This biophysics school aims at training students and young researchers to master fluorescent markers used in advanced fluorescence bioimaging: their diversity, how they actually work and what their current development are.

Deadline for registration: December 15, 2017.

It will be organized at the Ecole de Physique des Houches, in the french Alps,  on 18-23 March 2018.

Fluorescence-based imaging techniques play an increasing role in biology and medicine. In recent years, the field of fluorescence imaging has seen the spectacular development of super-resolution microscopy, also called “nanoscopy”. Nanoscopy has opened up huge research opportunities for biomedical sciences, as witnessed by the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2014, jointly attributed to S. Hell, E. Betzig and W. E. Moerner. In general, fluorescence microscopy requires labeling the samples with suitable fluorescent markers, either fluorescent proteins, organic fluorophores or nanoparticles. The markers used in super-resolution microscopy, however, must possess very specific properties. Nanoscopic techniques, in fact, rely fundamentally on the complex photophysical behavior of these markers.

Our school is motivated by the fact that more and more laboratories around the world are committed to the implementation of advanced microscopy techniques, in particular super resolution, with an increasing number of dedicated platforms. However, there is a global lack of knowledge about how fluorescent markers should be selected, their properties and mechanisms, and the type of artifacts they can create. The objective of the school is to contribute overcoming this lack.

Important novel developments are expected in the coming years that will introduce paradigm shifts in advanced fluorescence imaging. The course has the ambition to prepare participants to become major actors in these breakthroughs, by updating students and also preparing them to integrate new methods that were not necessarily taught at the level of a master degree, or that are difficult to teach because of interdisciplinarity.

This Symposium is organized by the Réseau d’Imagerie Cellulaire Paris-Saclay.

Address: Salle de conférence du CNRS -7 rue Guy Môquet – 94800 Villejuif (see program for detailed map)

This is a free event.

Registration is free (mandatory) at : feuilldelum[at]

Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) is an emerging technology that combines optical sectioning with multiple-view imaging to observe tissues and living organisms with a remarkable resolution. Unlike conventional techniques of widefield and confocal fluorescence microscopy, the light sheet technique illuminates on the region surrounding the focal plane of the detection objective in a twin objective configuration.

Light sheet methods exhibit a reduced photobleaching and a lower phototoxicity. By rotating the specimen, the technique can image virtually any plane with multiple views obtained from different angles. LSFM is ideal for examining of both large (animals) and small (cells) specimens labeled with fluorescent proteins and other fluorophores.

Are you a life-scientist needing to quantify microscopy images?
Do you want to learn how to co-localise, deconvolve, automate, track, handle massive data, and record work-flows?

If yes, this school is for you!

This one-week school provides a hands-on introduction to image processing and analysis, with an emphasis on biologically relevant examples. Participants will learn the fundamentals of image analysis, including macro programming in ImageJ/Fiji, MATLAB, as well as a range of focused topics What you will learn You will learn the fundamentals of image analysis, including basic macro programming in ImageJ/Fiji as well as other software solutions. In the first part of the week, it will also cover the process of image formation as it pertains to image analysis: Resolution, correct exposure, point-spread functions, detector noise, Shannon’s sampling theorem, and aliasing. All with a clear focus on application in the lab. In the second half of the week there will be a number of focused topics, building on what was learnt during the first days:

  • Scripting in MATLAB
  • Tracking particles and cells in time-lapse recordings
  • De-convolution of microscopy images 
  • Stitching and registration of stacks of large image data

Deadline for application: August 15, 2017 at 12pm

Organized by the neuroscience and photonics departments and imaging facilities of Bordeaux and Quebec, Neurophotonics 2017 is the fifth edition of a successful conference series devoted to new frontiers in microscopy and neuroscience.

The meeting brings together leading developers and practitioners of advanced optical approaches to study brain function, from receptor dynamics at synapses to sensory processing in intact brains.

