Electron Microscopy course

Electron microscopy PhD course
15th to 20th of October 2017, Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy, University of Copenhagen.
All details are available here: http://cfim.ku.dk/events/em-2017/
The course provides an essential grounding in the basic principles of electron microscopy, including electron optics, electromagnetic lenses, principles of transmission and scanning electron microscopy, electron sources, vacuum systems, specimen-electron interactions and diffraction. Biological specimen preparation will constitute a major part of the course, including methods of chemical fixation and cryo-preservation. Finally, advanced electron microscope techniques such as Cryo-techniques, immunogold labeling, electron tomography, and data analysis/visualization will be introduced towards the end of the course. The state-of-the-art facilities available at CFIM allow for a strong practical element, with time for each student to gain hands-on experience of both transmission and scanning electron microscopes. The course will be run by experienced microscopists in a relaxed atmosphere with the aim of promoting discussion and exchange of ideas between students and tutors.
The registration deadline is the 15th of September 2017.