FLI, FBI and IBF 1st meeting,
on management and analysis of heterogeneous Big Data
Paris, January 22, 2016

Over the case studies presented by the three infrastructures, it appears that the life-science data deluge and in particular Image Data, causes processing and management issues in terms of volume, formats and numbers of parameters to integrate. However, the challenge to find ways to share and analyze the diversity of Biological Data will unquestionably lead, to scientific and medical advances previously impossible. Indeed, the trans-dimensional understanding of the living organisms that such a “Big Data” approach should bring, will allow a multi-scale view of biological mechanisms and provide new tools for the prevention and diagnosis of diseases.

Organization, integration, description and harmonization are essential for the best use, comparison and interoperability of the heterogeneous and large data sets produced by the different fields of Biomedical Sciences. It is therefore necessary to have standards in all stages of processing and validation in a context where most of the formats are not suitable for very large and/or complex data. For this purpose, it was decided to set up inter-INBS think tanks with the aim to develop common projects:

    (1) To explain the specific locks and identify means to solve them
    (2) To Illustrate on “study case” projects the added value of a joint work
    (3) To make recommendations for Big Data management in the Life Sciences Area


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MIFOBIO School 2016 pre-registration and call for Workshops are now opened !
Website: http://gdr-miv.fr/mifobio2016
Pre-registration: http://gdr-miv.fr/en/mifobio2016/pre-inscription/”
Call for Workshops: http://ateliers-mifobio.fr/
Deadline pre-registration: April 15th, 2016

Due to the growing number of demands every year, a selection process has been put in place:

  • MANDATORY pre-registration (http://gdr-miv.fr/en/mifobio2016/pre-inscription/)
  • NB: Pre-registration is only valid if you receive a confirmation email.

  • OPTIONAL submission of a workshop on the dedicated website http://ateliers-mifobio.fr
  • NB: You must be pre-registered here to access the workshop submission website.

  • Pre-registration will close on April 15th. Selection of the participants by the organising committee.
  • After selection selected person shall receive via nominative email an invitation to finalise their registration (payment).
GDR-MIV Theme Days : Light Sheet Microscopy Workshop
Institut interdisciplinaire de Neuroscience, Bordeaux
5-6 April, 2016
Nota Bene
Registration (by e-mail):
Deadline abstract submission:
March 18th
Preliminary program
Abstract submission

Dear colleagues,

In the frame of the thematic actions of the GDR MIV (http://gdr-miv.fr/) and in association with France Bioimaging (https://france-bioimaging.org/), we are happy to announce the first French workshop on “Light sheet Fluorescence Microscopy” which will be held from the 5th to the 6th of April at the Institut Interdisciplinaire de Neurosciences in Bordeaux. The aim of this workshop will be to synergize the efforts, to share experience and to drive this technology and its applications forward. It will play an important role in the growth of the field by providing not only a forum for developers but also by its specific aim of bringing together the users. This workshop will be an opportunity to learn more about this emerging technology and its applications in our/your research. This workshop of contributed talks will cover the state of the art as well as the recent advances in Light sheet Microscopy.

Registration to this event is free but mandatory. It includes coffee breaks and lunch. We ask all participants to register simply by email to corinne.lorenzo@itav.fr – indicating in the subject LSFM, and specifying your name and affiliation. Upon registration, everyone can submit an abstract of their research project for a possible oral presentation or eposters.

For submission of your abstracts (talks or eposters), please use the template in attached file. We will update shortly the program (See preliminary program).
Dead line abstract submission: 18 mars

We look forward to seeing you in Bordeaux!

The organizers
Corinne Lorenzo, Philippe Girard and Jean Baptiste Sibarita.

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Lyon EMC2016_diapo-pour-oral

August 28, 2016
September 2, 2016

Download the programme here
Website and Registration

Dear colleagues, dear partners

On behalf of the French Society of Microscopy SFµ, we would like to warmly welcome you in the charming and cultural city of Lyon for the 16th European Microscopy Congress – EMC2016, from August 28th to September 2nd, 2016, organized under the auspices of the European Microscopy Society (EMS) and the International Federation of Microscopy Societies (IFSM).

After having hosted the International Congress on Electron Microscopy in Grenoble in 1970, then in Paris in 1994, it is a great pleasure and a great honour for us to invite you to be part of this new international event on microscopy that will be again in France.

