Due to the current sanitary measures and uncertainty about future COVID-19 developments, the LSFM workshop to be held in Bordeaux in December has been cancelled. The organizers are currently working on a virtual format of the workshop. More details to come soon.
This workshop will be held in Bordeaux from December 1st to December 4th 2020 and aims to give an overview of the Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy techniques and their application possibilities, taking advantage of the available technologies and expertise within the France BioImaging research infrastructure and the broad light-sheet microscopy community. This workshop is organized by the members of the FBI Multiscale Light-sheet Imaging Working Group.
About the workshop
- The workshop will last 3 ½ days
- The workshop is built on the basis of an alternation between theoretical and practical sessions. Both will be in English and provided by national expert trainers.
- On day 2 a mini-symposium will be organized to present the last developments in different LSFM domains (instrumentation, sample preparation and data analysis) done by international experts. This mini-symposium will be open to a larger audience in order to promote LSFM approaches to the local research community. Registration is free but mandatory (this does not apply to workshop participants). Register now
- The workshop will encompass various theoretical aspects of LSFM from sample preparation, to image acquisition and first post-processing steps (3D reconstruction, visualization).
- The workshop will span various scales that can be imaged with LSFM based on at least 4 different LSFM set-ups
- It will be included in the future “FBI training passport” and corresponds to a level III module (“à la carte”). Therefore, “trainees” must demonstrate knowledge of Level I (basic imaging) and Level II (optical principles) imaging.
- Describe the general principle of light-sheet microscopy
- Present the three main instrumentations that have been developed depending of the sample scale to be imaged (1 to 100 µm; 100 µm to mm; mm to cm)
- Give an overview of the sample preparation techniques
- Present the challenges raised by the data management and analysis of LSFM data
- Present the future of light-sheet microscopy
This workshop is ideal for researchers, engineers, technicians, PhD students, and post-docs from public institutes and private companies with a prior knowledge in fluorescence microscopy techniques, and willing to become familiar with advanced techniques to answer specific biological questions.
Number of participants is limited to 20.
Practical workshops:
The practical workshops main objectives are to:
- Provide an overview by experts of the 3 main implementations of LSFM depending of the sample size to be imaged:
- Ultramicroscope (LaVision Biotech) – BIC
- Invi Lattice Pro (Luxendo)
- Z1 (Zeiss) – to be confirmed
- LLS – BIC;
- Give an overview of existing solutions for 3D reconstruction, Multiview merging and 3D+t visualization.
Participation fee
Preliminary program:

The workshop will last 3 ½ days with theoretical courses the morning and practical workshops the afternoon on 4 different set-up spanning the different sample sizes that can be imaged with LSFM:
- Zeiss – Z1 (to be confirmed)
- Luxendo – Invi Lattice Pro
- LaVision – Ultramicroscope II
- Lattice Light-sheet microscope – BIC
3 theoretical sessions will encompass various domains of LSFM:
- General principle
- Sample preparation
- Data management
A mini-symposium will be organized to highlight recent national and international developments in LSFM.
Confirmed speakers:
- Willy Supatto – Laboratoire D’Optique et Biosciences, Palaiseau – France
- Christopher Dunsby – Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, London – UK
- Laura Batti – Wyss Center, Genève – Switzerland
- Nicolas Renier – Laboratory of Structural Plasticity, ICM, Paris – France
- Martin Weigert – EPFL, Lausanne
On the last day two round tables will be proposed to discuss about two hot topics in light-sheet fluorescent microscopy:
- Clearing protocols
- Live imaging: challenges and solutions
Participants are invited to bring their own samples if possible to test during an optional practical workshop on the last day.
A diner in Bordeaux is planned on day 2.
The workshop will be held on the premises of the Bordeaux Imaging Center and the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience, in the Centre Broca Nouvelle Aquitaine, in Bordeaux, France.
Hotel booking is left to the participant’s initiative.
Here is a list of other hotels located in the historic center of Bordeaux city (quartiers des “Grands hommes”, “Quinconces”, “Hôtel de ville” and “Mériadeck”). All are close to the tramway stops of line A (direction Le Haillan-Rostan / Pin Galant – Stops: Hôpital Pellegrin, Saint-Augustin, François Mitterand):
Citadines Centre Mériadeck Bordeaux ***
Hôtel Ibis style Bordeaux Mériadeck ***
Local Organisers
Dr. Mathieu Ducros, Bordeaux Imaging Center
Dr. Rémi Galland, Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience
Questions about the LSFM workshop can be addressed directly to the local organisation team :