
June 27-29, 2016
New Orleans, USA

OMICS International, (conference series) the World Class Open Access Publisher and Scientific Event Organizer is hosting “International Conference on physics” which is going to be the biggest conference dedicated to Physics. The theme “Highlighting innovations and challenges in the field of Physics” and it features a three day conference addressing the major breakthroughs, challenges and the solutions adopted. The conference will be held during June 27-29, 2016 at New Orleans, USA.


  • Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
  • Plasma Physics
  • Chemical physics
  • Particle physics & Phenomenology
  • Nuclear physics
  • Applied Physics
  • Computational Physics and Numerical Simulation
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics


FBI Grand

We will be pleased and honoured to welcome Eric Betzig during our Annual meeting 17th-18th of September, at the Institut Curie (12 Rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris).

Eric Betzig was awarded the 2014 Nobel prize in Chemistry on his work in the field of super resolution microscopy. He is going to talk about the newest developments in live cell imaging, amongst one is the revolutionary lattice light sheet microscopy technique. His talk is now scheduled within the Annual Meeting of France-BioImaging, the 17th from 11 to 12 a.m.

The scientific part of the meeting will follow the main topics below:

  • SPT-Super Resolution (WP1a)
  • Bioimage Informatics – Image Processing & Data Management (WP4)
  • HTP/HCS Imaging (WP2)
  • CLEM/Super CLEM (WP1c)
  • Inter-INBS session (invitation of Frisbi and Phenomin National Infrastructures members)
  • New Contrast & In-Depth Imaging (WP1d)
  • Multimodal & Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopies (WP1b)
  • Probe Development, Optomanipulation & Optogenetics (WP3)

* Do not hesitate to bring posters for the poster sessions (see program) !!!*

Other international invited speakers:
Dr. Rafael Carazo Salas,
Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Prof. Clemens Kaminski,
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Prof. Gerard Marriott,
Department of Bioengineering, University of California – Berkeley, United States of America
Dr. Erik Meijering,
Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Prof. Dan Oron,
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Dr. Yannick Schwab,
European Molecular Biology Laboratory – Heidelberg, Germany

Programme FBI Annual Meeting 2015

    Registration closed

    Sorry, the FBI Annual Meeting 2015 is already full, so we have been forced to close the registration.

    Thank you for your understanding and for your interest.
    See you Next Year !




institut d'optique d'aquitaine
Bordeaux, France, on the 26th-28th of August 2015.

Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine
Rue François Mitterrand
33400 Talence Cedex

The 2015 edition continues the successful SMLMS series Lausanne 2012, Frankfurt 2013, London 2014.
The scope of the meeting is to bring together scientists working in the field of single-molecule super-resolution imaging

This includes, as examples, the following topics:

  • development of new optical methods
  • development of new probes and labeling strategies
  • applications to biological questions
  • new algorithms for data analysis
  • and others.

Bordeaux has a striving high resolution imaging community, where single-molecule imaging takes a central stage. Moreover, end of August is a very nice time of year in Bordeaux.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

=> Note that grants for registration are available, see details on Registration tag!

List of invited speakers:

Keynote speakers:

  • Eric BETZIG – Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn – US. 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • Antoine TRILLER – Institut de biologie de l’École Normale Supérieure, IBENS Paris – FR

Invited speakers:

  • Virgile ADAM – Institut de biologie structurale, IBS, Grenoble – FR
  • Pierre BON – University of Bordeaux, LP2N, Talence – FR
  • Daniel CHOQUET – University of Bordeaux, IINS, Bordeaux – FR
  • Maxime DAHAN – Institut Curie, UMR168, Paris – FR
  • Jörg ENDERLEIN – University of Goettingen (UG), Göttingen – DE
  • Cristina FLORS – IMdea-Nanosciences, Madrid – SP
  • Gregory GIANNONE – University of Bordeaux, IINS, Bordeaux – FR
  • Johan HOFKENS – University of Leuven (UCL), Leuven – BE
  • Ralf JUNGMANN – Max Planck Institute (MPG), Martinsried – DE
  • Kathrin LANG – University of Muenchen (TUM), München – DE
  • Suliana MANLEY – Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne – CH
  • Jacob PIEHLER – University of Osnabrueck Biophysik, Osnabrück – DE
  • Joshua VAUGHAN – University of Washington (UW), Seattle – US

