France-BioImaging @Rendez-Vous Carnot 2021 – Lyon – 17/18 Nov.

Going to Rendez-Vous Carnot 2021? Drop by our booth and say hello!
In one week from today, we will be travelling to Lyon to attend the Rendez-Vous Carnot 2021! This is the third time we’ll attend the Rendez-Vous Carnot as an exhibitor, in the Research Infrastructures Village. We are going to present France-BioImaging R&D ecosystem and the multiple advanced biological imaging technology developments taking place on FBI imaging platforms and R&D teams.
If you’re in Lyon between November 17 and November 18 attending the Rendez-Vous Carnot as well, be sure to drop by our booth and meet some of our colleagues at the venue:
- Caroline Thiriet , France-BioImaging External Affairs Manager
- Etienne Henry, France-BioImaging R&D and Tech-Transfer mission Officer
- Jean Salamero, France-BioImaging Inter-Infrastructures Activities mission Officer
Besides getting to see in person what services France-BioImaging can offer in terms of R&D and tech transfer in the field of biological imaging, we also invite you to attend the Research Infrastructures special events:
- On Nov. 17th 15h00 – 15h40: Flash presentations of successful academia-industry collaborations. France-BioImaging will present the success story of the “Nikon Imaging Center@Institut Curie-CNRS: 15 years of collaboration and integration in France-BioImaging”.
- On Nov. 18th 14h00 – 17h00: Research Infrastructures and Health special event, in partnership with the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche.
- What’s the RIs impact on Covid19 research and cancer research?
- How can RIs work more closely with the France Health Innovation 2030?
- What is France’s strategic investment plan in health & disease?
Register here and join this event free of charge!