It will cover:

  • Optogenetics & photomanipulation
  • Image analysis & computational approaches
  • Super-resolution microscopy
  • In vivo imaging

En juillet prochain (4 au 7 juillet 2017) sera organisé à Bordeaux, le 15ème colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies. Le comité d’organisation a le plaisir de vous accueillir, à nouveau, 30 ans après le colloque de 1987, dans la cité culturelle et historique de Bordeaux, classée au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco. Bordeaux vit actuellement un renouveau extraordinaire avec l’impressionnante transformation des berges de la Garonne, l’inauguration de la Cité du Vin, et la future ligne LGV. Ce sera en 2017, l’une des villes les plus « attractives » du monde sur le plan touristique.

Ce congrès a pour objectif de réunir une large communauté de scientifiques autour du thème des microscopies électronique, optique et à champ proche et imagerie vibrationnelle. Le comité scientifique a construit un programme attractif avec 15 sessions couvrant les applications et développements en science de la vie, science des matériaux, instrumentation et les méthodes. Les symposiums communs et les sessions en parallèle Matériaux et Biologie permettront de faire un point notamment sur les avancées dans les domaines de la caractérisation des matériaux à différentes échelles, de la matière molle, de la superrésolution, de la cryomicroscopie haute résolution, de la microscopie corrélative….

Le congrès se déroulera à l’école d’ingénieur Bordeaux-INP ENSEIRB-Matméca à Talence, accessible facilement depuis le centre-ville de Bordeaux par la ligne de Tram B. Dans ce lieu convivial, les participants et exposants auront la possibilité d’échanger librement. L’exhibition d’instruments, de techniques et accessoires sera importante. De plus, en partenariat avec l’école d’été du GN-MEBA, des microscopes de pointe pourront même être accessibles pendant la période du congrès.

Apres le vif succès de Nice en 2015, nous vous encourageons chaleureusement à soumettre vos contributions pour poursuivre cette dynamique. A très bientôt.

Cryotechnologies in electron microscopy

August 28 – September 2, 2016
Lyon, France

France BioImaging will participate actively at the EMC 2016, in Lyon with two special sessions and a booth :

1) Big Data session sunday 28/09
Regulator: Nick Schryvers et Roger Wepf

  • 15:30-15:35 Welcome & Introduction (EMS)
  • 15:35-15:50 Welcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation & Expression – S. Besson (University of Dundee, UK)
  • 15:50-16:05 First steps towards big data in Electron Microscopy: open data – Andy Stewart (Dept of Physics and Energy)
  • 16:05-16:20 Large Data: Fast to Find, Quick to View – Dr Shwarb (Imagic / Arivis)
  • 16:20-16:35 Sharing microscopy images and processing applications – Jean Salamero (FBI, CNRS, Institut Curie, France)
  • 16:35-16:50 Centralized computing and storage in a large decentralized microscopy environment – Dr Ziegler (Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis, University of Zurich)
  • 16:50-17:20 title (CERN, CH)
  • 17:20-17h50 Panel discussion

2) ‘Microscopy Networks’, lunch workshop mercredi 31/08

  • 12:30-12:35 Introduction – Thierry Epicier
  • 12:35-12:50 Electron microscopy in INSTRUCT: the key role for a center on image processing – José L. Carrascosa
  • 12:50-1:05 pm ESTEEM2: An European Integrated Infrastructure of Electron Microscopy facilities – Etienne Snoeck
  • 1:05-1:15 Atomic Resolution Cluster – a national electron microscopy infrastructure for Sweden – Crispin Hetherington
  • 1:15-1:25 Presentation of the French Microscopy Infrastructure “METSA” – Mathieu Kociak
  • 1:25-1:35 The Spanish TEM network – Cesar Magen
  • 1:35-1-45 The French infrastructure in BioImaging (FBI) as a Node of the EuroBioImaging Infrastructure – Jean Salamero
  • 1:45-1:50 The French Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology (FRISBI) – Bruno Klaholz
  • 1:50-2:00 The mission for inter-disciplinarity at CNRS: microscopy networks – Catherine Clerc
  • 2:00- Wrap-up – Etienne Snoeck, José Maria Carazo, José L. Carrascosa

3) Networks & Infrastructures Booth
FBI, FRISBI, les réseaux de la MI CNRS (RTMFM, RCCM, REMISOL), le réseau des microscopistes de l’INRA (RµI), METSA.