Scientific committee
Mike HEILEMANN – University of Frankfurt, PTC, Frankfurt – DE
Helge EWERS – Free University of Berlin, ICB, Berlin – DE
Aleksandra RADENOVIC – Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne – CH

The 5° edition is co-organized by:

Jean-Baptiste SIBARITA, Institut interdisciplinaire de neurosciences (IINS), Bordeaux – FR
Laurent COGNET, Laboratoire Photonique Numérique et Nanosciences (LP2N), Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS), Talence – FR

Symposium website: http://smlms2015.sciencesconf.org/

New microscope in the Imagopole:
Live-cell super-resolution with BioAxial CODIM100
Open day in Pasteur the 24/09/2015

pseudo logo Imagopole

Dear friends of imaging,

The BioAxial company and the Imagopole (the imaging platform of the Institut Pasteur) has collaborated for several years around the development of an entirely new approach to super-resolution imaging based upon conical diffraction. It is now a microscopy system, available commercially (http://www.bioaxial.com/products/codim100/product-description), the CODIM100.

PastedGraphic-1 We host such a system, and it will be made available at the Imagopole to all scientists, following the Imagopole access policy (as any regular system) by the end of September 2015. The CODIM100 is very simple to use, and can be operated by autonomous users, following a short training session.

We organize an open day for the system Thursday the 24th of September. You are cordially invited to bring your sample and try the CODIM100. We will be there all day to help you setting up the microscope to harvest the best images.

If you are interested in coming to this open day, please write to Jean-Yves Tinevez (tinevez@pasteur.fr) and state your needs. We will allocate a slot depending on the time you need. We have the facilities to host and prepare live samples.

If you are interested in super-resolution microscopy, keep reading on.
While there already exist several super-resolution modalities, this system is distinguished by the unique combination of several performance features. In brief,:

    • it is ideal for live-cell super-resolution imaging (even long term time-lapse imaging);
    • it works with any fluorescent sample without any special preparation;
    • it has a very good sensitivity even to weakly labelled samples.

It is attached to a normal laser scanning confocal microscope. The typical usage is to image a sample with normal LSCM mode, then draw a ROI over the acquired image to rescan it in super-resolution. Here are some quick specifications of the super-resolution module:

    • Excitation lines: 488, 561 and 640nm
    • Objectives: 40x 0.95 air / 60x 1.2 water / 60x 1.49 oil.
    • Acquisition speed: a few seconds for a 25µm2 ROI.
    • Labels: any that can be excited with the wavelength mentioned above
    • Sample prep: any confocal or live sample with 0.17mm glass bottom coverslip. No restrictions on mounting media for fixed samples.
    • XY resolution: 110 nm with 488nm laser/0.95 NA, 90 nm with 488 nm laser/1.20 NA
    • Very low excitation power: less than 1 µW/µm2.

Some examples:

The first Annual Meeting of the Infrastructures Nationales en Biologie Santé (INBS) was hold at CNRS, 9th December 2014. The aim of this meeting was to prepare the actualization of the Research Infrastructures road map defined in the National Strategy of the Research Infrastructures 2012-2020 by the DGRI (Direction Générale de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, National Ministry).


