Affiche Mifobio2016 GB Dear all,

The second call for workshops in MiFoBio2016 is on!

To date, we have almost 80 workshops proposed, with 45 pre-selected. We thank all those who have brought these proposals. When selecting, a particular attention will be paid to the educational aspect, the innovative nature of the proposal, the close association of a biological problem addressed to the technological approach.

Pre-selected workshops will be validated once obtained the certainty that required material will be available during the school.

For this second call, we would like to reinforce certain themes, however not exclusively :

    • All type of home-made microscopy systems
    • optogenetics approaches
    • Imaging of scattering media, heterogeneous, outliers, …. (adaptive optics)
    • Application of biological models on small organisms (insects, fish, … but excluding mammals) for developmental biology
    • neuro-biological imaging
    • Photomanipulations
    • Bio-sensors
    • nonlinear imaging and non-conventional imaging (phase imaging, ….)
    • Microscopy with structured illumination
    • Contribution of microfluidics for microscopy
    • Modelling and simulation of molecular dynamics and cellular organization.


Procedure for proposing a workshop:

    1. Application to attend the thematic MiFoBio2016 school: go to the website of GDR-MIV: to get your identifiers.
    2. Then submit your workshop proposal via the dedicated website:
    3. Login using your GDR-MIV identifiers.
    4. Go in the “Workshops / Submit a new workshop” and fill in all the form fields.

In the “abstract” (1000 characters max.) Thank you to define the objective(s) of the workshop you propose. A “description” field (10000 characters) is available for a more detailed explanation. This will be used for evaluation.

The whole site is in English. Your proposals must be registered on the website before 23 April.


What changes from previous editions:

    • You can create and edit your workshop proposals online.
    • Workshops can have only two trainers/animators. For this purpose a specific mechanism has been put in place:

      o The main animator creates the workshop file.
      o Then goes in the “Workshops / List my workshops” section.
      o In the “Code for co-animator” he “copy / paste” the code and sends it by mail to his co-animator.
      o The co-animator connects to the site (after having pre-registred to MiFoBio). Then he goes in the “Workshops / List my workshops” section and in “Enter a co-animator code”

The workshops can be repeated two or more times during the school (the number of repetition is likely to be modulated up or down).

The workshops will be selected by the organizing committee.

The workshop team is at your disposal for any further information and can be reached at the following address

The workshop team: Fabrice Cordelières, Sandrine Lecart , Christine Terryn.

MIFOBIO School 2016 pre-registration and call for Workshops are now opened !
Call for Workshops:
Deadline pre-registration: April 15th, 2016

Due to the growing number of demands every year, a selection process has been put in place:

  • MANDATORY pre-registration (
  • NB: Pre-registration is only valid if you receive a confirmation email.

  • OPTIONAL submission of a workshop on the dedicated website
  • NB: You must be pre-registered here to access the workshop submission website.

  • Pre-registration will close on April 15th. Selection of the participants by the organising committee.
  • After selection selected person shall receive via nominative email an invitation to finalise their registration (payment).

Dear all, it is time to prepare the 7th MiFoBio School , 2016 !

Pilot committee: Serge Monneret, Tristan Piolot, Laurent Héliot.
Workshops committee: Sandrine Lécart, Christine Terryn, Fabrice Cordelières

This School is organized since 2004 by the GDR2588 within the CNRS training program, with the assistance of the vocational training unit of INSERM and supports from France-BioImaging , RTmfm and ITMO BCBDE (Aviesan). This school will take place from September 30 to October 7, 2016.
The number of places is limited to 350 participants and pre-registration will be open from February 2016 to May 2016.

A Call for Workshops will be launched soon !
With the support of our industry partners, but also from academic laboratories we anticipate an exceptional technology park available for you to participate and propose many practical workshops.

