NEUBIAS conference 2018: Training Schools, Taggathon and Symposium
A message from the organizers:
Registration to the Bioimage Analysis Symposium of the 2nd NEUBIAS conference, in Szeged (Hungary), 31/01 to 02/02, 2018, is IMMINENTLY CLOSING !
We have extended the registration deadline to January 10th, 6pm (CET).
The Network of European Bioimage Analysts (NEUBIAS) is happy to confirm:
– 35+ talks with Keynotes Gaudenz Danuser, Gene Myers and Marleen DeBruijne,
– 70+ posters
– 22 Software packages in live demo at the Open source Software Lounge
– 4 industry workshops
– Call4help: A special BioImage Data Clinics session for participants to present and tackle their analysis problem with experts
– 220+ participants
– Free shuttles set from Budapest airport for NEUBIAS participants. You can access the current program here:
The NEUBIAS conference is a forum to exchange the newest findings, applications, and cutting-edge developments in Bioimage Analysis, machine learning, data mining, and storage. European Bioimage Analysts organize this event bringing together an international, interdisciplinary community of about 250 leading scientists in the life and computer sciences. The 3-days Symposium reflects the need to foster the networking between image analysis Developers and their end-users. The interest and needs for image processing in life sciences are heavily growing, a reality that is reflected by the success of earlier events of NEUBIAS in Lisbon in February 2017.
The organizing committee is assembling a top-notch program featuring both academic and industry presenters which will include Image restoration, storage & management, 3D & 4D image analysis, tools for high content analysis, data mining and open source developments. Aside from plenary talks and abstract presentations, we will have dedicated “Call 4 Help” sessions to team up tool providers with life scientists facing roadblocks in their image analysis, and two satellite “training schools” for “early career scientists” and “advanced Bioimage Analysts”. NEUBIAS Symposium will also feature the latest updates on open source software tools, components, and packages, in plenary talks and during the “Open Source Software Lounge” session which has been a great success in Lisbon, and where participants can meet developers and power users of a wide range of Open tools for Bioimage analysis in Live demo format.
The 2nd Annual Conference of NEUBIAS, gathering the whole BioImage Analysis Community into a multi-faceted event, offers two Training schools, a Working Meeting (Taggathon) and a Large Symposium dedicated to Scientific Developments and Open Tools in BioImage Analysis.
Training Schools:
- Training School #6: Bioimage Analysis for your research (for Early Career Investigators)
“Learn how to build Bioimage Analysis workflows across software tools & scripts”Digital image processing (DIP), Building workflows 2D, 3D & time-lapse, Extracting numerical data from bioimages, Toolboxes, Workflow automation (scripting).Sessions to solve your problem with an Analyst. - Training School #7: Advanced Bioimage Analysis Workflows (for Bioimage Analysts)“Practical access to latest bioimage analysis workflows and their components.”Workflow Deconstruction, Algorithms of Workflow Components, Forums, Implementation
Registration to the Training Schools open until November 9th, 2017.
Topics Highlights of the Symposium
BioImage Analysis in Life Science, Developments, Machine Learning, Bioimage Data Mining, Storage, etc…
Open source Software Lounge, Call4help, Open Tools, Industry workshops, Panel Discussions, more…
Registration to the Symposium open until January 10th, 2018.
Abstracts submission deadline: November 11th, 2017.