The general policy of the National Strategy of the Research Infrastructures 2012-2020 is to:

  • be leader in the construction of European Infrastructures
  • increase French participation in advanced international programs
  • assist the needs of research community in all activity domains
  • reinforce partnerships between economical suppliers and users


23 INBS are recognized:

  • ANAEE (Analyse et expérimentation sur les écosystèmes-Service)
  • CONSTANCES (Infrastructure épidémiologique ouverte pour la recherche et la surveillance)
  • CRB ANIM (Réseau de centres de ressources biologiques pour les animaux domestiques)
  • E-CELL France (Infrastructure nationale de médecine régénératrice basée sur les cellules souches mésenchymateuses)
  • EMBRC France (Centre national de ressources biologiques marines)
  • E-RECOLNAT (Valorisation de 350 ans de collections d’histoire naturelle : une plateforme numérique pour l’environnement et la société)
  • F-CRIN (French Clinical Research Infrastructure Network)
  • FLI (The French National Research Infrastructure for Medical Imaging)
  • France BIOIMAGING (The French National Research Infrastructure for Biological Imaging)
  • France GENOMIQUE
  • France HADRON (Hadronthérapie)
  • FRISBI (Infrastructure Française pour la biologie structurale intégrée)
  • HIDDEN (Infrastructure de recherche dédiée aux maladies hautement infectieuses)
  • IDMIT (Infrastructure nationale pour la modélisation des maladies infectieuses humaines et les thérapies innovantes)
  • IFB (Institut Français de bioinformatique)
  • INGESTEM (Infrastructure nationale d’ingénierie des cellules souches pluripotentes)
  • METABOHUB (Infrastructure nationale en métabolomique et fluxomique)
  • NEURATRIS (Infrastructure de recherche translationnelle pour les biothérapies en neurosciences)
  • PHENOME (Centre Français de phénomique végétale)
  • PHENOMIN (Infrastructure nationale en phénogénomique de la souris)
  • PROFI (Infrastructure Française de protéomique)
  • TEFOR (Transgenèse pour les études fonctionnelles sur les organismes modèles)

An analysis is conducted by AVIESAN (http://www.aviesan.fr/) and ARIIS (http://www.ariis.fr/) about an outline of good practices of different types of service offer in the context of public-private partnership.

The C-CRAFT software for segmentation of particles and estimation of background fluorescence in 2D and 3D live cell imaging, was developed by the Serpico Team at Inria de Rennes, a member of the FBI-IPDM ( Bioimage informatics-Image Processing and Data Management) transversal node . See also http://mobyle-serpico.rennes.inria.fr/

ICY is an open community platform for bioimage informatics developped at Institut Pasteur in the frame of “FBI-IPDM” projects. It gathers software ressources to visualize, annotate and quantify bioimaging data.

A team work, dear to the policies and objectives of France-BioImaging !


The 30th of January 2015, coordination staffs of 3 INBSs, laureates of the “Programme Investissement d’Avenir” in 2011 (FRISBI, Phenomin and FBI), get together for an informal meeting at IGBMC, Illkirch. The idea, that our INBSs could better interact, think of common projects or services and organize joint actions, was born during the INBSs meeting organized at the CNRS, in December 2014. Although at a very early stage, cooperation is definitively foreseen between FRISBI (Integrated Structural Biology), Phenomin (Mouse phenogenomics) and FBI (Bio-Imaging). Complementary or common technological approaches appear obvious. A shared session between the 3 Infrastructures will be organized during the next FBI Annual Meeting (17th- 18th of September, Institut Curie, Paris) with the goal to consider possible transverse activities.


Short presentation of these infrastructures


logo-frisbi The French Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology (FRISBI) provides an infrastructure for integrative structural biology approaches, from the molecular to the cellular level, integrating multi-resolution data from X-ray crystallography, small angle X-ray scattering, NMR, Cryo-EM and functional data including development for protein expression and crystallization. Opened to structural and molecular and cell biologists from both academia and industry from France and Europe FRISBI will reinforce technology transfer between national and international academics and industry for technological developments and therapeutically applications. FRISBI comprises strong component for training in integrative structural biology by the organization of congress, workshops & practical courses, and national and international master degree program.

phenomin-baseline PHENOMIN is devoted to serve the French community for the usage of mouse models. This National Infrastructure constitutes a unique distributed resource for the creation, the care, the phenotyping, the distribution and archiving of animal models for academics and private corporations. Its scientific goals are to improve the knowledge of the mammalian genome, identify and understand its variations and discover new opportunities for therapies and drugs. PHENOMIN will also participate to the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) and plans to contribute to Infrafrontier and to ESFRI-identified pan-European infrastructure for functional genomics. PHENOMIN will be a key item of the the National Alliance for life sciences and health (AVIESAN).