This year four types of workshops are solicited:

  • “Mastery” Workshops (AM): This is to illustrate the potential of a given technology to meet an identified biological questions; the experimental approach is mastered, the achievement being made on industrial devices, most often.
  • “Innovation” Workshops (AI) : the idea is to propose experiments on new technological developments laboratories (home-made experimental setups) or original operation of a set of imaging technologies
    (CLEM, multimodal microscopy, new imaging approaches, ..)
  • “Exploration” Workshops (AE): this is to experiment new approaches, onsite. For example exploring new types of samples by changing the type of analysis carried out or using other instrumental configurations, combine data obtained from different and complementary systems, in order to consider the question or biological hypothesis under several angles, make use of different analysis methods…We here encourage biologists to propose projects to explore, without insurance of results (in an exploratory way !) .The aim is to take advantage of the unique set of expertise and systems present during MiFoBio.
  • “Theoretical approach” Workshop (AT): This year we also want to foster more theoretical approaches, including modeling. We thus request the involvement of Project Leaders for such workshops, either based on real or simulated data.

The team responsible for the implementation of workshops will very soon open a registration web portal where you can propose your workshops. This first call will be closed on January 22. If necessary, a second call will be launched at the end February on more target areas to represent all school subjects, or yet to allow the improvement of certain projects presented first call requiring changes.
So if you intend to propose a workshop, it is important to get ready with your project (title, description, equipment needs, no co-host). No more than two facilitators for workshops.

FBI-AT 2016 The 3rd FBI-AT, an advanced, hands-on Training course on applications of cellular imaging to biological questions, co-organized by FBI with its genuine partner the GDR MIV, will take place in Montpellier January 18-22, 2016. One of the objectives of this 3rd session was to welcome young scientists from abroad. Among the 45 selected participants, about half foreigner colleagues and thirty PhD students and post-doc fellows will have the chance to listen and to be trained, by more than 20 experts, from seven countries. Thanks to the local organizers, we can anticipate a great success! We wish them all a productive BioImaging Advanced Training Course and an exciting meeting.

Abstract book FBI-AT 2016

an Advanced, hands-on Training course
on applications of cellular imaging to biological questions

January 18-22, 2016

FBI-AT 2016

Nota Bene

Website & registration:
FBI-AT 2016
Deadline registration:
October 31st, 2015
Download: Affiche FBIAT 2016

The aim of FBIAT is to show how key biological questions can be addressed with advanced cellular imaging techniques. Thus it is not only a training course on state-of-the-art imaging techniques, but additionally aims at training people on how building an experimental strategy that uses these techniques, alone or in combination, to address a specific biological problem.

In the morning, the course will have plenary lectures that introduce specific techniques and how these can solve biologically-relevant questions. In the afternoon, hands-on practicals will train attendants on these techniques, providing a complete view of the experimental flow, from sample preparation to data analysis, interpretation and, when relevant, modelization. Advanced microscopy techniques covered during the workshop include : super-resolution microscopies (PALM / STORM, Structured Illumination), Single Particle Tracking, RNA imaging, Correlation based microscopies and Atomic Force Microscopy. Trainees will choose a single module centered on their biological question of interest (see flyer)

affiche FBIAT_vf copie
Every module will have 3 practical sessions, each session being centered on a technique, plus one session dedicated to data analysis. To guaranty access to set-ups and proper training, each practical session will guest only 3 persons. The sessions will be run in parallel, such that each module will accept 8/9 participants (45 in total for the entire event).

By providing access to top training structures and lecturers, our aim to reach an international audience. Participants will thus be selected according to their previous training and adequation of the course to their needs. We will consider applications from PhD students, post-docs, staff scientists and young PIs.

logo GDR-MIV logo2 logo Univ Montpellier

FBI_logo_final_Haute resolution

From Live cell imaging to Electron microscopy

2 sessions in January and February 2016
Institut Curie, Paris, France
Correlative workflow

January & February 2016, Institut Curie
• Topics: CryoCapsule, Live cell CLEM, High Pressure Freezing, Serial sectioning, Section CLEM, Registration
• Speaker and teachers: Xavier Heiligenstein, Ilse Hurbain, Claire Boulogne, Lucie Sengmanivong, Graca Raposo
• Registration: CLOSED

Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) takes an increasing place in scientific investigation. In our workshop, we propose hands-on training using our innovative protocol, centered around the CryoCapsule® and our newly developed software eC-CLEM®. Practical sessions will include cell culture on the CryoCapsule® and live cell imanging, High Pressure Freezing (HPM100 and HPM Light μ), Freeze Substitution to preserve fluorescence, serial sectioning, fluorescence on section, electron microscopy and image registration.