Since the 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy EUREM in Brno, Czech Republic in 2000, this European meeting, which is held every four years, has evolved to cover not only electron microscopy but a much larger panel of all the microscopies. We clearly intend to promote in the next EMC2016 a pluri- and multi-disciplinary atmosphere, mixing, photonic, near field, ionic and electron-based approaches, with an extension to complementary techniques such as spectroscopies, atom probe and X-ray tomography.

Our goal is to organize an unforgettable meeting for all attendees, and offer you, as partner companies and exhibitors, fruitful conditions to participate, animate, exchange, and show to the whole community all your expertise and new products, on booths or during workshop sessions. This remains a definitive driving force for better knowledge and advances not only in microscopies, but more generally in science for the human being safety, care and comfort.

France-Bioimaging will participate to the workshop lunch and will have a stand.

Dear all, it is time to prepare the 7th MiFoBio School , 2016 !

Pilot committee: Serge Monneret, Tristan Piolot, Laurent Héliot.
Workshops committee: Sandrine Lécart, Christine Terryn, Fabrice Cordelières

This School is organized since 2004 by the GDR2588 within the CNRS training program, with the assistance of the vocational training unit of INSERM and supports from France-BioImaging , RTmfm and ITMO BCBDE (Aviesan). This school will take place from September 30 to October 7, 2016.
The number of places is limited to 350 participants and pre-registration will be open from February 2016 to May 2016. http://gdr-miv.fr/mifobio2016

A Call for Workshops will be launched soon !
With the support of our industry partners, but also from academic laboratories we anticipate an exceptional technology park available for you to participate and propose many practical workshops.

This year four types of workshops are solicited:

  • “Mastery” Workshops (AM): This is to illustrate the potential of a given technology to meet an identified biological questions; the experimental approach is mastered, the achievement being made on industrial devices, most often.
  • “Innovation” Workshops (AI) : the idea is to propose experiments on new technological developments laboratories (home-made experimental setups) or original operation of a set of imaging technologies
    (CLEM, multimodal microscopy, new imaging approaches, ..)
  • “Exploration” Workshops (AE): this is to experiment new approaches, onsite. For example exploring new types of samples by changing the type of analysis carried out or using other instrumental configurations, combine data obtained from different and complementary systems, in order to consider the question or biological hypothesis under several angles, make use of different analysis methods…We here encourage biologists to propose projects to explore, without insurance of results (in an exploratory way !) .The aim is to take advantage of the unique set of expertise and systems present during MiFoBio.
  • “Theoretical approach” Workshop (AT): This year we also want to foster more theoretical approaches, including modeling. We thus request the involvement of Project Leaders for such workshops, either based on real or simulated data.

The team responsible for the implementation of workshops will very soon open a registration web portal where you can propose your workshops. This first call will be closed on January 22. If necessary, a second call will be launched at the end February on more target areas to represent all school subjects, or yet to allow the improvement of certain projects presented first call requiring changes.
So if you intend to propose a workshop, it is important to get ready with your project (title, description, equipment needs, no co-host). No more than two facilitators for workshops.

FBI-AT 2016 The 3rd FBI-AT, an advanced, hands-on Training course on applications of cellular imaging to biological questions, co-organized by FBI with its genuine partner the GDR MIV, will take place in Montpellier January 18-22, 2016. One of the objectives of this 3rd session was to welcome young scientists from abroad. Among the 45 selected participants, about half foreigner colleagues and thirty PhD students and post-doc fellows will have the chance to listen and to be trained, by more than 20 experts, from seven countries. Thanks to the local organizers, we can anticipate a great success! We wish them all a productive BioImaging Advanced Training Course and an exciting meeting.

Abstract book FBI-AT 2016

Investissmeents-d-avenir For the second time since their creation, the National Infrastructures laureate of the PIA 2011 and 2012, met in November 2015, under the auspice of the ANR. After short introductions on the evaluation modalities of the INBS by ANR (D. Boujard) and presentation of the new National and European Roadmaps for Research infrastructures (E. Guittet), this one day meeting was organized around four Round Tables: Implementation and monitoring of evaluation indicators, inter Infrastructures cooperation, Communication policy: towards a common portal ?, Pricing: common calculation modalities.