FBI Grand France-BioImaging (FBI) gathers several biological Imaging Centers associated with R&D teams with the aim to cover recent advances in microscopy, spectroscopy, probe engineering, signal processing and BioImage Informatic. It is a pluridisciplinary project with participants in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer science and engineering. The consortium brings together the efforts to overcome technological barriers persisting at different levels of Cellular Imaging and breaks the frontiers between research and innovation thanks to collaborative projects with industry. France Bioimaging is strongly involved in the strategy of the ITMOs BCDE of Aviesan through the French Networks of the CNRS (GDR-MIV) and directly linked to the “Euro-BioImaging” project of ESFRI.

International_Year_of_Light_2015_-_color_logo_2 The Year of Light is a global initiative voted by the United Nations (UN) which aims to raise awareness around the world about the importance, in daily life, of light and technologies associated as optics and photonics. By focusing on the light and its technologies, the UN recognizes their role in sustainable development by providing solutions to current and future global challenges such as energy, education, agriculture and health. Light plays an essential role in our daily lives and is a crucial cross-discipline of science in the 21st century. It revolutionized medicine, opened the international communication via the Internet, and continues to be an important factor in social, economic, and cultural policiess. A large consortium of scientific organizations in partnership with UNESCO brings together many stakeholders, including the scientific community, the world of education, technology platforms, non-profit organizations and private sector partners.

For France, the International Steering Committee set up by UNESCO, entrusted exclusively to the National Committee, led by the CNOP (National Committee for optics and photonics), coordination and animation of the event at the national level. “2015, Year of Light in France” will cover all of these topics by organizing various events: conferences, round tables, technical and scientific meetings, artistic events, development of educational tools, exhibitions, popular science operations, scientific site visits, industrial and cultural meetings with and for young people… They will highlight the various areas concerned by light and its applications: science, industry, daily life , nature, culture, history. The wide spectrum of these fields promises a major mobilization of all: scientists from mathematics to philosophy, communities, public and private institutions, cultural actors and artists, students, professors and researchers, schools and universities. Many local players are already mobilized and have requested the Executive Board obtaining the label and communicate their program.

logo The CNOP appointed an Executive Board which labelize the events, builds and manages communications tools, ensures a good distribution of events in terms of geography and audiences, handles the visibility of the Year from the various target audiences and the media. This committee brings together the main structures which work in the field of light: learned societies, associations and clubs, national organizations, scientific and cultural centers, museums, publishing houses, institutional, industrial…

National Committee
« 2015, Year of Light in France » With the sponsorship of the Nobel Prize in Physics Claude Cohen-Tanoudji and Serge HAROCHE

Executive Board

  • Costel SUBRAN – Chairman
  • Eric LAMBOUROUD – Communication
  • Ivan TESTART – Sponsorship and finance
  • Agnès HENRI – Secretary
  • Catherine HERCE – Webmaster


  • John DUDLEY – IYL2015-FEMTO-ST
  • Etienne KLEIN – CEA
  • Gérard MOUROU – Polytechnique

Institut Curie, Paris, January 5-6 2015


The second EUBIAS taggathon and showcase were both co-organized by FBI and were planned on separate dates , to allow the organization of EUBIAS showcase as a joint event to QBI in Institut Pasteur: about 50 attendees participated to both meetings. Since EUBIAS showcase is planned for communication between developers and analysts and QBI is for discussion among developers, co-organization seems to have facilitated more attendance in both meetings.

European Bioimage Analysis Symposium aims at increasing the accessibility of image analysis tools to biologists and also to facilitate feedbacks from biologists to software developers. Moreover, EUBIAS is the meeting organized by bioimage analysts to discuss about their roles in biology. The first EUBIAS was held in Barcelona in 2013. Efforts have been pursued for creating a community of image analyst, to bridge new algorithms, new microscopy methods and the users, and the same spirit continued to the 2nd EUBIAS held in Institut Curie, Paris in Dec. 2014 and Jan 2015 for Taggathon and showcase meeting.