See you on our booth !

11th Spatial Statistics and Image Analysis in Biology Workshop
Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique centre, France
May 25-27, 2016

The SSIAB 2016 is part of a cycle of Danish-French conference, initiated in 1996 and held every two years alternately in Denmark and France. This 11th edition will take place in May 25-27 2016 in Rennes (Bretagne) at the French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria) Centre. It is jointly organized by the Serpico team of Inria, the Mathematics research institute IRMAR of the University of Rennes 1 and the Inra Institute of Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection (IGEPP).

This workshop is devoted to spatial statistics and image analysis and their applications in biology (e.g. agriculture, epidemiology, ecology, health and environment). It aims to bring together a limited number of participants (40 max.) interested in spatial statistics in general and specifically applied to biological problems. Each participant makes a presentation. Most participants come regularly to these meetings but new speakers (not necessarily French or Danish) are invited to each edition. Part of the presentations is reserved for ending PhD students and young researchers. This event is part of the thematic semester “Statistics” of the Centre Henri Lebesgue.

This international meeting on statistics applied to biological problematics will be the opportunity to meet international experts on the field to increase the visibility of this issue in the laboratory and in the community. The interventions of speakers and exchanges are likely to develop new partnerships and increase the involvement of IRMAR, INRA and INRIA colleagues on this topic.

Organization board: Bernard Delyon, Frédéric Lavancier, Charles Kervrann, Melen Leclerc

GDR-MIV Theme Days : Light Sheet Microscopy Workshop
Institut interdisciplinaire de Neuroscience, Bordeaux
5-6 April, 2016
Nota Bene
Registration (by e-mail):
Deadline abstract submission:
March 18th
Preliminary program
Abstract submission

Dear colleagues,

In the frame of the thematic actions of the GDR MIV ( and in association with France Bioimaging (, we are happy to announce the first French workshop on “Light sheet Fluorescence Microscopy” which will be held from the 5th to the 6th of April at the Institut Interdisciplinaire de Neurosciences in Bordeaux. The aim of this workshop will be to synergize the efforts, to share experience and to drive this technology and its applications forward. It will play an important role in the growth of the field by providing not only a forum for developers but also by its specific aim of bringing together the users. This workshop will be an opportunity to learn more about this emerging technology and its applications in our/your research. This workshop of contributed talks will cover the state of the art as well as the recent advances in Light sheet Microscopy.

Registration to this event is free but mandatory. It includes coffee breaks and lunch. We ask all participants to register simply by email to – indicating in the subject LSFM, and specifying your name and affiliation. Upon registration, everyone can submit an abstract of their research project for a possible oral presentation or eposters.

For submission of your abstracts (talks or eposters), please use the template in attached file. We will update shortly the program (See preliminary program).
Dead line abstract submission: 18 mars

We look forward to seeing you in Bordeaux!

The organizers
Corinne Lorenzo, Philippe Girard and Jean Baptiste Sibarita.

logo GDR-MIV logo iins
FBI_logo_final_Haute resolution

Lyon EMC2016_diapo-pour-oral

August 28, 2016
September 2, 2016

Download the programme here
Website and Registration

Dear colleagues, dear partners

On behalf of the French Society of Microscopy SFµ, we would like to warmly welcome you in the charming and cultural city of Lyon for the 16th European Microscopy Congress – EMC2016, from August 28th to September 2nd, 2016, organized under the auspices of the European Microscopy Society (EMS) and the International Federation of Microscopy Societies (IFSM).

After having hosted the International Congress on Electron Microscopy in Grenoble in 1970, then in Paris in 1994, it is a great pleasure and a great honour for us to invite you to be part of this new international event on microscopy that will be again in France.