Euro-BioImaging Ministry of High Education and Research (MESR) recently nominated France-BioImaging as the unique French Node for the European ESFRI project, Euro-BioImaging. FBI was already evaluated as a “Highly Recommended” primary node for EuBI by an international and independent Evaluation Board. FBI is thus candidate as one of the First generation Nodes, part of the European Infrastructure. EuBI is now entering in a very intense consultation and negotiation step. Both MESR and CNRS are deeply involved and their representatives actively participate to EuBI Interim Board meetings, side by side with FBI.

The Executive Board of France-BioImaging has decided to support the following events:

  • 1st FBI advanced CLEM workshop: From Live cell imaging to Electron microscopy , 2 sessions: January & February 2016, Institut Curie, Paris, France.
  • 13th national conference of cellular imaging platforms (RTmfm), mars 2016, Montpellier, France
  • 16th Européan Microscopy Congress (EMC 2016),, 28th august to 2nd september, Lyon, France
  • GDR-MIV Theme Days Workshop on light sheet microscopy

The Executive Board of France-BioImaging has decided to support the following events:

  • International conference on Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Control in Microscopy and Ophthalmology, 5–7 October 2015, Paris, France.
  • Journée thématique “Bioimage Informatics”” November 23-24, 2015
    Institut Pasteur, Paris
  • International conference “Physical chemistry of the cell : innovative bioimaging” (PhysChemCell2015) 4-6 November 2015, Orsay,Curie Institute, Paris Sud University
  • RTmfm thematic workshop ‘From standard metrology to super-resolution metrology’ Bordeaux, France, 1-3 December, 2015
an Advanced, hands-on Training course
on applications of cellular imaging to biological questions

January 18-22, 2016

FBI-AT 2016

Nota Bene

Website & registration:
FBI-AT 2016
Deadline registration:
October 31st, 2015
Download: Affiche FBIAT 2016

The aim of FBIAT is to show how key biological questions can be addressed with advanced cellular imaging techniques. Thus it is not only a training course on state-of-the-art imaging techniques, but additionally aims at training people on how building an experimental strategy that uses these techniques, alone or in combination, to address a specific biological problem.

In the morning, the course will have plenary lectures that introduce specific techniques and how these can solve biologically-relevant questions. In the afternoon, hands-on practicals will train attendants on these techniques, providing a complete view of the experimental flow, from sample preparation to data analysis, interpretation and, when relevant, modelization. Advanced microscopy techniques covered during the workshop include : super-resolution microscopies (PALM / STORM, Structured Illumination), Single Particle Tracking, RNA imaging, Correlation based microscopies and Atomic Force Microscopy. Trainees will choose a single module centered on their biological question of interest (see flyer)

affiche FBIAT_vf copie
Every module will have 3 practical sessions, each session being centered on a technique, plus one session dedicated to data analysis. To guaranty access to set-ups and proper training, each practical session will guest only 3 persons. The sessions will be run in parallel, such that each module will accept 8/9 participants (45 in total for the entire event).

By providing access to top training structures and lecturers, our aim to reach an international audience. Participants will thus be selected according to their previous training and adequation of the course to their needs. We will consider applications from PhD students, post-docs, staff scientists and young PIs.

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November 23-24, 2015
Institut Pasteur, Paris

– Programme

This is the 3rd edition of the annual symposium on Bioimage Informatics, organized by the GdR 2588 (Functional Microscopy of living organisms) and supported by France Bioimaging.

The workshop will feature two sessions covering rapidly developing topics of Bioimage Informatics:

Computational Imaging (Nov. 23rd): this session aims at gathering the computational and physical approaches that support imaging methods. This includes talks on inverse problems, compressed sensing, source separation and super-resolution. Presented applications will include many different imaging techniques including confocal microscopy, super resolution microscopy, Optical Projection Tomography, TIRF microscopy.

Computational Phenotyping (Nov. 24th): this session focuses on the automatic analysis of imaging data to derive biological information across different scales. This involves techniques for image segmentation and quantification, machine learning and statistics. Applications will cover different scales of organization (from cells to organisms) and will include examples from High Content Screening, plant phenotyping and spatial transcriptomics.

Additionally, this year’s edition will feature an interactive Poster/Demo session on Nov. 23rd (after the oral session). Posters will have to be introduced by their presenters in the form of a short (~2-minute) oral presentation prior to the session. Demos are dedicated to participants who wish to showcase some software or (small-sized) equipment linked to the topics of the workshop, where a poster format might be less adapted. We therefore warmly invite all participants to come and showcase their work!
