Interdisciplinary access call to Structural biology, Biological imaging and Proteomics facilities
Deadline: April 15th, 2022
The three national infrastructures ProFi, France-BioImaging and FRISBI along with the GIS IBiSA are pleased to announce a call for a funded access to IBiSA-labelled facilities.

Our aim is to promote IBiSA facilities networking through interdisciplinary research projects.
Applications should request access to at least two different IBiSA facilities from two disciplines (structural biology, Biological imaging and proteomics). The call is open to any academic laboratory.
The amount of the financial support will be up to 5000 € per application to cover facility costs.
Applications should be submitted to:
using the template document
The deadline for this inter-infrastructure access call is 15 April 2022.
All submitted proposals will be peer-reviewed by independent experts and the final funding will be approved by a committee comprising 2 representatives from each infrastructure as well as representatives
from GIS IBISA. We advise the project PI to contact the chosen facilities in order to set-up the optimal experimental design.