  • It is firstly intended to scientists with advanced expertise in light microscopy and/or electron microscopy.
  • 2 sessions of 4 people each will be organized to ensure that each participant gets the chance to practice.
  • Evening discussions include presentation by each participant to have a change to discuss their own CLEM projects.
  • A practical manual will be provided, covering all the steps of the method.

FBI Grand

We will be pleased and honoured to welcome Eric Betzig during our Annual meeting 17th-18th of September, at the Institut Curie (12 Rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris).

Eric Betzig was awarded the 2014 Nobel prize in Chemistry on his work in the field of super resolution microscopy. He is going to talk about the newest developments in live cell imaging, amongst one is the revolutionary lattice light sheet microscopy technique. His talk is now scheduled within the Annual Meeting of France-BioImaging, the 17th from 11 to 12 a.m.

The scientific part of the meeting will follow the main topics below:

  • SPT-Super Resolution (WP1a)
  • Bioimage Informatics – Image Processing & Data Management (WP4)
  • HTP/HCS Imaging (WP2)
  • CLEM/Super CLEM (WP1c)
  • Inter-INBS session (invitation of Frisbi and Phenomin National Infrastructures members)
  • New Contrast & In-Depth Imaging (WP1d)
  • Multimodal & Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopies (WP1b)
  • Probe Development, Optomanipulation & Optogenetics (WP3)

* Do not hesitate to bring posters for the poster sessions (see program) !!!*

Other international invited speakers:
Dr. Rafael Carazo Salas,
Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Prof. Clemens Kaminski,
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Prof. Gerard Marriott,
Department of Bioengineering, University of California – Berkeley, United States of America!pi/ch5y
Dr. Erik Meijering,
Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Prof. Dan Oron,
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Dr. Yannick Schwab,
European Molecular Biology Laboratory – Heidelberg, Germany

Programme FBI Annual Meeting 2015

    Registration closed

    Sorry, the FBI Annual Meeting 2015 is already full, so we have been forced to close the registration.

    Thank you for your understanding and for your interest.
    See you Next Year !



Ban MiFoBio

Website – RegistrationProgram

For fifteen years, biological imaging has changed deeply thanks to the work of a large interdisciplinary community (physicists, chemists, biologists, instrumentalists, computer scientists, mathematicians and physicians) who is both a carrier of basic research the interface between photon / living matter and creator of new analytical tools, engaging biological questions. Developments in imaging are increasingly limiting and quick, minimally invasive and adaptable to the molecular study in living organisms. They require tu ensure recursively knowledge transfer within the community, to educate the younger generation to this interface in the plurality of its components, while promoting the integration of new skills, especially in the domain analysis, data management and modeling. Those are the aims of the school “MiFoBio”


MiFoBio allows participants to not be limited to theoretical exchanges, but confrontations around instruments in real operating condition, on live samples of biological interest. This is a unique opportunity for training in the most advanced technologiesAffiche Post MiFoBio in functional microscopy. These workshops are designed to complete various imaging devices: microscopes super resolution multiphoton, small animal imaging, FLIM / FCS CARS .. provided by the industrial partners of the school or by research teams in the case of prototype systems. Several workshops computer are also introduced for the analysis and processing of data. The basic rule of the School is that industrial undertake to allow full autonomy to scientific systems available. Piloting workshops for academic and not by industrial is indeed a key to the success of these practices phases.

