COMULIS Grants for organizing Virtual/Hybrid Training Schools

Grant Applications for organizing Virtual/Hybrid Training Schools are open!
COMULIS is now launching a call to financially support virtual and hybrid training schools fulfilling the following conditions:
- the training school has to take place between the 1st of June and 30th of October 2021;
- it has to be virtual (or hybrid);
- it has to cover topics of the COMULIS network;
- led by a COMULIS member or someone who is willing to become one;
- COMULIS and COST support will have to be diplayed on the program, website, or any related document to the training school;
- fees that can be covered by this grant include the technical setup of these training schools and training material:
- If engaging a conference organiser, technician hourly rate if required on specific openings days before and during the event to assist with technical support, attendee management and monitoring, configuration and setup, communication.
- customer support for attendees, live-stream tech support via email and/or chat.
- pre-recording of keynotes/teaching sessions for training schools.
- post-event process management: video editing, recording management.
- Rental of rooms and audio-visual material
- Consumables purchased for Training Schools
- Photocopying and the printing of programmes, handouts, event materials, book of abstracts, book of proceedings, flyers etc
Maximum amount of a grant is 10000 euros, that will be reimbursed on presentation of invoices strictly related to eligible fees above.
Filling an online form with check of the above conditions, (pedagogical) program, list of organizers, speakers and trainers, dates, provisional budget including usage of the COMULIS financial support in regards of one or several of the above categories of eligible expenses.
Deadline 1st of June. Notification of acceptance: 15th of June. (if needed earlier please do tell us, and we will do our best to meet you own deadline in case of co-funding).
Criteria among eligible proposals (fulfilling the above checklist) will be based on matching COMULIS objectives ( and scientific excellence. Proposal will be ranked by grade following this criteria, and funded until the available budget is used up. Three to ten possible grants, according to budget.