The second EuBIAS showcase meeting gathered around 120 scientists from all over the world, 40 % from France, and around 50% working in microscopy facilities. During this 2 days meeting, 35 state-of-art quality talks including 3 keynote lectures were given on topics ranging from general purpose open image analysis software to more focused application packages for analyzing cells and particle. Two panel discussions were animated, with highly interactive exchange of opinions and views in lively atmosphere: one was on the open source licensing ecosystem and the coexistence between free and commercial software; the second one around the definition of the Bioimage Analysts community, its relationship and positioning with both life scientists and developpers. In addition as a new approach, the previous poster session was replaced by two ‘meet the developers’ sessions. Interactive live demos at individual presentation slots ignited fruitful and direct exchange of comments among participants and speakers and added further excitements to the meeting. The strong involvement of commercial companies in this event should also be noted here.

In a nutshell, the event was extremely successful in increasing the flow of information within the image analysis community. Many participants discovered themselves as being bioimage analyst and commented that “This is the meeting I was looking for”. The next EUBIAS is already planned for 2016, several locations are conceivable.

Institut Pasteur, Paris, January 7-9 2015

The 3rd QBI conference followed two previous sessions which were held in Albuqerque, New Mexico USA. QBI is meant to gather scientists concerned by bioimaging, from new microscopy technics especially single molecule nanoscopy and up to the statistical analysis and modeling, applied to life sciences issues, in a focused and interdisciplinary manner. The free of charge registration is another remarkable feature of QBI. The idea behind is to allow as many as possible PhD students and post-docs to attend.

This year, the third QBI conference was co-organized by FBI, in particular by elements of the “Bioimage Informatics-IPDM” WG (Institut Pasteur, Inria, Institut Curie). QBI was following the 2nd EUropean BoImage Analysis Symposium (Institut Curie, Paris, 5 and 6 January) in a joint Event fashion, making possible scientists to attend both meetings in a row quite successfully (about 50 attendees participated to both meetings). It gathered more than 180 scientists from all over the world. 66 talks were presented in 13 sessions, some from solicited speakers (19) but mostly selected from the 85 submitted abstracts. Lively poster sessions completed this scientific program. All in all, QBI 2015 was apparently a strong success and attendees look forward to the next QBI conference, which will be most probably held again in Europe, in Delft, Netherlands, Beginning of the next year.

Unfortunately, the conference was taking place at a very tragic time in Paris. The local organizers, wish to thank our foreigner colleagues for their support and their strong marks of solidarity with the French people.

We were all “Charlie” at QBI 2015 !

Serpico team makes some of its software applications available through a Mobyle web portal. This portal allows you to run image processing programs on your data. As the images are transfered across the internet, it is better used with small size data.


The aim of this portal is to show what Serpico team can offer to the France Bio Imaging community in terms of image processing and it is not designed to handle production usage. However, if you find the programs shown in the portal interesting, you can contact the team to get a copy in source or binary form.






affiche 237 copie
New trends in super-resolution optical microscopy: unraveling the ultra-structure and dynamics of molecular assemblies in cells and tissues

September 30 to October 2, 2015


This Workshop will present the theoretical basis, the latest developments and the acquisition and data analysis procedures on super-resolution microscopy techniques used to investigate the ultrastructure of molecular assemblies and their dynamics in living cells and tissues.

Registration Deadline: March 27, 2015
Maxim DAHAN (Institut Curie, Paris), Orestis FAKLARIS (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris) and Marcelo NOLLMANN (Centre de Biochimie Structurale, Montpellier)

Phase I : critical assessment
  • Introduction to super-resolution techniques
  • Application and new developments in single-molecule super-resolution microscopy
  • Labeling, Theoretical and computational methods
  • In-depth super-resolution microscopy, STED, SIM microscopies
Phase II : technical workshop

18 trainees will be selected among phase I participants.

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