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that the second edition of the France-BioImaging Advanced Training (FBI-AT) took place on 9-13 December 2013 in Gif-sur-Yvette (Essonne).

Thanks to all participants!

2nd edition of the “France-BioImaging Advanced Training” course,

an initiative of the GDR 2588 Microscopie et Imagerie du Vivant

9th -13th December 2013

  The FBI-AT course alternates classes, small group courses, practical courses and trans-module training.


  • 3D + time imaging of developing model organisms
  • Dynamics of membrane proteins in plant cells
  • Biosensors
  • Molecular dynamics
  • Super-resolution Imaging
  • Bio-Image informatics

advanced microscopy meets biology at different scales


Saturday August 30th, 9h-12h – Palais des Congrès, Paris

Preliminary programRegistration until July 31st


France-BioImaging is the laureate, in the field of Biological Imaging, of a national initiative to support the access to innovative research to a wide scientific, medical and industrial community throughout France, Europe and beyond.


Full understanding of life processes relies on the development of new technologies enabling the multiscale observation and quantification of biological systems.


At the frontier between molecular and cell biology, biophysics and engineering, mathematics and bioinformatics, France-BioImaging gathers, in a coordinated infrastructure unique in France, several outstanding cellular imaging centers supported by laboratories for state-of the art R&D with the aim to give faster access to advanced imaging techniques and methods to a wide scientific community and to participate to socio-economical development through industrial partnerships and innovations.


This meeting is intended for the whole community of researchers (research fellows, engineers, PhD candidates, students) to illustrate how to answer diverse biological questions using innovative imaging solutions.


Admission is open to participants of the main FEBS EMBO conference but restricted to the first 120 registered persons. Please register here before July 31st (free of charge).



  • 9h00 – 9h30: France-BioImaging: the French National Research Infrastructure for Biological Imaging, with Jean Salamero, FR , Nadine Peyrieras, FR
  • 9h30 – 9h55: Correlating live cell and super resolution microscopy to study the melanogenesis using the CryoCapsule, with Xavier Heiligenstein, FR
  • 9h55 – 10h20: Objective comparison of particle tracking methods Nicolas Chenouard, US
  • 10h20 – 10h45: Building the inner ear: proneural gene requirements in cellular dynamics of neurosensory development, with Cristina Pujades, ES
  • 10h45 – 11h10: 3D Architecture of a bacterial DNA segregation apparatus: stochastic ParB self-assembly nucleated from the centromere, with Diego Cattoni, FR
  • 11h10 – 11h35: Polarized fluorescence microscopy, a new tool to decipher structural information in bio-imaging, with Alla Kress, FR
  • 11h35 – 12h00: Round Table : Accessing France BioImaging services. Partners’ projects and users’ expectations.

We are pleased to inform you that the 2012 edition of the MiFoBio took place on 3-9 October 2012 in Talmont Saint Hilaire – Vendée – France

We thank all the organizers and participants who contributed to the school of knowledge and know-how of biomicroscopy and bioimaging.

MiFoBio 2012

An initiative of the GDR 2588 Microscopie and the RTmfm/MRCT
With the CNRS Continuing Education and INSERM permanent training
Courses, debates, workshops

FBI Grand

France-BioImaging Kick-Off meeting allows to gather the whole FBI community, node coordinators, associated teams, engineers and “fixed-term contracts” recruited on the FBI project, but also the main users of our facilities and collaborators.


One part of the meeting will consist in the presentation of up-to-date information, (governance, SAB, user access, user committee, EuroBioImaging,…) and talks of invited speakers in plenary session.


The other part will consist in the actualization of the Working Groups (WGs) that have in charge the coordination and management of the different Work Packages (WPs). To be efficient, WGs will work in groups of less than 20 persons to define the advancement of works already done, the ongoing projects and eventual collaborations between nodes. These WGs will work in parallel sessions and a restitution of their work will stand in plenary session.




You are very welcome to register here.


Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information or any help for your reservation of accommodation in Paris.