
 CryoCLEM Workshop

 CryoCLEM Workshop

AnnouncementFBI Special Events

The France-BioImaging CLEM working group is pleased to announce the organization of the next CryoCLEM Workshop, to be held from October 14 to 15, in Bordeaux.

This workshop is the ideal event to be introduced to, and to gain knowledge of, the cryoCLEM technology, with the aim of applying it to your research project.

It will be composed of a theoretical part, presented by experts in this technology, and a practical part covering the entire cryoCLEM workflow (from sample preparation to correlative microscopy in cryogenic conditions).


In order to ensure the best conditions for this workshop, the event is limited to 4 participants.

The selection will be made on the possibility of rapid implementation of the cryoCLEM technology for your research project.

A pre-registration questionnaire is therefore available until 31st August 2024 :  CryoCLEM Workshop

This training covers lunches and accommodation.

For more information, please contact :

Banner picture copyrights: images 1 & 3 R. Anger, image 4 P. Lapios, image 2 N. Pied