Since the 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy EUREM in Brno, Czech Republic in 2000, this European meeting, which is held every four years, has evolved to cover not only electron microscopy but a much larger panel of all the microscopies. We clearly intend to promote in the next EMC2016 a pluri- and multi-disciplinary atmosphere, mixing, photonic, near field, ionic and electron-based approaches, with an extension to complementary techniques such as spectroscopies, atom probe and X-ray tomography.

Our goal is to organize an unforgettable meeting for all attendees, and offer you, as partner companies and exhibitors, fruitful conditions to participate, animate, exchange, and show to the whole community all your expertise and new products, on booths or during workshop sessions. This remains a definitive driving force for better knowledge and advances not only in microscopies, but more generally in science for the human being safety, care and comfort.

France-Bioimaging will participate to the workshop lunch and will have a stand.


November 23-24, 2015
Institut Pasteur, Paris

– Programme

This is the 3rd edition of the annual symposium on Bioimage Informatics, organized by the GdR 2588 (Functional Microscopy of living organisms) and supported by France Bioimaging.

The workshop will feature two sessions covering rapidly developing topics of Bioimage Informatics:

Computational Imaging (Nov. 23rd): this session aims at gathering the computational and physical approaches that support imaging methods. This includes talks on inverse problems, compressed sensing, source separation and super-resolution. Presented applications will include many different imaging techniques including confocal microscopy, super resolution microscopy, Optical Projection Tomography, TIRF microscopy.

Computational Phenotyping (Nov. 24th): this session focuses on the automatic analysis of imaging data to derive biological information across different scales. This involves techniques for image segmentation and quantification, machine learning and statistics. Applications will cover different scales of organization (from cells to organisms) and will include examples from High Content Screening, plant phenotyping and spatial transcriptomics.

Additionally, this year’s edition will feature an interactive Poster/Demo session on Nov. 23rd (after the oral session). Posters will have to be introduced by their presenters in the form of a short (~2-minute) oral presentation prior to the session. Demos are dedicated to participants who wish to showcase some software or (small-sized) equipment linked to the topics of the workshop, where a poster format might be less adapted. We therefore warmly invite all participants to come and showcase their work!


The international conference “Physical chemistry of the cell : innovative bioimaging” (PhysChemCell2015) will be held in Orsay at the Curie Institute (Bat 111, campus of Paris Sud University) from 4th to 6th November 2015.

The conference will bring together an interdisciplinary community to discuss the latest advances in the fields of analytical cell imaging. Conference topics will cover cell signaling and trafficking studies, the development of new organic, inorganic or genetically encoded probes, innovative imaging contrasts and instruments, and will explore their potential for in vivo and biomedical applications.

Confirmed plenary speakers: Philippe Bastiaens (Dortmund), Nicolas Bezieres (Munich), Stefan Jakobs (Göttingen), Kai Johnsson (Genève), Abraham Koster (Leiden)

Organizing commitee: Larbi Amazit (Institut Biomédical de Bicêtre), Céline Boutin (CEA Saclay), Cedric Bouzigues (LOB Palaiseau), Catherine Chapon (IDMIT Fontenay-aux-Roses), Ariane Deniset (LCP Orsay), Sandrine Lecart (CLUPS Orsay), Amélie Leforestier (LPS Orsay), Florence Mahuteau (Institut Curie Orsay), Anne Mantel (Institut Biomédical de Bicêtre), Rachel Méallet-Renault (ISMO Orsay), Fabienne Merola (LCP Orsay), Valérie Nicolas (IPSIT Châtenay-Malabry), Oliver Nusse (IBAIC Orsay), Robert Pansu (ENS Cachan), Matthieu Refregiers (SOLEIL Saint-Aubin), Béatrice Satiat-Jeunemaitre (ISV et Imagif Gif-sur-Yvette), Marie-Noelle Soler (Institut Curie Orsay), Marie-Paule Teulade-Fichou (Institut Curie Orsay), François Treussart (LAC Orsay), Boris Vauzeilles (ICSN Gif-sur-Yvette).

Contact of organizing commitee: